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Are Plarium losing it?

Are Plarium losing it?

Jan 11, 2023, 02:0701/11/23

Average player can no longer compete against players black sapphire credit cards.

This just isn't accurate in the slightest bit. There are many, many players who do quite well in the game - including Gold 3v3 - who are low spend if not F2P. Some of them are even on the forum. One of them even kicked my ass on Sunday in Gold 3. :)

It might take time, but it's certainly doable without spending big, if at all. 

Jan 11, 2023, 08:1301/11/23

As one of the players "raging" about this, I need to clarify it's not about the level of rewards for me. Plarium is free to increase or decrease them as they see fit, and I've defended some of their unpopular changes before (20 sacred guaranteed champ, the plarium points program, etc).

The thing that bothers me is the twisting of words that goes on. Some might even call it gaslighting.

An "event" is, and always has been, an additional thing to do that gives you additional rewards. If they announce an event that's crappy (like Elhain's path), I just ignore it. But the titan "event" isn't an event, because its only value comes from cannibalizing other events. Same with the points program. I'm completely fine with it in principle, but they announce it as something exciting and good, while in reality it's a considerable net loss of rewards we get from running tournaments.

For many gamers the whole gacha model is highly controversial. I accept it as one valid way of making a profit. What I don't accept is lying to and misleading the playerbase, and adding long chains of pointless currency conversions to obfuscate the actual value we're getting from an event. And there are many gachas out there that turn a profit without doing any of that.

Jan 11, 2023, 08:2501/11/23

there is no doubt about it that there is a different agenda going on at plarium kinda like what is happening with activision but activisions is a lot worse than the raid deve3lopers.Ive been gaming for 3 decades and as devs go ive never seen t where a developer is so out of touch with there own community and its sad because so many gamers crossed over from FPS like call of duty because of the situation with activision allowing cheaters to earn money from there games and its seriously out of control in cod because they have lost touch with reality and it seems plarium are heading the same way and we deserve more than what we are getting.Same events same rewards just a different day with a different name and the newish event now is so terrible but it will be there own fault when raid dies dont say we didnt warn you plarium.

Agreed. It really seems to me there are a bunch of people at Plarium who genuinely want to make a good and fun game, but then probably every once in a while the order comes down from the top that they have to improve X metric by Y% or else, and then we get terrible events cobbled together to hit those forced goals.

I've seen this kind of thing happen a few times in my corporate life.

Jan 11, 2023, 15:1201/11/23
Jan 11, 2023, 15:14(edited)

1st why is the energy production so little? shouldnt there be a mechanic for energy that increases as you level ? Is farming on normal really all the energy provided ? i thought by doing a restart i would have a better game, instead on day 4-5 , i have 6 days of xp boost unlocked and 0 energy to use. it must be hard for yall to keep players that enjoy the game on F2P. How do yall expect people to keep playing if they dont have energy to farm for silver and dont have silver for upgrades and then dont even have an energy option you can buy with silver? it plays like you are just hunting Whales ( Big Spenders ) and litterly no one else. Old school Dungeon Keeper might be 30 years old, but it's still a better game in the long haul. Where do you think this is going to be in 20 years if you dont have an option for folks that dont have $3-400 a month to burn?