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Live Arena Fix

Live Arena Fix

May 30, 2023, 12:1905/30/23
May 30, 2023, 12:20(edited)

I don't mind the changes. One one hand, the match-making is actually worse than it was. My 1550 points getting matched with 1800+ players. But, here's what's funny, it's actually a time saver LOL. When i see this, the battle takes 0 minutes, i just leave. And reversely, it happens i fight guys with 1350 points, and they auto-leave on me. So in fact, my 10 runs take less time now than they used to.

yea, I do that a lot myself when as soon as I see the combo of Ninja and Aleksandr. Depends on how I feel most of the time I just do it on Ninja because they know 9 out of 10 times most will pick him to ban so they still bring who they want because of it.

May 30, 2023, 15:4105/30/23
End Is Near

still a majpr headache to deal with the 30 min wait time on an apparant tie. I came up with an alternate activity (play another game) while waiting for the Raid game to finish, but now that is hosed up also.

I keep getting the blue screen of death, which is a plarium message that the game is having issues and I am presented with a choice of continuimg or contacting support.  This happens way too often, multiple times in every battle.  If I am not watching to press "continue", then I will get booted on the game, they say I left it and dock me point or two.  Obviously this  is a Plarium trick to keep you engaged even in a dead deal.

Please change the 30 min limit to 12 or so.

If you are regularly getting 30 minute ties you are probably running too defensive of a team. That said, they need to have ramping damage in the live arena after 10 minutes. 

May 30, 2023, 15:4705/30/23

If you are regularly getting 30 minute ties you are probably running too defensive of a team. That said, they need to have ramping damage in the live arena after 10 minutes. 

Ramping damage is an interesting concept.  Do you feel that would be more interesting or beneficial than a shorter time limit with a different tie breaker mechanic? 

May 30, 2023, 16:0405/30/23

Ramping damage is an interesting concept.  Do you feel that would be more interesting or beneficial than a shorter time limit with a different tie breaker mechanic? 

Without knowing the different mechanics I cannot comment. I do think the time is just too long. By 15 minutes you already know if the game is going to be a draw. Often times when I hit this point I either just quit or if I am feeling ornry I will go on auto and walk away from my device. 

I would find the mechanic of ramping damage interresting. It is one more mechanic to use. If I see a certain team build I might build my team to take advanage of the mechanic to win a battle that I normally would not. 

May 30, 2023, 16:3405/30/23

Ramping damage is an interesting concept.  Do you feel that would be more interesting or beneficial than a shorter time limit with a different tie breaker mechanic? 

No ramping damage

No tiebreaker

Reducing maximum time is best option.  And definitely reduce champ selection time.  And auto pick/attack once AFK.

May 30, 2023, 17:2705/30/23

With the recent update to inflate ranks, there are more opportunities to be matched with opponents who are stronger than you are.

When I am matched with such opponents, I will intentionally form a team that is extremely hard to die and fight for a full 30 minutes while playing other games or watching movies and occasionally looking at the Raid game screen.

Impatient players who want to play as many live arena battles as possible can't stand this and will leave the room.

It is ironic that this is the strategy that I have the highest winning percentage against higher ranked players in the current 

May 30, 2023, 17:3105/30/23

With the recent update to inflate ranks, there are more opportunities to be matched with opponents who are stronger than you are.

When I am matched with such opponents, I will intentionally form a team that is extremely hard to die and fight for a full 30 minutes while playing other games or watching movies and occasionally looking at the Raid game screen.

Impatient players who want to play as many live arena battles as possible can't stand this and will leave the room.

It is ironic that this is the strategy that I have the highest winning percentage against higher ranked players in the current 

Yah I have done that too, only I have been more insidius at times and intentionally taken as long as I can to take my turn to try and frustrate the other player into quiting. I shouldn't be able to do this. 

I completely agree with the person that said no tie braker. The last thing I want is people building teams made to last the whole match but do just enough to garantee a win in the tie breaker. 

30 minutes is way way too long. I am more than OK with a match only lasting 10 minutes. If you cannot defeat your opponent in that time you both lose and should both lose. 

May 30, 2023, 18:1005/30/23

Yah I have done that too, only I have been more insidius at times and intentionally taken as long as I can to take my turn to try and frustrate the other player into quiting. I shouldn't be able to do this. 

I completely agree with the person that said no tie braker. The last thing I want is people building teams made to last the whole match but do just enough to garantee a win in the tie breaker. 

30 minutes is way way too long. I am more than OK with a match only lasting 10 minutes. If you cannot defeat your opponent in that time you both lose and should both lose. 

Yeah, My approach is definitely not healthy and is far from a serious approach to the game.

In fact, when I play this tactic, I am playing while doing something else. This tactic is vicious, but remember that the system is so stupid that it currently allows this tactic.

In this current Live Arena system, the chances of being matched with a higher ranked opponent are overwhelmingly high, no matter how hard you try. This is my strategy to increase my win rate with as little stress as possible.

I will wait and see what future improvements will be made to the current stupid Live Arena system as I repeat this tiresome tactic.

May 30, 2023, 20:0605/30/23

No ramping damage

No tiebreaker

Reducing maximum time is best option.  And definitely reduce champ selection time.  And auto pick/attack once AFK.

You mentioned in another thread if they are AFK for a couple picks in a row, it should lock out resuming manual control yeah?

May 31, 2023, 03:4505/31/23
May 31, 2023, 03:47(edited)

I would go even further and just award a loss to someone who lets the timer run out 3 times. This should never happen to someone who's actually playing (or at least never more than once). it's LIVE arena. If the other guy is not live, they lose. It makes no sense to have auto for this game mode.

