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Champion rebalancing coming?

Champion rebalancing coming?

Dec 28, 2023, 04:3412/28/23

Champion rebalancing coming?

Has there been any news in regards to balancing a bunch of champions in the game? There just seem to be so many leggos, especially void leggos who are just so medicore that even a lot of epics do a better job at than them. It would be great to see some kind of big rebalancing take place to make some mediocre champs actually perform very well so it's not always just the same meta teams all the time.

Does anyone have any info if this is going to happen? (Example, give blind seer a passive ability?)

Dec 28, 2023, 05:0912/28/23

The aim seems to be to give more of a focus on rebalances in 2024, with Angar/Fortus being the first two, though we don't know a hard date on those yet. 

Dec 28, 2023, 05:2412/28/23

Good old angry. Let's see what they can do with him. Hopin that Nobel's on that shortlist too, seein as I have four of him :) Probably wouldn't even take too much effort to make him usable - just change the A3 to a 100% TM reduction instead of a 50%, so that it triggers his passive, and suddenly he's now useful.

Dec 28, 2023, 05:4512/28/23

Good old angry. Let's see what they can do with him. Hopin that Nobel's on that shortlist too, seein as I have four of him :) Probably wouldn't even take too much effort to make him usable - just change the A3 to a 100% TM reduction instead of a 50%, so that it triggers his passive, and suddenly he's now useful.

I'm hopeful Angar gets pretty much a complete rework, or a real big push here...

Quite a few void leggos could use some love, so I'm hopeful to see some volume in terms of buffs. 

Nobel is in a rough spot, only real use other than FG is empowering Ninja. 

Dec 28, 2023, 06:0912/28/23

I'm hopeful Angar gets pretty much a complete rework, or a real big push here...

Quite a few void leggos could use some love, so I'm hopeful to see some volume in terms of buffs. 

Nobel is in a rough spot, only real use other than FG is empowering Ninja. 

My "easy solution" for Angar - change his A1 to be an AoE instead of single-target attack. Then, between that and a Provoke set and his passive, he has a good chance of being able to lock down entire teams, sorta like Khoronar does.

Dec 28, 2023, 06:1712/28/23
Dec 28, 2023, 06:17(edited)

I suppose that could have some utility in Doom Tower/FW/Cursed City/etc. for folks. Just hoping for more. :)

He's pretty screwed in PvP right now, unfortunately. 

Dec 28, 2023, 10:4012/28/23

I suppose that could have some utility in Doom Tower/FW/Cursed City/etc. for folks. Just hoping for more. :)

He's pretty screwed in PvP right now, unfortunately. 

Which would be fine, if he had any use anywhere else.

Dec 28, 2023, 14:0712/28/23
Dec 28, 2023, 14:08(edited)

I'm hopeful Angar gets pretty much a complete rework, or a real big push here...

Quite a few void leggos could use some love, so I'm hopeful to see some volume in terms of buffs. 

Nobel is in a rough spot, only real use other than FG is empowering Ninja. 

Nobel does his job of making Ninja better VERY well :D

And from what I understand, Angar and Fortus are just the first two, and should be happening early 2024.

Jan 1, 2024, 01:0501/01/24

I seem to pull every useless void Lego in the game

In the last 6 months I have pulled

Raglin- ok for early game but not a void Lego

Rakka- useless, god knows why rated quite high

Blind seer- not even good enough for an epic

And i got home from tonight's new year's eve festivities and pulled tuemesia, worse than the freebie artak. Only useful for early game

You shouldn't sigh when pulling a void Lego, I hope they are balanced

Jan 1, 2024, 01:2401/01/24
Trevor Wilson

I seem to pull every useless void Lego in the game

In the last 6 months I have pulled

Raglin- ok for early game but not a void Lego

Rakka- useless, god knows why rated quite high

Blind seer- not even good enough for an epic

And i got home from tonight's new year's eve festivities and pulled tuemesia, worse than the freebie artak. Only useful for early game

You shouldn't sigh when pulling a void Lego, I hope they are balanced seem to be very happy to just rant...and you are wrong in at least 50% of your cases. 

Blind Seer is a heavy carrier for Scrab in DT, also in Faction Wars...not a strong void leggo but a decent one.

Teumesia only useful in early game? 

She is one of my most used champions and I think she is one of the most useful void leggos.

She is in my classic/3vs3 teams because she can stun the whole enemy team...maybe not in Plat, but in Gold 5 it is sufficient.

Hydra - one of the key champs as she places those burners through the poison shield and she hits reasonably hard with her other skills. 

Spider/Dragon/Ice Golem...great for wave control and hp burners

Doom Tower...great for all floors and especially good against Frost Spider and Dark Fae...

Only useful in early game? Perhaps you should actually play her...

