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Changes to Blessings....

Changes to Blessings....

Feb 6, 2023, 20:2902/06/23

Changes to Blessings....

Here are the changes coming... don't kill the messenger please:












Feb 6, 2023, 20:2902/06/23
Feb 6, 2023, 20:42(edited)

Brimstone needing accuracy and being cleansable is a... thing now.

Phantom Touch took a pretty hard hit too.

Feb 6, 2023, 20:3102/06/23

This is a bad look. Sorry to anyone who spent money into this system. Really not cool.

Feb 6, 2023, 20:4302/06/23

Brimstone needing accuracy and being cleansable is a... thing now.

Phantom Touch took a pretty hard hit too.

I don't see the cleasable part of Brimstone as it says it is guaranteed and protected.  Now does the guarantee still suggest it needs Accuracy meaning can it still be resisted?

Feb 6, 2023, 20:4702/06/23

I don't see the cleasable part of Brimstone as it says it is guaranteed and protected.  Now does the guarantee still suggest it needs Accuracy meaning can it still be resisted?

Only guaranteed and protected at level 6, as opposed to from level 1, which it was previously.

Feb 6, 2023, 20:4802/06/23

So the quote from Plarium on why changes were needed was due to complaints - we can see based on the changes that was not a true statement.  No one should have been complaining that Brimstone and Phantom were overpowered as neither should have much impact on PvP.  I hate seeing a company lie - my God

Feb 6, 2023, 21:0702/06/23

New to blessings and not used any yet. However, I thought at least part of Plarium's aim was to make other blessings more attractive to use. I struggle to see that applied here, though granted I don't play above silver in arena. Was hoping for more positive impact for PvE. Shame no deeper changes, such as more flexibility on which stats are boosted - loads seems focused on boosting ATK which leaves defence monsters feeling restricted. Maybe I'll see more potential and nuances once I start using them, though. :)

Feb 6, 2023, 21:2202/06/23

Basically if you dont spend for the higher tier blessings you get nerfed. 

Feb 6, 2023, 21:2502/06/23

The brimstone nerf is huge - not because of the % change but the need for accuracy and the ability to block and remove etc unless rank 5+

If people have spent on soulstones, then i feel for them.

Its clearly designed to make the difference between whales and non whales more extreme.

For myself, i heavily rely on brimstone for hydra, i have been looking for an excuse to quit for a while, the game takes far too much time for such a simplistic game and i have few goals left, this might be a good excuse to take a permenant break.

Feb 6, 2023, 21:2702/06/23

This is a bad look. Sorry to anyone who spent money into this system. Really not cool.

It seems an awful system for spenders too, no mercy at all. I dread to think how much you need to spend to get a 6 star of a chosen champ.

Feb 6, 2023, 22:3902/06/23
Trevor Wilson

It seems an awful system for spenders too, no mercy at all. I dread to think how much you need to spend to get a 6 star of a chosen champ.

If you are trying to pay your way into it? Insane amounts. 

To get a legendary soul from 4* to 6*, you'd have to sell over 50 5* or 20 6* legendary souls. If, hypothetically, you are lucky enough to pull a 5* legendary soul every time you open Eternal Soulstone, at $30 a pop, you're looking at $1500. And getting a lego to 4* is not that cheap, either. 

Feb 6, 2023, 22:4702/06/23

Honestly, some of these blessings are useless and require massive reworks, and many champions don't benefit as much from blessings, other than stat bonuses....I'm pretty sure there have been much more complaining about that than Brimstone being useful at 1*. 

I can think of an entire list of issues with blessings that need to be addressed, so I'm not buying their "due to complaints" excuses. This looks a lot more like overcharging than rebalancing. 

Feb 6, 2023, 23:0702/06/23

Blessing were already extremely weighted towards the final few levels to make them a whole new class compared to their previous levels (e.g. Crushing Rend, where the difference between 2 hits and infinite hits alone is huge, let alone the increase to the defense ignore value). This seems to double down on that even more, which is the exact opposite of what I would've wanted. There should at least be some sort of reasonable scaling to it, not an on/off switch from turning a blessing from useless to useful over a 1 level difference. Then again, I expect that's precisely the point to, ahem, "encourage" more "effort" to get the top level blessings. Still awful design from a gameplay perspective though.

Anyway, here's my thoughts at a glance...

I like Miracle Heal changes, though it could probably be higher given how niche destroy is. I don't understand why they don't just guarantee a lower value instead of having a chance to proc it.

Life Harvest needed a boost, but I think it'll still be far too niche to really matter. I guess it has its uses, like dealing with very annoying revive-based arena teams and PvE waves, but not sure I'd sacrifice another legendary blessing for it unless I'm swimming in legendary champions that I can throw away on those very specific scenarios.

Lethal Dose/Incinerate remain extremely niche. I still don't see Incinerate being all that useful given the hard limit of 1 debuff per champ (so max 24% max health damage to a whole team for 4 ticks). You'd still need so much lockdown to get the full effect out of it that you could probably just kill them outright with brute force at that point. Lethal Dose, with the right setup, would be far more interesting. Might even be too powerful in some cases, though I can also think of some easy counters. Either way, arena only blessings is of little interest to me personally.

All the disable removal skills needed the boost, but I'm not sure they are worth it still, given how unreliable they are even at high blessing levels. Better than nothing though.

