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Live arena

Live arena

Dec 26, 2023, 14:5712/26/23

Live arena

Im about 4 months in to the game and a few days ago i stepped in to Live arena to explore that part, but wow i have never seen anything this noob unfriendly thing ever in a game. Why exactly do i face players that are level 100 and have played for years and keeps one shotting me? I would really not mind a longer queue just to get to even have a slight chance or to actually get to do anything at all, just one tiny attack with one champion.. Am i just too late to come in to this game?

Dec 26, 2023, 16:2312/26/23

@OP    I have a friend at my RL work place who has echoed that same feeling to me as  he often comes up to me during work to discuss RAID

He actually told me that I am his HH  in RL....ROFLMAO   as I am soooo NOOB compared to HH

anyway.........I agree that LIVE arena needs some reworks and as  most CC have said on YouTube = few  play it......I personally only play it occasionally (like 1 time per 2 weeks) .....The only reason I do in fact play it is not the rewards but the ability to upgrade  other areas of the game with the currency given as rewards

So sorry I do not have the solution but  a similar experience from a  mid game players perspective (11  mil power account)

Dec 26, 2023, 16:2812/26/23

I am surprised that there are still level 100's in the lower tiers.

Dec 26, 2023, 18:1312/26/23

I am surprised that there are still level 100's in the lower tiers.

The point depreciation seems to stop at a certain point. I haven't played live arena in ages, but I'm still at 1300 pts. If I randomly decide to play a game, I'd likely be matched up against people like the OP.

Dec 26, 2023, 18:3712/26/23

High end players probably dont need those bonuses as much, so they just dont run live arena im thinking?

And when they do run just for lulz then they are met with beginners 😁

Im doing it when i see its up to get some clan boss and hydra bonuses but other than that i too dont sweat about it every day.

Dec 26, 2023, 18:5912/26/23

High end players probably dont need those bonuses as much, so they just dont run live arena im thinking?

And when they do run just for lulz then they are met with beginners 😁

Im doing it when i see its up to get some clan boss and hydra bonuses but other than that i too dont sweat about it every day.

Most people I've talked to that don't do it cite the time required as being the biggest put off. 

Dec 26, 2023, 23:2612/26/23

Most people I've talked to that don't do it cite the time required as being the biggest put off. 

Honestly, a combination of time required and time of day when it is active, for me. Really isn't great for people in EST, surprisingly. Either ends up being during work, or too late in the evening for me to be interested in bothering.

Dec 26, 2023, 23:5112/26/23

Honestly, a combination of time required and time of day when it is active, for me. Really isn't great for people in EST, surprisingly. Either ends up being during work, or too late in the evening for me to be interested in bothering.

Classic and Live both suffer from this..... times aren't set for us western hemisphere players, except maybe for PST folks who get some okay times that aren't 2-4am for everything. haha 

Dec 27, 2023, 00:0812/27/23

I am surprised that there are still level 100's in the lower tiers.

I mean i just reached lv100 and i barely play any live arena .. im bronze for the next 2 yrs or so at this rate .. 

Dec 27, 2023, 17:5312/27/23

Honestly, a combination of time required and time of day when it is active, for me. Really isn't great for people in EST, surprisingly. Either ends up being during work, or too late in the evening for me to be interested in bothering.

Yeah I definitely suffer from the time frame issue.  One window I'm sleeping, 2 I'm at work so leaves very limited time to play.

Dec 27, 2023, 18:2012/27/23

+1 to the time investment, the times when it happens being an issue for me. (though maybe I'll go at it more with Georgid, lol)

I could really use more Hydra bonuses (especially ignore defense) but it's just tough to find the time to do all the things. Live Arena falls by the wayside, unfortunately.

Dec 27, 2023, 20:1412/27/23
Dec 27, 2023, 20:14(edited)

I am surprised that there are still level 100's in the lower tiers.

I am bronze 1, and still intending to play the mode at some point :)

I did 3 fights when it opened, one timed out and i got nothing, and i didnt play it again.

I hope i dont annoy people like the OP when i finally do so.

Dec 27, 2023, 21:4812/27/23

+1 to the time investment, the times when it happens being an issue for me. (though maybe I'll go at it more with Georgid, lol)

I could really use more Hydra bonuses (especially ignore defense) but it's just tough to find the time to do all the things. Live Arena falls by the wayside, unfortunately.

