It was mortu, duchess, marichka, blademaster drex for me, but it took nearly 400 turns because on 4 occasions i had him almost dead and he healed up with a missed block heals...
I really do not enjoy fighting this boss if i am honest.
he never got big heals for me ... but I killed him in the wrong form 3 damn times...
It was mortu, duchess, marichka, blademaster drex for me, but it took nearly 400 turns because on 4 occasions i had him almost dead and he healed up with a missed block heals...
I really do not enjoy fighting this boss if i am honest.
Hit auto, come back later. win. Artak plus good support makes this rotation easy. I think the mechanics make it more likely to kill in alternate form.
monthly bump for my team this month. I want to thank plarium for nerfing solo teams and making me waste 1.5 hours killing the boss over and over while he acts buggy never targeting the same person, sometimes killing sometimes not.
This fight feels like alwful rng that I bash my head against until I get the outcome I was looking for while doing nothing different.
So, what's on people's shortlist this time around? I haven't really done much poking at it yet, but I'm guessing I'll be doing something like Ninja + 2x Doompriest + Drath + [some ATK down champ]
dont over think it with too much support or reflex gear this month. I have faith you will kill him without the usual struggle.
ratholos+ninja is a good starting point.