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Fusion requirements growing out of control

Fusion requirements growing out of control

Feb 20, 2023, 11:2202/20/23

Fusion requirements growing out of control

I'm kinda regretting doing the Oella fusion right now. It has been very hard in terms of requirements. I know people whine a lot about this, but in this case I think it's just the cold, hard truth.

Normally, you can skip either champ chase or the higher tier of summon rush, but not this time. Needing 7 sacreds after having already done the champ chase is just insane. On top of that you only get a rare, so you don't even get to skip any of the other events.

The second dungeon divers. My god. 5.5k points over 5 days. That's like 8k energy. We're looking at about 1k gems on top of the daily energy we get. And not enough tournaments to double-dip either. I'm now stuck running spider 20 for nothing but this event.

In my case, I was committed to the fusion from the start, because Oella perfectly fits one of the slots in my upcoming CB team. Otherwise I'd have bailed at the summon rush... I'm never doing a traditional fusion again for anything less than an account-upending champ.

Feb 20, 2023, 11:2602/20/23

We all say this then keep doing the fusions.

See you at the next one.

There is truth to your post, especially that there is no extra epic and having to do every single event this time around.

Feb 20, 2023, 11:4002/20/23

We all say this then keep doing the fusions.

See you at the next one.

There is truth to your post, especially that there is no extra epic and having to do every single event this time around.

Just let me indulge in my revenge fantasies for a moment ;(

Feb 20, 2023, 11:5702/20/23

I agree with your assessment.  But I have to point out that while we may not have known the point requirements up front, it was pointed out as soon as the calendar came out that there was no epic and you'd have to get every single rare.

Feb 20, 2023, 13:2102/20/23

1. DD is always toughest

2. All the extra energy from prior events last week should still be unclaimed or sitting in mailbox 

3. 1000 energy from clan shop

4. Mailbox should have at least a handful of refills if not 40 to 50

5. Enough gems from daily activities to break even over the 5 days 

The expectation to complete a fusion f2p and be net positive in resources is where the problem starts...

Feb 20, 2023, 14:5602/20/23

We all say this then keep doing the fusions.

See you at the next one.

There is truth to your post, especially that there is no extra epic and having to do every single event this time around.

I have stopped playing ball and doing every fusion personally. They end up vaulted 90% of the time anyway

Feb 20, 2023, 15:1702/20/23
Trevor Wilson

I have stopped playing ball and doing every fusion personally. They end up vaulted 90% of the time anyway

I hear ya. I keep telling myself I will sit them out and then I don't. I don't even need the current one but here I am doing it anywas.

Feb 20, 2023, 16:1802/20/23

1. DD is always toughest

2. All the extra energy from prior events last week should still be unclaimed or sitting in mailbox 

3. 1000 energy from clan shop

4. Mailbox should have at least a handful of refills if not 40 to 50

5. Enough gems from daily activities to break even over the 5 days 

The expectation to complete a fusion f2p and be net positive in resources is where the problem starts...

1. Yes, but never 5.5k tough

2-5 fair, it's just a matter of playstyle. I hate tracking expiration dates, so I just spend that energy as I go and dip into the gem stockpile when needed. I keep it at 1000+ for this purpose.

I'm nowhere near danger of actually failing the fusion. It's just been a much bigger drain of resources than Gnishak or Pythion.

It's almost as if Plarium doesn't know how to properly count the difficulty of the actions required (specially leveling up the rares and epics). Then they make changes like replacing an epic with a rare thinking it's just a small variation, when it's actually a big deal, removing the one saving grace that traditional fusions used to have. Fragment collectors have been consistently easier, without rhyme or reason regarding champ quality.

Feb 20, 2023, 16:2902/20/23

The 5.5 is in-line with how it has been before. We just have one extra day on this.

Feb 20, 2023, 19:4002/20/23

One of the few times that I feel smart in this game.  I decided not to do this fusion when it was not a godlike champ.  

I still acquired 4 rares without trying.  I will keep 2 and feed 2 to the other rare.  

It feels good to be building resources for a change.  

Feb 21, 2023, 01:3702/21/23

We all say this then keep doing the fusions.

