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Hard mode FK needs some tuning

Hard mode FK needs some tuning

May 5, 2023, 17:2805/05/23

what can you get to, out of curiosity? I feel like you have to be close if you can find some stuff with room to glyph. 

What are you running, my godseeker is booked (is that bad?) In guardian and immortal around 270 speed, plenty of glyph upside. 

May 5, 2023, 17:3105/05/23

what can you get to, out of curiosity? I feel like you have to be close if you can find some stuff with room to glyph. 

Unsure, on auto. On manual I'm at 24. Problem is twofold, though

1) Critical hits kill Ninja, which is obviously bad

2) Since Ninja can't get two turns before the boss wakes up, if Aniri doesn't have her A2 available, Ninja doesn't heal all his max-hp-destroyed life

I think I can solve 2 by swapping Miracle Heal onto Aniri. Stats I'm running are:

Ninja - 44K HP and 3200 DEF, 249 SPD and 412 ACC

Aniri - never dies, so only part that's relevant is speed, which is 267 ATM

May 5, 2023, 17:3505/05/23

What are you running, my godseeker is booked (is that bad?) In guardian and immortal around 270 speed, plenty of glyph upside. 

godseeker is fine booked completely as long as you're not doing it with food (I tried to book my 2nd godseeker last CvC and whiffed brutally 😂)

24 team, 100% over large sample (fairly close to what @harleQuinn runs)

regen immo


regen perception


May 5, 2023, 17:3705/05/23

Yeah K, 24 seems to be goin okay with Miracle Heal and bumping up Ninja's stats a smidge. Would be nice to see whether Ninja survives a critical hit or not though.

May 5, 2023, 17:3905/05/23

Yeah K, 24 seems to be goin okay with Miracle Heal and bumping up Ninja's stats a smidge. Would be nice to see whether Ninja survives a critical hit or not though.

Since he'll never be crit on 24, it doesn't matter :D

May 5, 2023, 17:4705/05/23
May 5, 2023, 17:47(edited)

Since he'll never be crit on 24, it doesn't matter :D

... Right. Forgot that AI doesnt run 100% CR :)

So, that actually means I can drop quite a bit of defensive stats in favour of bumping his accuracy up. Should help.

May 6, 2023, 04:0805/06/23

everything you need to dial in sand devil 24/25....

godseeker needs to be just SLIGHTLY faster than the boss (270ish), dreng needs to be within 20-25 speed of godseeker (ninja is a lot slower).  when i went from 15-25 with dreng, i stepped up godseekers/dreng's speeds/gear as i went. basically glyphing my way up to 25, and i had to manual the magic stages.

you don't want your team TOO tanky, you want them to get wiped, so there's minimum AND maximum thresholds.

i run godseeker at 4400defense, 64000hp in regen/immortal.  272 speed. no other stats matter. i think the aim is like 250k ehp? you don't want to go much over though.

i run dreng at 79000hp, 3250def (again, 250k ehp), 251 speed, and no other stats matter. i do have his resistence pumped up for DT but not required here. regen/immortal gear.  i definitely could have increased dreng's hp/def and would've liked to for other parts of the game, but he needs to get wiped by the boss so when he's revived by godseeker he immediately uses his cooled down skills.

for stage 25 on dreng/godseeker you need to have ai presets set up to turn off dreng's a3 and have his a2 always go when available.

godseeker must be the lead, even though she doesn't have the aura, or she won't revive herself then revive dreng.


for stage 24 - ninja build.  ninja doesn't work on 25, and reaching the stats is a lot harder because he needs accuracy, HOWEVER, his speed is a lot lower.

my ninja has 60k hp, 2400defense, 196 speed, 562 accuracy, in regen/perception.  the accuracy is rough on this guy and I had to sacrifice crit rate/crit damage so he kinda sucks in the rest of the game (and no offensive masteries).

godseeker is the same for 24/25.  she's the lead, and you don't need any presets. for ninja, just let it run.



if your tune is getting messed up anywhere, make sure your masteries have nothing in the offense tree, and nothing set for boosting tm.

dreng works on 25 with the presets.

ninja only works on 24, but no presets

dreng takes about 2-3x as long and uses more energy, which is why people do ninja on 24 instead.   if i only built one, it'd be dreng, as i think ninja is a lot more useful in all other areas of the game for everyone else. luckily i have alternatives so it was no big deal. if you didn't do the fusion though, then ninja is your best bet, farming 24 is probably the better stage to farm anyways.

no food with these comps, duo only.

the gear requirements are rough, had to grab some of my best regen.

everyone is mostly booked but you probably only need godseeker booked.

dreng was a whole lot better before brimstone needed accuracy, now he's just slower lol.

ehp can be calc'd on hellhades website or use the formula ehp=hp/(1-(def/(def+1500)))

if you lack godseeker, mother cybele can be used as well but i don't have her required stats. it's probably close to identical to godseekers though.

if you found any of this useful, i take donations in the form of tara or marichka.