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How pay to win is this game?

How pay to win is this game?

Sep 28, 2023, 12:0209/28/23

How pay to win is this game?

I am looking for a chill game I can play during work breaks etc. However, RAID got massively advertised via Twitch etc. which usually means that the game is BRUTALLY pay to win. How much fun can you have f2p? Let's assume Diablo Immortal is a 10/10 in terms of pay to win, which rating would you give RAID 

mod note: removed sussy link

Sep 28, 2023, 12:1309/28/23

Free to Play, Pay to Progress Faster

I don't have any issues being F2P

Sep 28, 2023, 12:2409/28/23

Quinn nailed it.  Spending money in the game doesn't do much except let you progress faster.  Everything in game can be completed without spending money, albeit at a slower pace.  

A better question is what kind of games do you like?  Raid is a slow burn, grind it out type of game if that's your style. 

Sep 28, 2023, 15:1009/28/23

You can do almost anything as a f2p player in pve.

PVP on the other hand you will be with the rest of us in Gold 5. I don't know any other game which would be more p2w than RAIDS - speaking of pvp and Tournaments. If you just play pve and don't focus on those you're fine as f2p.

Sep 28, 2023, 15:4609/28/23

To be honest the free legendaries they give out on this game are more than solid. If you stick with the game for any period of time you will end up with a good roster. Especially if you do you research first. I would have a significantly better roster had I studied a little about fusions early in the game and how to build a team.

You aren't going to be a top tier player but you don't need to be to enjoy everything in the game. This isn't a game where you cannot play parts of it without paying money. It is a time soak. If you want a fast game where you can be close to maxxed out quickly, this is not the game for you.

Sep 28, 2023, 20:4409/28/23

20 out of 10 rating.....

Lets assume (as you say)  that you play Raid at your own level and not something you are  not ;)

Sep 29, 2023, 03:0009/29/23

Its p2w period, only items not falling under p2w are cosmetic items in games, as soon as you can even buy exp scroll or whatever it becomes p2w. Its a definition every person who has ever played a game agrees on.

So the thing is, while im on my PC i switch between things i do, one of them being raid, i can stretch out my daily resources for some time that way, but lets be honest, if we wanted to speedrun we would wake up, and be done with all the quests and resources an hour after...and then what? Isnt a game supposed to be played, and there you sit with nothing to do.

Thats pretty much raid 😁

Sep 29, 2023, 03:3009/29/23

It's not even remotely p2w. It's pay to ... save time playing, I guess? Which is rather silly really, since the whole point of playing is ... to play.

Sep 29, 2023, 06:0509/29/23

I buy monthly gem pack for $10 and forge pass for $20.  I spend so that I dont feel as stressed saving for fusions or a task that I need to complete.  I can play any part of the game that I wish.  Maybe not with the same high quality gear that whales purchase, but I dont care.  This is for me.  

Sep 29, 2023, 06:0909/29/23

Its pay to win. Free to progress up to a point.

You can get to a certain level and complete the content. Some ftp players that have been playing for 50000000000 hours might even hit the low end of platinum occasionally.  But the very top players that compete for the top platinum spots etc are generally krakens spending a ridiculous amount on the game. 

Features that have been introduced since i started playing have made it more ptw (empowerment, high level awakening bonuses, paid for sets from the forge)

Sep 29, 2023, 16:2309/29/23

I would argue it is 0% p2w... Unlimited f2p content with no limitations on what you can accomplish with time. 

Also @mods this is a reddit copy 😆 

Sep 29, 2023, 16:4809/29/23

Being able to progress as a free account doesnt meant its not p2w this is ridiculous, maybe if youve only ever played raid shadow legends but out there, in the sea of mmo-s as soon as a game offers any advantage using real money, however small, its automatically considered p2w. Only cosmetics are not p2w, one of few games that strives only on cosmetics is path of exile for example

Sep 29, 2023, 17:3509/29/23

Being able to progress as a free account doesnt meant its not p2w this is ridiculous, maybe if youve only ever played raid shadow legends but out there, in the sea of mmo-s as soon as a game offers any advantage using real money, however small, its automatically considered p2w. Only cosmetics are not p2w, one of few games that strives only on cosmetics is path of exile for example

I am f2p. I have accomplished just about everything.  Only two things not. 

1. Plat finish. Never tried due to time zone. But I am fairly confident I could do it this week if I tried.

2. 1 key unm... cuz I'm a lazy stubborn ahold

Oh. I'm currently at 3250ish in live so almost G2. Probably get to G3 close to end of year unless I actually start trying instead of just floating up with the tide.

That meets my definition of winning. Now if I define it as top 1 or top 10.... well that just doesn't make sense to me.

Sep 29, 2023, 17:4509/29/23

Ya but wallets can make all you did happen real fast, sure you all can say its pay to progress but all it is is fat people saying they are thick boned 

Sep 29, 2023, 18:3209/29/23

I would argue it is 0% p2w... Unlimited f2p content with no limitations on what you can accomplish with time. 

Also @mods this is a reddit copy 😆 

Too late now, I leave it

Sep 29, 2023, 18:3509/29/23

Ya but wallets can make all you did happen real fast, sure you all can say its pay to progress but all it is is fat people saying they are thick boned 

Point of a game is to play the game. Those people who pay to try and skip to where I am, well they are missing out on all the time I got playing the game. My plat finishes didn't cost me anything.

So at my kindest, I would call your analogy spurious at a minimum.

Sep 29, 2023, 19:5409/29/23

I just dont understand why this ridiculous dance around the obvious fact that its p2w is necessary, nothing will change for us, raid will still be there tomorrow, we will still play it tomorrow lol

Simple example, fusions, as we have fusions up at all times apparently now, me a f2p versus a spender, starting without preparing equals me not getting a fusion and spender getting it

Saying that f2p should prepare would be taking those dancing lessons again

Sep 29, 2023, 20:2909/29/23
Sep 29, 2023, 20:31(edited)

I just dont understand why this ridiculous dance around the obvious fact that its p2w is necessary, nothing will change for us, raid will still be there tomorrow, we will still play it tomorrow lol

Simple example, fusions, as we have fusions up at all times apparently now, me a f2p versus a spender, starting without preparing equals me not getting a fusion and spender getting it

Saying that f2p should prepare would be taking those dancing lessons again

Well, that "dance" has to do with you being wrong.

If one is willing to be smart, manage resources intelligently then one can absolutely do everything in the game except top level Plat arena if they're willing to spend the time to do so.

your argument is essentially that your account - or any in this cherry picked hypothetical - can't do a 500m sprint before it walks. so yes, those who don't top chest UNM/NM, save shards for fusions in lieu of 2x, etc. aren't going to be fusion ready.

Sep 29, 2023, 20:3609/29/23

What an account can or cannot do in long term doesnt matter a single bit, the argument is, that if i wanted, i could open my wallet and have ancients and sacreds and energy come towards me on a conveyor belt without end in sight, you cant do that as a f2p, am i speaking in chinese here

Sep 29, 2023, 20:4509/29/23

You're making a facetious argument. P2W is typically a phrase people use to describe a game that *cannot be won* without paying. Plenty of games offer avenues to speed up progression by paying. It's literally the business model that drives the majority of mobile games. Calling this game P2W makes people think that they cannot progress without paying, which is far from true.

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