I don't think Phantom Touch was that badly in need of a nerf, really, but I'm not terribly upset about it. The main problem here wasn't PT itself though, but that all the alternatives were simply trash, so PT became the default pick.

Brimstone seems to be the big loser here. I don't mind it being purgable or blockable (the latter especially seems perfectly reasonable to me), but the accuracy requirement on top of it hurts and prohibits its use on champs you generally don't build for accuracy.

Got no comment on Temporal Chains really. Haven't seen it in action much, and aside from shield sets, the change should only affect a handful of champions.

Feb 6, 2023, 23:1402/06/23
Feb 6, 2023, 23:17(edited)

I will not call out anyone as a whiner/crybaby on this change.... ouch... a much harsher nerf than I expected. 

1. I defended all new content of late as not "p2w", though I disagree with the premise behind those arguments more than anything.   But this seems pretty extreme.  They effed up making 1star too good ,but basically requiring full awakening for brimstone is shitty.

2. To describe the overhaul as "balancing" is insulting.  

3. The accuracy requirement for brimstone is the only one that really passes me off.

Feb 6, 2023, 23:3202/06/23

I will not call out anyone as a whiner/crybaby on this change.... ouch... a much harsher nerf than I expected. 

1. I defended all new content of late as not "p2w", though I disagree with the premise behind those arguments more than anything.   But this seems pretty extreme.  They effed up making 1star too good ,but basically requiring full awakening for brimstone is shitty.

2. To describe the overhaul as "balancing" is insulting.  

3. The accuracy requirement for brimstone is the only one that really passes me off.

The way I think about it, balance would be: 

1* Pure RNG (lower effect, lower chance to proc)

3* 50/50 (half the effect, 50% chance to proc)

5* The "unbooked skill", so to speak (full effect, 70%-75% chance to proc)

6* Guaranteed full power proc.

That way, usefulness scales gradually. It's not OP at 1*, but you don't need a 6* to make it work. At least Crushing Rend is Epic, they are much cheaper to grind for.  

Feb 6, 2023, 23:3602/06/23

Accuracy needed for Brimstone? I thought in their memo previously released they clearly stated that blessings, like sets, never required accuracy... or do i not remember this right?

So like Temporal Chains needs accuracy too? (it reduces turn meter)

Feb 6, 2023, 23:4702/06/23

Also, a thought here. If this is the direction they want to take with blessings, i.e. make them basically all or nothing at higher levels versus lower ones, then the whole system is broken.

There is absolutely NO reason to buy level 1 blessings anymore. Wasting 1000 gold coins for a crappy level 1, which WILL require you to waste several more thousand coins to max it becomes completely wrong in terms of min-maxing strategy. You're better off playing the slot machine with the immortal soulstone pulls, whcih nets you guaranted eternal coins over time, which in turn gives you guaranteed 5 or 6 stars, the only really impactful ones.

Slowly upgrading a soul from 1-star to later levels is only relevant if you have a plan to actually max it out. Improving 1 to 2 or 3 or even 4 is no longer that beneficial, given the cost to achieve this

Feb 7, 2023, 00:0902/07/23

whales win again... it never ends

Feb 7, 2023, 00:4202/07/23
Feb 7, 2023, 00:44(edited)

Actually Plarium did opposite job to geting money from donations, i"ll explain

When you get imbalanced stuff, you want to get it even more powerfull and start spending more and more, grind and buy souls, now there is no need to get those blessings, they are all trash, except polymorph which means nobody will bother about spending extra money/gems/money on underpowered useless blessings (unless they are 6*)  

Feb 7, 2023, 02:4202/07/23

Well..they made an unbalaced system into a nightmare. 

At least now I can save the time to run IT at all. With the nerf into the ground of Brimstone, there is nearly nothing worth to run for in blessings. 

Brimstone has been nerfed on so many levels:

1.) Must be placed -> accuracy needed

2.) Chance to apply has been reduced

3.) It is only protected on lvl 6

I do not know what Plarium is thinking. Where are the actual improvements and what inhell are they thinking would be a major change if these changes are minor as they announced? 

Feb 7, 2023, 03:4402/07/23

In the abstract, brimstone was kind of dumb and I wouldn't mind it being nerfed to non-existence. But since it was introduced, I (and everyone else) have invested hundreds of millions of silver, many rank 6 upgrades, and so on, with the assumption that this exists.

Even if I mildly disliked the blessing system, I obviously going to use a mechanic that represents 5M+ damage on the demon lord, and equivalently large impact in other game areas. But now, the rug is being pulled out from under us.

  • If I hadn't already beaten Dwarves 21, I would now be rushing to get it before I lose the ability to do so (4* awakened Keeyra that I took to 60 just for FW).
  • I just put together a team for farming Gryphon 90 hard, which will probably stop working. I can't afford to put 400 acc on my Opardin. Actually, he has a small TM drop on his A1 so I would have to switch him out even if I got the acc for free...
  • many, many small decisions building out my roster around those champs.

Plarium of course can and should fix the game to make it more balanced and interesting. Individual players will inevitably be hit by any change. But this is obviously financially motivated. They did not fix the essence of what makes Brimstone op (huge amount of damage that ignores many game mechanics). If it had been a change with the honest intention of making the game better, I would have happily swallowed any losses my account suffered. But this is just dirty.