See you at the next one.

There is truth to your post, especially that there is no extra epic and having to do every single event this time around.

"we all"... not me. I have never done a classic fusion. They are such a bait. 

First, they cost about 2-3x more energy than fragment ones to complete. 

Second, who gives a damn about another legendary? Seriously? Chances are, unless all you pulled in all your shards over time were the top 20 worst legos, this new fusion (whichever it is) is most likely not the next number one priority in your account. You will level it up, and then find that with no books, he/she kinda sucks.

Third, The passive resources you spend on classic fusions make it so that that new lego costs you the equivalent of 2x as many chickens, and 2,5x as many potions as you would need on a out-of-the-blue shard pull. Let's take a previous decent fusion for ezample. Maulie Tankard. If you pulled her right now. One click right? so to speak. Now, say you would need 10 5-star chickens (not 5)  and 48 big green potions (not 20) + 24 silver ones (not 12) + 160 small ones + another i dont even know how many medium ones. What would you do? Max it? or immediately vault her?

And finally, fourth, the time it takes to complete these classic fusions is just not worth it. 2 weeks of 12 hour daily grinds (if you're gonna say "be prepared", well, all those hours you prepared in advance are still hours spent on the fusion, just spread over a longer period) is just too much. Especially since unless you have some degree of luck with the shards in pulling rare or epic copies of the fusables, you cant skip nothing.

So unless the fusion has a kit that clearly changes things in a big way, you can always do without.

Feb 21, 2023, 02:1802/21/23

"we all"... not me. I have never done a classic fusion. They are such a bait. 

First, they cost about 2-3x more energy than fragment ones to complete. 

Second, who gives a damn about another legendary? Seriously? Chances are, unless all you pulled in all your shards over time were the top 20 worst legos, this new fusion (whichever it is) is most likely not the next number one priority in your account. You will level it up, and then find that with no books, he/she kinda sucks.

Third, The passive resources you spend on classic fusions make it so that that new lego costs you the equivalent of 2x as many chickens, and 2,5x as many potions as you would need on a out-of-the-blue shard pull. Let's take a previous decent fusion for ezample. Maulie Tankard. If you pulled her right now. One click right? so to speak. Now, say you would need 10 5-star chickens (not 5)  and 48 big green potions (not 20) + 24 silver ones (not 12) + 160 small ones + another i dont even know how many medium ones. What would you do? Max it? or immediately vault her?

And finally, fourth, the time it takes to complete these classic fusions is just not worth it. 2 weeks of 12 hour daily grinds (if you're gonna say "be prepared", well, all those hours you prepared in advance are still hours spent on the fusion, just spread over a longer period) is just too much. Especially since unless you have some degree of luck with the shards in pulling rare or epic copies of the fusables, you cant skip nothing.

So unless the fusion has a kit that clearly changes things in a big way, you can always do without.

where on earth are you getting your numbers from? some of your later points have some validity, though they apply to fusions in general rather than classic ones specifically, but your first point is just absurd.

Feb 21, 2023, 03:0502/21/23

Yeah uh ... quoi?

Like ... your arguments may make sense from your specific perspective, but for me, the only one of them that has even a glimmer of validity is the time part - and even there, it's not like I'm really playing the game any more than I would normally.

Feb 22, 2023, 04:2102/22/23
Feb 22, 2023, 04:42(edited)

Where do i take these numbers? Like what? You can magically upgrade all 16 rares and all 4 epics AND ascend them using ZERO energy? 

I know I know, you people who've been playing for 4 years dont have these issues like me. You have nothing else to do, but you are the 5% of the players. 

Look, I'm not saying adding a new lego is all wrong or anything. What I'm saying is, the total cost for getting it through a classic fusion is just too high. Fragment fusions are a much better return, BY FAR. If we could get the classic fusions already at 6-1, i would totally change my stance, not saying they would actually entertain this idea of course.

To come back to my initial point. I said they were a bait. Thats because new players can totally cripple their account trying to chase these. If they go all in, and for whatever real-life reason, they miss just one beat, all kinds of resources wasted (not totally, but ya kind of) for a fail. And even if they succeed, they could have upgraded several champions already in their account instead of chasing yet another one, who, i repeat, will most likely remain unbooked and therefore be only half-usable.

