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Lots of new come to raid but not enough energy per bottle ?

Lots of new come to raid but not enough energy per bottle ?

Feb 28, 2023, 01:0602/28/23

Gear grinding is a whole thing, yes. And buying your way into gear with gear packs is for uber whales only.

I might or might not have saved an old phone at the recommendation of another player a couple years ago and it does random overnight autos for me.

Here's the good news. The hard dungeons resets ALL of us, BT. Everyone who is behind on gear is gonna have the opportunity to start fresh lookin for mythic stuff. Honestly, you're upset today, but Hard Dungeons and Mythic gear and Gear Ascension is a huge catchup mechanic for anyone behind right now. This should be all good news, but you're pissed, which I don't get at all. The whales will always be way ahead of you in the original marathon cause you started when they were on mile 25, but there's a brand new race starting and you get to start with everyone else this time. 

If I'm pissed at anyone, it's at myself. I've spent a lot of money on this game, way more than I can justify. I didn't go into crazy debt or anything over it, but I definitely could have invested that money into a lot more than account progression.....and I progressed my account only to find myself bored, bound only to what Plarium allows me to do. And stuff I don't want to do costs me advanced quests, which is energy to play the game.

Feb 28, 2023, 02:4102/28/23

If I'm pissed at anyone, it's at myself. I've spent a lot of money on this game, way more than I can justify. I didn't go into crazy debt or anything over it, but I definitely could have invested that money into a lot more than account progression.....and I progressed my account only to find myself bored, bound only to what Plarium allows me to do. And stuff I don't want to do costs me advanced quests, which is energy to play the game.

My reply in the other thread is kind of meant for both your last posts lol :)

Feb 28, 2023, 18:3102/28/23

Come on, Krama, you can do better than that. I'm sure you can call them greedy without making it sound like it's a problem on the players' part. Right now, Plarium as a company looks a lot like a team of creative developers led by greedy executives. 

Let's be real, f2p has nothing to do with it. Truth of the matter is it's merely a part of a much bigger problem: they couldn't care less about their player base, f2p or whale, and that's what will drive more and more people to stop spending or playing altogether. They are treating this game like a cash cow while there is still a lot of potential for growth and innovation. When that happens, the business is dying. 

I've spent enough money on this game to know that they couldn't give a Gnishak's behind, whether you spend money or not, so let's not make it about f2ps begging for more free stuff. 

im with u i spent lots to on this gamre who said im free to play i got most all the best champs in the game lol some peeps just like to brown nose plaruim lol but im not one of them :P

Mar 1, 2023, 21:5903/01/23

A change of topic but along the same line.  

We should get at least 1 Demon Lord key due to the issue with the CBs being stuck at 0s.

Mar 1, 2023, 23:4403/01/23

Well all i ask for was a little more energy and so called free stuff is not enogh to do what we have now lol I will get by in the game either way been playing now a little over 3 years but it wont kill plruim to turn up the energy cap a little lol from 3 years u will think the will and maybe this new CEO WILL HELP :P LOL

Mar 2, 2023, 15:1403/02/23
Mar 2, 2023, 15:28(edited)

"Ok im excited about every thing new on the way to raid but all this stuff needs lots of energy!! Raid needs to change the amount of energy we get at level 100 cuz 300 here and there just wont be enough even for end game players my suggestion is at level 50 we should get 1000 and at level 100 sould get 2000 in order to do regular stuff and new ) Even for a end gamer like me will be impossible to do with out buying energy. Any thoughts ? " - killerclone187

Good Raid players understand energy allocations and build their game play strategy with that in mind. What are you trying to achieve each time you log on? Farm for loot or silver? Potions for a specific champ? Saving resources for a legendary champ drop reward? What?

Then, once you do your dailies, focus on that specific goal. Stick to it. 

I'm a lvl 63 Player w/ 130 energy refill. By selectively targeting specific areas for my in-game goals and playing areas that don't require energy (CB, Faction Wars, Arena, Doom Tower), I've without much effort have accumulated 1,472 energy! Easy peasy. Another strategy is just login when the game resets, accumulate the free energy refills, and logout. Take a break from active play for a few days. Maybe read a good book? Come back to Raid later? 

If you try to do EVERYTHING in-game at one time, you will not have enough energy and become frustrated.

My two cents.