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Calm Down on Fusions and Fragment Summons

Calm Down on Fusions and Fragment Summons

Mar 15, 2023, 19:0903/15/23

Calm Down on Fusions and Fragment Summons

Any chance we could calm down on fusions and fragment summons for a while?  Maybe some 7 day login champs or something... my champion roster is so backlogged if i got a new legendary i wouldn't have time to build them for 6 months.

Like literally since switching too F2P just not enough free energy to build champs and save for fusions, and i hate missing them.  So for last 6 months its like i literally just do fusions farm a few masteries back to fusion... endless cycle of not developing champions and its wearing me out and taking away fun of game.  No extra time or resources to work on dungeons and new builds for my current champions... just touranment and event after event...  And as a F2P i just cant skip fusions, cause those fusions even if not needed could be faction guardians for me.

Mar 15, 2023, 19:2903/15/23

They've kept a pretty much constant pace for the last three years. I very much doubt there's any plans to change it.

Your goal should be to optimize your teams so that you don't need to be devoting so much time to fusions. And a very big part of that would be getting a solo dungeon champ, so that you can combine training and dungeon events.

Mar 15, 2023, 20:3903/15/23

No offense but here we go again with another request to change the game to accommodate the F2P play style. 

Why would Plarium reduce the number of fusions? To fit the playstyle of a group that isn't offering monetary
contribution for the operation, maintenance, and future development of their game?  

Seriously, it's like saying "I choose not to spend money to take a cruise. Therefore, I suggest that they should shut down cruises... unless they plan to give away cruises for free."  

The beauty of this game is that you can play without ever spending a dime. Plarium has basically given you access and asked for nothing in return. This is made possible by the people who choose to spend money on things like Fusions, 10X, 2X, Double Legendary, & Guaranteed Legendary Events. If it weren’t for people spending money on those things, then this game wouldn't exist.  

I'm sorry but the mentality of the player base has become surreal. It's like we've entered an opposite dimension where the people who spend money, the ones who fund the continued operation and future development of the game we all play are looked down upon like they are the "Scourge of Raid". That people who buy packs and shards are somehow ruining the game. While those who play for free throw around the "F2P badge" like it's noble and feel that everything in game should be designed to accommodate the playstyle they have chosen. 

So no. I 100% disagree. I do not think that Plarium needs to reduce the number of fusions because at the end of the day no one is being forced to complete every one that comes up.  

Mar 15, 2023, 20:5303/15/23

I disagree 100% as well but not quiet for the above reason.  OP basically stated he hates missing (skipping) fusions.  It has little really to do with f2p.  It's like saying I can't make it to a party on that night so please everyone else stay home and don't go out because I can't stand for something cool to happen and I'd miss it when I'm stuck at home.

Mar 15, 2023, 20:5803/15/23

A few things: I'm a big proponent of doing as many fusions as possible but I skip one from time to time and I'm a small spender. I also don't see the fusion schedule ever getting reduced, and if so it won't be to a degree that you're looking for. 

Like anything in the game, you have to prioritize which champions you need to take up, where to best use your resources and what your focus(es) should be. 

I do have to say that being worried about missing fusions due to Faction Guardians is really, really weird. The odds of that outcome are just so low that it should be a complete non factor in whether or not you go for a fusion. 

Mar 15, 2023, 22:0603/15/23

No offense but here we go again with another request to change the game to accommodate the F2P play style. 

Why would Plarium reduce the number of fusions? To fit the playstyle of a group that isn't offering monetary
contribution for the operation, maintenance, and future development of their game?  

Seriously, it's like saying "I choose not to spend money to take a cruise. Therefore, I suggest that they should shut down cruises... unless they plan to give away cruises for free."  

The beauty of this game is that you can play without ever spending a dime. Plarium has basically given you access and asked for nothing in return. This is made possible by the people who choose to spend money on things like Fusions, 10X, 2X, Double Legendary, & Guaranteed Legendary Events. If it weren’t for people spending money on those things, then this game wouldn't exist.  

I'm sorry but the mentality of the player base has become surreal. It's like we've entered an opposite dimension where the people who spend money, the ones who fund the continued operation and future development of the game we all play are looked down upon like they are the "Scourge of Raid". That people who buy packs and shards are somehow ruining the game. While those who play for free throw around the "F2P badge" like it's noble and feel that everything in game should be designed to accommodate the playstyle they have chosen. 

So no. I 100% disagree. I do not think that Plarium needs to reduce the number of fusions because at the end of the day no one is being forced to complete every one that comes up.  

Agree 100%.  It's almost like OP is trolling, yet he's obviously serious... and that's the majority pov out there... 

Mar 15, 2023, 23:0703/15/23

Can I ask you - why you feel the need you need to get specific champs? For me personally, the fusions for Pythion and Gnishak were legit game changing. I've since skipped Oella, and I'm skipping Elhain. I had previously done the Maranix fusion when I thought it would be a good idea, but now I just have her sitting at level 50, while my better champs are shining. 

If you already have a solid roster, focus on improving the gear quality of like 10-15 champs and I'm sure you'll have a better time. 

Mar 15, 2023, 23:4303/15/23

Here I go again LOL. Fusions are bait. But hey, i'm a stupid fish, and so i take the bait sometimes when the dangling worm looks tasty :P

Mar 16, 2023, 00:1203/16/23

Fusions are 100% not bait. I'm in G3 tag, probably could push G4 if I wanted, and about half of the champs I use there are from fusions. A good chunk of my dungeon/hydra/etc teams are heavily reliant on fusions as well.