If you saw my account right now, and I said i never did a classic fusion, i've done 3-4 of the fragment ones. You would get it. I'm f2p, btw. I currently have 30 different legos. How many do you think, after 300ish days of play, i managed to book out of those? 13. And this is of course because of all the one-time rewards from FW, campaign, missions etc, that i got and will not get anymore. Remove all of those rewards, the number would shrink to 10. 6 legos stuck at 50 for lack of chickens. So ya, another mediocre lego i got to WORK for? no thanks.

Feb 22, 2023, 09:0102/22/23
Feb 22, 2023, 09:11(edited)

I think the math is a little off here, but the larger issue is painting all classic fusions with a broad brush

I'm fine with picking and choosing which ones you want to do but Gnishak is great, Morrigaine was good and Helicath was objectively account defining. And that's just looking at the time period you've been playing. 

Feb 23, 2023, 01:0602/23/23

1. DD is always toughest

2. All the extra energy from prior events last week should still be unclaimed or sitting in mailbox 

3. 1000 energy from clan shop

4. Mailbox should have at least a handful of refills if not 40 to 50

5. Enough gems from daily activities to break even over the 5 days 

The expectation to complete a fusion f2p and be net positive in resources is where the problem starts...

Good points here. That said Trips, did you end up doing this one?

Feb 23, 2023, 09:2102/23/23
Feb 23, 2023, 09:26(edited)

I've done helicath , ukko and pythion , all others werent worth it (different for everyone depending on champs pulled , current state of account , etc) starting my 11th month so cant say for prior fusions , basing this on my personal experience so far ofc!

So when its a traditional fusion , i compared the pts needed to what helicath needed ... big factor on if im doing it or skipping .

For fragment fusion i take pythion for reference in pts required ...

Also curious does anyone have the info on helicath fusion vs oella ? (pts required , extra champs , amount of epics , rewards that are now soulstones , soulcoins , titan pts , etc )

Feb 23, 2023, 17:1602/23/23

Good points here. That said Trips, did you end up doing this one?

Yes, had to pull a rare to get back in on main after this collasal f-up


I am struggling to finish DD today, 500 to go... The 2000 energy spent in Iron twins during fusion maybe could have been skipped... but I want my stones/essence  ;)

Feb 23, 2023, 18:2902/23/23

Yes, had to pull a rare to get back in on main after this collasal f-up


I am struggling to finish DD today, 500 to go... The 2000 energy spent in Iron twins during fusion maybe could have been skipped... but I want my stones/essence  ;)

Stones and essence improves your account way more than any individual fusion. Mine too....need my Polymorph.

Feb 25, 2023, 08:2502/25/23

I've done helicath , ukko and pythion , all others werent worth it (different for everyone depending on champs pulled , current state of account , etc) starting my 11th month so cant say for prior fusions , basing this on my personal experience so far ofc!

So when its a traditional fusion , i compared the pts needed to what helicath needed ... big factor on if im doing it or skipping .

For fragment fusion i take pythion for reference in pts required ...

Also curious does anyone have the info on helicath fusion vs oella ? (pts required , extra champs , amount of epics , rewards that are now soulstones , soulcoins , titan pts , etc )

Helicath fusion can be easily looked up on hellhades:

- The summon rush had an EPIC at 4925.

- the champion chase had TWO rares at 1150 / 2500 points

- the dungeon divers overlap perfectly with the 4 main dungeon tournaments. The "big" dungeon divers with IG and FK was 3750 points. Roughly the same DD points overall, but much better overlap = less energy spent.

There has been massive inflation, and basically all of it has been over the last 12 months. Claims that we now get more resources than we used to don't apply over that timespan.



Feb 25, 2023, 23:2802/25/23

I could complete the fusion this time. But I never had less fun playing Raid than during the actual fusion. I literally played the whole night until 6 a.m. in the Spider dungeon, after auto battles run out, to get the ridiculous high point milestone in dungeon divers for the last rare.

I was a spender and turned f2p. The way the game goes is more likely making me quit than becoming a spender again.