You want it to be quick and snappy. You want to reward players who actually play. I would much rather eat an "unfair" loss occasionally, and in exchange have a fast, usable game mode. "unfair" losses already happen in classic arena, as the game has a tendency to crash at random times.

ETA: I'm slowly dipping my toe back in. It's better than it was at launch. But still a very slow mode, I never feel like playing more than 1-2 matches.

May 31, 2023, 12:3505/31/23

One thing that I would really love to see in the arena is the ability to look at the other team's champion's skills. 

May 31, 2023, 21:1405/31/23
Urlibu FTP

I would go even further and just award a loss to someone who lets the timer run out 3 times. This should never happen to someone who's actually playing (or at least never more than once). it's LIVE arena. If the other guy is not live, they lose. It makes no sense to have auto for this game mode.

You want it to be quick and snappy. You want to reward players who actually play. I would much rather eat an "unfair" loss occasionally, and in exchange have a fast, usable game mode. "unfair" losses already happen in classic arena, as the game has a tendency to crash at random times.

ETA: I'm slowly dipping my toe back in. It's better than it was at launch. But still a very slow mode, I never feel like playing more than 1-2 matches.

Thanks for the detailed feedback Urlibu. I'll pass it on. :)

Jun 1, 2023, 22:2206/01/23

One reasonive arena is terrible is the amount of 100% troll teams. Just had to waste 24 minutes vs some fine gentleman that picked dutchess, pythion, ukko, helicath. This is not the first or even 6th time I've come across these types of people who's strategy seems to be nothing more than to have their opponent leave. I won't let them get away with that absolute shit so we are going to sit here for 30 mins and you can think about what a piece of stinking awful you are while we do scumbag.

I try to pick a team that is going to win or lose fast but time and time again people literally troll and pick 30 min games and I'm not giving them free points.

The fact a game can go 30 minutes is disgusting. The entire time limits of every single aspect below g5 should be 1/5th of what they are and if you time out three times you should auto FF.

Jun 1, 2023, 23:2506/01/23

One reasonive arena is terrible is the amount of 100% troll teams. Just had to waste 24 minutes vs some fine gentleman that picked dutchess, pythion, ukko, helicath. This is not the first or even 6th time I've come across these types of people who's strategy seems to be nothing more than to have their opponent leave. I won't let them get away with that absolute shit so we are going to sit here for 30 mins and you can think about what a piece of stinking awful you are while we do scumbag.

I try to pick a team that is going to win or lose fast but time and time again people literally troll and pick 30 min games and I'm not giving them free points.

The fact a game can go 30 minutes is disgusting. The entire time limits of every single aspect below g5 should be 1/5th of what they are and if you time out three times you should auto FF.

The trolls pretty much disappear at higher levels, the slowest opponents are the bots -- at least I think they are bots?

Jun 2, 2023, 00:1006/02/23
Jun 2, 2023, 00:10(edited)

The trolls pretty much disappear at higher levels, the slowest opponents are the bots -- at least I think they are bots?

What you all call trolling Some call strategy. When you are going into a match out rank and out-leveled with an overall power around 750k and you see UDK with Ninja and UDK or/and Aleksandr hit the table do you honestly think you they have a chance in hell to win?  Of course, the underdog is going to drag the game out to draw or until you leave. You have a chance to ban one champ I've seen players pick a dps and leave the under rank player three support champs. And then act surprised that the game is dragged out. You're going to see games like this as long as Plaurium allows players to use champs that are restricted  to new players. I usually just leave when I see two of those champs hit the table. 

Jun 2, 2023, 00:4806/02/23

The trolls pretty much disappear at higher levels, the slowest opponents are the bots -- at least I think they are bots?

I've kept somewhat of pace with the middle pack end game players I think, I'm middle of s2 and hit s2 before the point change.

I complete everything each day in raid but live arena is the first thing now that I don't bother with each day.

That and up coming cow fusion is the one I swear I'm skipping this time.

Jun 2, 2023, 04:0706/02/23

The trolls pretty much disappear at higher levels, the slowest opponents are the bots -- at least I think they are bots?

Shouldn't really be seeing those without three losses preceding. If you did have three immediately prior, that seems to be what triggers a bot matchup. Otherwise it's very very likely a person.

I am running into an issue where clan info and such isn't displaying until AFTER matches, so you think "Is this a bot?" but no, just someone slow playing that quits out right as their last champ is at one hit.

Jun 5, 2023, 15:4806/05/23

I just guess I've gone too far.  All I pull are OP Teams with higher points, that I have no way to compete with.  I thought we are supposed to be match up and DOWN, all I get is up.  If the bet I can do is 3 out of 10 (Silver II) I'm only picking up 1 point a day.  Not much insentive to play, definatly no reason to give Plarium $$$ just to go nowhere.

Jun 5, 2023, 17:5706/05/23

I just guess I've gone too far.  All I pull are OP Teams with higher points, that I have no way to compete with.  I thought we are supposed to be match up and DOWN, all I get is up.  If the bet I can do is 3 out of 10 (Silver II) I'm only picking up 1 point a day.  Not much insentive to play, definatly no reason to give Plarium $$$ just to go nowhere.

Where do you currently sit in Tag Arena?  This will give a rough estimate of where your expectations should be to progressing in Live Arena, both the pace at which you climb and the tier you will likely get "stuck" in until participation increases across the base.

If you are in Bronze Tag for example, you will likely be stuck in S2 for a while.