Mar 16, 2023, 00:3803/16/23

Fusions are 100% not bait. I'm in G3 tag, probably could push G4 if I wanted, and about half of the champs I use there are from fusions. A good chunk of my dungeon/hydra/etc teams are heavily reliant on fusions as well.

How's CvC been with the extra points from Tag? :)

Mar 16, 2023, 00:4503/16/23

How's CvC been with the extra points from Tag? :)

tbh I am too lazy for CvC :/ GH is pretty much done, no champs really worth booking, nothing to summon, so points are in short supply. I probably have around 70k, and will use forge to get the rest for my minimum.

Mar 16, 2023, 00:4703/16/23

Fusions are 100% not bait. I'm in G3 tag, probably could push G4 if I wanted, and about half of the champs I use there are from fusions. A good chunk of my dungeon/hydra/etc teams are heavily reliant on fusions as well.

ditto to this. my best brutal/NM hydra team is 3 fusions, 2 guaranteed champs and lydia. 

Mar 16, 2023, 01:2503/16/23

ditto to this. my best brutal/NM hydra team is 3 fusions, 2 guaranteed champs and lydia. 

So all F2P, the whole way. F2P with a long investment, but F2P nonetheless. lol

Mar 16, 2023, 02:1503/16/23

I mean, I don't know if I'd say it's fair to call a guaranteed champ F2P - unless you meant like Ninja?

Mar 16, 2023, 02:3403/16/23

I mean, I don't know if I'd say it's fair to call a guaranteed champ F2P - unless you meant like Ninja?

hence the "long investment", and I'd argue neither Geomancer or Shamael - especially Geomancer - were expensive for what they are

Mar 16, 2023, 03:1103/16/23

Tbh 1 fusion a month is fine , especially with how varied in usefulness they are ... helicath made my account progress on CB skyrocket when i did it ... Ukko a little less but still was very helpful ... Pythion game changing ... 

And no i did not mind skipping other fusions in favor of picking those for champs that would help me get further in game .

Mar 16, 2023, 07:2303/16/23
Mar 16, 2023, 07:25(edited)

Although I've managed to complete a couple of fusions - and hopefully Supreme Elhain! - I'm fast learning that I need to be really picky about my fusions, because I'm still early game enough that each fusion pushes my account to the limit, and that can be somewhat stressful. This is especially when Plarium appears to be increasing the requirements to complete fusions.

I think it's important to realize that you don't need to try for every single fusion, and that resources can be better spent doing other progression stuff instead - for example, using Sacred Shards just to complete a Summon Rush is probably going to be less efficient than saving them for a 2x, guarranted, or similar event.

And there's little point putting all your resources and focus into a fusion champ you think will just end up as a storage guardian - better to take things more easy and just enjoy the game for what it is. :)

Mar 16, 2023, 10:1003/16/23

No offense but here we go again with another request to change the game to accommodate the F2P play style. 

Why would Plarium reduce the number of fusions? To fit the playstyle of a group that isn't offering monetary
contribution for the operation, maintenance, and future development of their game?  

Seriously, it's like saying "I choose not to spend money to take a cruise. Therefore, I suggest that they should shut down cruises... unless they plan to give away cruises for free."  

The beauty of this game is that you can play without ever spending a dime. Plarium has basically given you access and asked for nothing in return. This is made possible by the people who choose to spend money on things like Fusions, 10X, 2X, Double Legendary, & Guaranteed Legendary Events. If it weren’t for people spending money on those things, then this game wouldn't exist.  

I'm sorry but the mentality of the player base has become surreal. It's like we've entered an opposite dimension where the people who spend money, the ones who fund the continued operation and future development of the game we all play are looked down upon like they are the "Scourge of Raid". That people who buy packs and shards are somehow ruining the game. While those who play for free throw around the "F2P badge" like it's noble and feel that everything in game should be designed to accommodate the playstyle they have chosen. 

So no. I 100% disagree. I do not think that Plarium needs to reduce the number of fusions because at the end of the day no one is being forced to complete every one that comes up.  

F2C.. Free 2 Cruise. Someone help me find some promo codes!!! :D

Mar 16, 2023, 12:2503/16/23

F2C.. Free 2 Cruise. Someone help me find some promo codes!!! :D

I already trademarked Free2Cry, f2c unavailable for other uses ;)

Mar 16, 2023, 12:2603/16/23

I already trademarked Free2Cry, f2c unavailable for other uses ;)

Show me the trademark, otherwise Free2Cruise stays lol

Mar 16, 2023, 12:2903/16/23

 I know it seems like I have an issue with people who choose to participate in Raid as F2P. I honestly don't. I could really care less how anyone else chooses to play this game. 

What I have an issue with is the constant, never ending barrage of post... complaining and demanding that the game be changed to fit a particular playstyle when that playstyle doesn't make any monetary contribution to maintaining or developing the game further. That events and activities should be removed, restricted, or modified because they weren’t designed with the F2P player in mind. That the game is unbalanced because people who choose to spend money have an unfair advantage over people who choose not to.

Imagine if someone stated... in every single post they made: "As a $1,000+/month spender I think Plarium should make __________ change to accommodate my playstyle." or "I spend money. I should always win in Arena against a F2P player." or "As a spender I feel that I should get a bonus to drops in dungeons." They would be flamed off the forums. There would be 10 pages of replies telling them how selfish they are or how spending money doesn't entitle them to special treatment. 

So here's a challenge. Someone name me one aspect of this game that someone who is F2P doesn't have access to. Name me one feature that is locked behind a pay wall... an activity that a player cannot participate
in unless they spend money.