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Live Arena is garbage

Live Arena is garbage

Apr 30, 2023, 23:3704/30/23

Live Arena is garbage

I was liking Live Arena, then I hit Silver, now I hate it, and stopped playing it. My first impression was that it was going to be a grind, which I don't mind. I was looking forward to getting Quintus. Then I hit Silver. I started losing points for losses. I knew right away most players wouldn't get past Silver and never be able to get Quintus, unless he's pullable from shards. No thanks Plarium. I'm not wasting time on this garbage you call Live Arena until it changes.🤷

May 1, 2023, 06:2605/01/23

I have to agree. I was really enjoying Live Arena and then I looked at my points after I'd been in Silver for a day and saw they were at a weird level, as they had previously always been at a factor of 5. 5, 10, 25, 30, etc. Suddenly they were at a weird level, 1312 I think and I looked, tried a round, lost, and saw my points decrease. It was then that I realized they'd instituted loss starting at Silver, and I'd never be able to progress far enough to get Quintus. 

This does, in fact, piss me off, but there's pretty much NOTHING I can do about it. Heck, I can't even properly complain about it because it seems like hardly anyone ever even visits the forum. Our community is highly dependent on YouTube and the various content creators there and actual word of mouth between actual normal players seems very scarce. Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't feel that way and I wish there was an easier and better way of everyone in the Raid community discussing things with each other, even if it's to just complain about something Plarium has done.

Maybe the forum will catch on more, who knows? In the meantime, I'm still saddened and aggravated by Live Arena, mostly because I'd really truly started to have fun there and now that's impossible. Gee, thanks Plarium.

May 1, 2023, 08:0805/01/23

I have to agree. I was really enjoying Live Arena and then I looked at my points after I'd been in Silver for a day and saw they were at a weird level, as they had previously always been at a factor of 5. 5, 10, 25, 30, etc. Suddenly they were at a weird level, 1312 I think and I looked, tried a round, lost, and saw my points decrease. It was then that I realized they'd instituted loss starting at Silver, and I'd never be able to progress far enough to get Quintus. 

This does, in fact, piss me off, but there's pretty much NOTHING I can do about it. Heck, I can't even properly complain about it because it seems like hardly anyone ever even visits the forum. Our community is highly dependent on YouTube and the various content creators there and actual word of mouth between actual normal players seems very scarce. Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't feel that way and I wish there was an easier and better way of everyone in the Raid community discussing things with each other, even if it's to just complain about something Plarium has done.

Maybe the forum will catch on more, who knows? In the meantime, I'm still saddened and aggravated by Live Arena, mostly because I'd really truly started to have fun there and now that's impossible. Gee, thanks Plarium.


For what it's worth, myself and my fellow moderator Quinn read every post on the forum and even if we don't reply, we're bringing routinely feedback from this forum back to Plarium. 

May 1, 2023, 18:3805/01/23

Hi all, whenever new content is added I watch for a little before being tempted to spend on it. Live arena is a nice idea, but the milestone rewards were deeply suspect as they seemed tied into the tiers, so made sense to me when this post appeared and it turns out at silver your points go down. TBH, it appears that everyone will reach silver 1, then be forced into games against players who just aren't good enough for gold, but too good for those in silver and they will come up against others of their ilk and so effectively halt progress for everyone except the big players. The tiers become pointless as their could just as well be bronze, silver and gold. Perhaps a fairer way would be to actually split the tiers like all the other arena games do. 

May 1, 2023, 21:0005/01/23

I honestly just go slow as f anymore if I glet matched against an unfairly powered team. 

May 3, 2023, 14:4105/03/23
May 3, 2023, 14:42(edited)


For what it's worth, myself and my fellow moderator Quinn read every post on the forum and even if we don't reply, we're bringing routinely feedback from this forum back to Plarium. 

That's good to know. I'm glad someone at Plarium can see some of these messages. The problem I suppose is that this likely won't result in any meaningful action, but I'm glad anyhow. I'll try and stay positive that one day I can actually make progress again in Live Arena.

Oct 2, 2023, 22:2910/02/23

Agreed, garbage.  I never play it, and it limits my progress in the game.  It might be the reason I give up.

Oct 3, 2023, 00:0910/03/23

Agreed, garbage.  I never play it, and it limits my progress in the game.  It might be the reason I give up.

How (or where) do you feel that it limits your in game progress?

Oct 3, 2023, 00:3010/03/23

How (or where) do you feel that it limits your in game progress?

I mean he isnt wrong. At least for older advanced accounts the second great hall is massive for hardmode dungeons and hydra.

I guess even new accounts can get a jump on CB but that is a huge waste of medals in the long run.

You already know this answer so idk.

Oct 3, 2023, 00:3510/03/23
Oct 3, 2023, 00:36(edited)

I mean he isnt wrong. At least for older advanced accounts the second great hall is massive for hardmode dungeons and hydra.

I guess even new accounts can get a jump on CB but that is a huge waste of medals in the long run.

You already know this answer so idk.

Yeah, but I wasn't asking you was I :)

I legitimately want to know what they think, not just existing people that I've talked to or am talking to about the game, or those whose opinions I've already observed. 