It definitely feels like the worst ROI for the time.  Area Bonuses are nice but the sets are mediocre.  The quartz is good but needing 35 wins takes a toll.

Dec 28, 2023, 00:5112/28/23

I am L100 and doubt that I have playerd 20 battles.  Is it worth it for me to make time for this for the bonuses?  Being retired, I have a lot of flex time.  

Dec 28, 2023, 04:5212/28/23

I am L100 and doubt that I have playerd 20 battles.  Is it worth it for me to make time for this for the bonuses?  Being retired, I have a lot of flex time.  

not for the bonuses alone, no. they can be quite helpful, particularly for hydra, but they're not so essential that you should force yourself to do LA just to get them.

really, the deciding factor for if you should do live is whether you want to or not. i played it regularly for a while and enjoyed it, but i eventually quit when it stopped being fun. the bonuses are nice little cherry on top, but if you're not having fun then you're better off finding another way to spend your time.

Dec 28, 2023, 05:1112/28/23
Dec 28, 2023, 05:12(edited)

I am L100 and doubt that I have playerd 20 battles.  Is it worth it for me to make time for this for the bonuses?  Being retired, I have a lot of flex time.  

To add on to what Carpe said: completely agree with just doing it if you want to. There's really so much to do in the game now with Cursed City, Tag, Live, Hydra, etc. that it comes down to what you want to do or prioritize in game. A lot of those places should help you expand in some combination of resources and gear, too. 

Dec 29, 2023, 19:5812/29/23

To add on to what Carpe said: completely agree with just doing it if you want to. There's really so much to do in the game now with Cursed City, Tag, Live, Hydra, etc. that it comes down to what you want to do or prioritize in game. A lot of those places should help you expand in some combination of resources and gear, too. 

Its all about ROI with respect to time, i dont feel live arena is a good investment on limited time personally. 

Dec 29, 2023, 20:1612/29/23
Trevor Wilson

Its all about ROI with respect to time, i dont feel live arena is a good investment on limited time personally. 

Tough to argue with that. I certainly can't because live really does end up being one of the last things I get to when I play - if at all. 

Jan 1, 2024, 15:1801/01/24

Should maybe give an little update about this live arena situation, after playing 5-10 games daily for two weeks i decided there is absolutely no point in keep going. Nothing changed and i keep facing people that have been into the game for years. I really wish they would take more factors in to the matchmaking system, maybe player power and time in the game and not go purely on the rating. 

So yea, i really can't see how anyone thats new in the game could possible enjoy live arena. 

Jan 7, 2024, 01:4601/07/24

Live Arena is just a "how much did you spend" check if u have spend a lot than u climb or maybe if u played this game 5 years+ to have the champs + gear...

Its just a tool to let big spenders show who has the biggest "D" and has absolutely nothing to do with PvP or PvP Balancing in any way. 

If u wanna make Live Arena PvP and Fun make all champs useable for everyone in live arena everything maxed out but let them still choose the gear set to wear on each champ+masteries.

So the winning conditions are pick/ban,sets and abilities (timing in battle) and than u can talk bout some sort of skill based balanced arena.

But for now its no Arena/PvP gamer friendly content its just another Plarium Money Milking Tool to make their "strong buyers" feel better.


Jan 7, 2024, 09:5901/07/24

Live Arena is just a "how much did you spend" check if u have spend a lot than u climb or maybe if u played this game 5 years+ to have the champs + gear...

Its just a tool to let big spenders show who has the biggest "D" and has absolutely nothing to do with PvP or PvP Balancing in any way. 

If u wanna make Live Arena PvP and Fun make all champs useable for everyone in live arena everything maxed out but let them still choose the gear set to wear on each champ+masteries.

So the winning conditions are pick/ban,sets and abilities (timing in battle) and than u can talk bout some sort of skill based balanced arena.

But for now its no Arena/PvP gamer friendly content its just another Plarium Money Milking Tool to make their "strong buyers" feel better.


Have to disagree with this arguement

I am a spender but do not see how your arguement helps me at all in Live arena

anyway , I like the bonuses  you get from live arena that can boost your other gameplay performance

I suck at Live arena and  honestly even if I spent an extra $1000 a  month do not believe it would change my situation. So I have stopped doing Live arena these  last few weeks and I continue to drop in ranking and score

The hope is when I return to live arena(and I will)  that the first matches will be easy and I can get some more medals to upgrade something else and improve my account

the ranking system will likely match me up against much weaker  opponents for awhile
