pieces like this end up not having that good of a home if at all, in your shoes
the good news is that'll be a sick fw nuker piece
Just a PSA for you mods, new content was added that requires gearing a few extra champs.... so a little leeway on speed is now warranted :)
But yes Q, Im a luck sack like mr canada and hit speed on the hidden stat LOL
Just a PSA for you mods, new content was added that requires gearing a few extra champs.... so a little leeway on speed is now warranted :)
But yes Q, Im a luck sack like mr canada and hit speed on the hidden stat LOL
I have like 1200 pieces just sitting around doing nothing, no leeway is required :D
And ofc it was speed, think your hiding it fooled me? LOL
Decided to go set by set .. if the set seems to be low on inventory or not having X slot of gear and few other outlier ... Cleansing them one by one keeping the outliers , any already+16 and any with sub stat speed and all boots(that havent been rerolled with chaos ore yet to turn into speed boots.. did 16 set cleansed since i posted ..
Sold a good 200 pieces or so ^^ still have 800ish unequipped but 20 sets to go
Personally, what I did - and this took me a *long* time to do, but was worth it in the end -
After applying the "easy" filters to sell - EG, sell all rare items and anything 5* and below - I used the priority filter to set speed as high priority. Then, I removed set filters, and scrolled to the bottom, and sold everything without speed. After that, I took every single item I had and rolled it to 8 if it was epic, and if it didn't hit speed, I put it aside. If it did, I rolled it to 12. I rolled every single lego to 12 as well.
Now, during art enhance, I again sort by speed, and filter by lego/mythic only. From the top, I roll all my 12s to 16, until I reach art enhance requirements. Once I'm done with all my legos, I'll then do all my epics that hit speed twice. Ezpz.