Oct 3, 2023, 02:1910/03/23

Yeah, but I wasn't asking you was I :)

I legitimately want to know what they think, not just existing people that I've talked to or am talking to about the game, or those whose opinions I've already observed. 


But hate the limited availability.  Even 8 1 hour slots would be better. 

Oct 3, 2023, 03:4510/03/23


But hate the limited availability.  Even 8 1 hour slots would be better. 

This kills me, especially since I feel like I have to prioritize getting Hydra runs in over almost everything now.

Live arena times for me on the west coast NA: 

Sleeping/giving up sleep to do it

Sleeping/just waking up


Working/Dinner/time with friends and family

these days just been keeping myself from getting demoted too far down 😂

Oct 3, 2023, 14:3210/03/23

They just need to fix hydra. No part of this game should take over a half hour IMHO. 

Oct 3, 2023, 16:0110/03/23


But hate the limited availability.  Even 8 1 hour slots would be better. 

Real talk, how long would you be willing to wait for matches to load if it was 247 available?

Like 1 minute? 2 minutes? 5?

Oct 3, 2023, 16:1110/03/23

Real talk, how long would you be willing to wait for matches to load if it was 247 available?

Like 1 minute? 2 minutes? 5?

Wouldn't matter that much I'm sure there would be someone to play - wouldn't know unless it's tried

But - please reduce the pick times to ten seconds - if you don't pick you lose, reduce the 'your go' time, if you don't go you lose your turn

Maybe it's my bad luck but I seem to get folk who use up every avaiable second and more and stack stoneskin defensive teams with no hope of winning just survival or take so long they expect me to quit

I did like it at first, I don't any more and play it less and less

Oct 3, 2023, 16:2210/03/23

Wouldn't matter that much I'm sure there would be someone to play - wouldn't know unless it's tried

But - please reduce the pick times to ten seconds - if you don't pick you lose, reduce the 'your go' time, if you don't go you lose your turn

Maybe it's my bad luck but I seem to get folk who use up every avaiable second and more and stack stoneskin defensive teams with no hope of winning just survival or take so long they expect me to quit

I did like it at first, I don't any more and play it less and less

They did some testing and beta testing, and long long wait times in some hours is why they chose the time windows instead. So my question about how long you are willing to wait... 5 minutes? More? is a real question.

And don't worry, I've sent lots of feedback in on roping and will continue to do so.

Oct 3, 2023, 16:5610/03/23

I'd be ok with 5 mins if I knew I'd not get someone stonewalling me :)

Oct 3, 2023, 20:3810/03/23

They did some testing and beta testing, and long long wait times in some hours is why they chose the time windows instead. So my question about how long you are willing to wait... 5 minutes? More? is a real question.

And don't worry, I've sent lots of feedback in on roping and will continue to do so.

Not asking for 24/7.  It's open 8 hours now. Spread them to 8 slots every 3 hours.  Same total availability.

Oct 3, 2023, 23:2510/03/23

I made it to silver two and Im ok, Would just like to stop losing points if i lose a match, If I quit a match I could accept the points loss. Quintus is my goal and all the other rewards are nice as well. Always need shards and energy.  Points loss does stink though.

Thank you @dthorne04  and @harleQuinn  yall work very hard at your job and I appericate it

Oct 3, 2023, 23:5510/03/23

The main issue with time blocks of things only active at X time is that so many players don't get to participate in them. Between sleep, work, and all the other stuff in the game to do you have to pick and choose what you do. Somethings are more priority over others. Live Arena people 40 levels above you with +2-+4 champs just to lose over and over just isn't something a lot of players will put priority into. 

The Great Hall rewards for it to even be in Silver is bad since all upgrades cost the same whether you are using Silver, Bronze, or Gold. 

If you can't participate in a two days you start losing 5 points a day every day till you have time to make it to a match. 

When I hit 50 about a month and a half ago I looked at the rewards. Was like ah Quintus looks cool, then saw that in order to get him you had to get to a certain point number. Looked at the leaderboards and there was only 9 people at that points or above at the time. So it was like yeah...that isn't attainable since you basically have to be top 10 in the Live Arena to get him. 

It is very limiting on the account to not do it though since it has stat boosts for Hydra and Hard modes. Especially with the Hydra Clash now being added. Those medals to use there just aren't really obtainable for some. It would be nice if the 2nd Great Hall that you could get points for it in both Tag Team 3v3 Arena and Live Arena. Would give meaning to Tag Team other than save up points to buy X minor thing. 

May 26, 2024, 00:3405/26/24
May 26, 2024, 00:41(edited)

This is game play is DOG Sh**. As a new player, how am I going against 5 fully geared lvl 60 legendary champions???  Seriously, only been playing for a couple months, and I have to go agains 5 lvl 60 fully geared legendary champions? WTF Plarium? do something about the trolls... Still stuck at 900 points. At this point, people are just clubbing baby seals. 5 out of 5 live area and was completely destroyed because I only have 2 ledgedary champs compared to the 5 I faced is just uncalled for.