Jan 1, 2024, 01:3401/01/24
Jan 1, 2024, 01:52(edited)
Matrim seem to be very happy to just rant...and you are wrong in at least 50% of your cases. 

Blind Seer is a heavy carrier for Scrab in DT, also in Faction Wars...not a strong void leggo but a decent one.

Teumesia only useful in early game? 

She is one of my most used champions and I think she is one of the most useful void leggos.

She is in my classic/3vs3 teams because she can stun the whole enemy team...maybe not in Plat, but in Gold 5 it is sufficient.

Hydra - one of the key champs as she places those burners through the poison shield and she hits reasonably hard with her other skills. 

Spider/Dragon/Ice Golem...great for wave control and hp burners

Doom Tower...great for all floors and especially good against Frost Spider and Dark Fae...

Only useful in early game? Perhaps you should actually play her...

Ranting? It's an opinion and it is unlike you to be aggressive matrim

Blind seer- if past early / mid game who cares about faction wars? And blood shield makes scarab trivial 

I never see teumesia in tag

DT - will take your word for it, i run a seer team

Spider? Most people just nuke hard ten down in 4 or 5 turns nowadays? Either with big nukes or by abusing hex. Surely the days of hp burn on spider are over

Anyway despite disagreeing on this, happy new year to you and to all the forumites ;)

Jan 1, 2024, 01:5901/01/24
Trevor Wilson

Ranting? It's an opinion and it is unlike you to be aggressive matrim

Blind seer- if past early / mid game who cares about faction wars? And blood shield makes scarab trivial 

I never see teumesia in tag

DT - will take your word for it, i run a seer team

Spider? Most people just nuke hard ten down in 4 or 5 turns nowadays? Either with big nukes or by abusing hex. Surely the days of hp burn on spider are over

Anyway despite disagreeing on this, happy new year to you and to all the forumites ;)

Happy new year to you as well...and I agree with your statement that you shouldn't sigh when pulling a void leggo.

I just took a look into my vault and I see many voids there...multiple Jingwons being always a source for immediate frustration ..Angar...Inithwe...*sigh*

Jan 1, 2024, 02:1301/01/24

Happy new year to you as well...and I agree with your statement that you shouldn't sigh when pulling a void leggo.

I just took a look into my vault and I see many voids there...multiple Jingwons being always a source for immediate frustration ..Angar...Inithwe...*sigh*

Yeh I have a jingwon as well 

I do agree there are many worse Legos by far than Tuemesia btw. The DT hard champs from gomlok onwards are poor and although I will be crucified for saying it I don't think ramantu reflects the effort in obtaining him (I do use him tag but wukong is better and ramantu is niche). Compare him to Lydia who is a bonus to any account despite far less effort to get

Jan 1, 2024, 03:1801/01/24

Happy new year to you as well...and I agree with your statement that you shouldn't sigh when pulling a void leggo.

I just took a look into my vault and I see many voids there...multiple Jingwons being always a source for immediate frustration ..Angar...Inithwe...*sigh*

I will not stand for the Inithwe slander 😔

he's a good lad in arena. 

Jan 1, 2024, 03:5501/01/24

I mean I think we're all at a point where the only time we cheer at a lego pull is when it ends up being a dupe for the hall :)

Jan 1, 2024, 03:5901/01/24

I mean I think we're all at a point where the only time we cheer at a lego pull is when it ends up being a dupe for the hall :)

i do like getting a dupe for FG but i also enjoy getting a random leggo i dont have .. maybe it will help or push an area of the game :P Anything but blue sparkles makes me cheer ! P:

Jan 1, 2024, 13:0701/01/24

i do like getting a dupe for FG but i also enjoy getting a random leggo i dont have .. maybe it will help or push an area of the game :P Anything but blue sparkles makes me cheer ! P:

I get where kram is coming from though for sure.. there are maybe five or six Legos I actually want now, other than that it's just about finishing faction guardians

Although.. cursed city may change that, I took a tonne of Legos out of vault and built them for cursed city

Jan 1, 2024, 13:4001/01/24
Trevor Wilson

I get where kram is coming from though for sure.. there are maybe five or six Legos I actually want now, other than that it's just about finishing faction guardians

Although.. cursed city may change that, I took a tonne of Legos out of vault and built them for cursed city

Right there with you.  Even with Cursed City it feels like the ones I'm missing are so few and far between I'll never get them.

Jan 1, 2024, 19:2201/01/24

I mean I think we're all at a point where the only time we cheer at a lego pull is when it ends up being a dupe for the hall :)

I need more nukers, please and thanks!

Jan 1, 2024, 19:5401/01/24

I need more nukers, please and thanks!

2024 and Quinn can finally say "more" nukers and not "a" nuker.

Jan 1, 2024, 20:0501/01/24

2024 and Quinn can finally say "more" nukers and not "a" nuker.


so many years without lol