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Are Plarium losing it?

Are Plarium losing it?

Jan 10, 2023, 09:3801/10/23

Are Plarium losing it?

HellHades puts out a pretty impassioned video about the recent tournaments:

Seems there's been a lot of bad feeling building over for a while now, though. It's like there are two different teams working for Plarium, one keen to develop the game, and another keen to alienate its own customers. Can't remember ever seeing anything like this before!

Jan 10, 2023, 09:4801/10/23

It is brave of HH to post that vid.  He is biting the hand that feeds him.  When Plarium Points came out this was my concern.  That they would replace good stuff we normally got.  

Saving up for the fusion.  The rest of this stuff can all wait.  

This forum is tame compared to what will break out on Reddit.  

Jan 10, 2023, 09:5401/10/23
Jan 10, 2023, 09:56(edited)

Brave? Not even.

Hellhades makes his living off the sensationalism and drama. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, in some sense. 

But to think this rage or event is anywhere near the anger of literally 30+ other things over the last four years would be absolutely crazy. HH telling you a story, and that story is nothing but drama.

Gosh, just the change to Unkillable teams dying at turn 50 in CB was considerably, exponentially worse than a couple weeks of events you can choose to do or not to do at your leisure.

Jan 10, 2023, 10:0901/10/23
Jan 10, 2023, 10:11(edited)

Brave? Not even.

Hellhades makes his living off the sensationalism and drama. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, in some sense. 

But to think this rage or event is anywhere near the anger of literally 30+ other things over the last four years would be absolutely crazy. HH telling you a story, and that story is nothing but drama.

Gosh, just the change to Unkillable teams dying at turn 50 in CB was considerably, exponentially worse than a couple weeks of events you can choose to do or not to do at your leisure.

He might make his living off sensations and click-baits and other things. 

I agree that he is interested in generating high click rates for his videos and other stuff...

But at the same time I would rate it a bit naive to think this is purely based on drama and that Plarium is not making massive mistakes at the moment. 

You miht also be right that the current rage is not the highest in the last years...but perhaps it could be considered that all those rages add up and there will be a breaking point even if you only have small rages....sum up enough of those small rages and you will end up with a major failure.

And at the moment Plarium is doing many more mistakes than good ones...

The drama does not generate itself out of nothing...there are solid reasons for this drama

To have a look at these might be helpful to have a look at the video from Saphyra, HH gaming on this topic

Jan 10, 2023, 10:4001/10/23
Jan 10, 2023, 10:41(edited)

He might make his living off sensations and click-baits and other things. 

I agree that he is interested in generating high click rates for his videos and other stuff...

But at the same time I would rate it a bit naive to think this is purely based on drama and that Plarium is not making massive mistakes at the moment. 

You miht also be right that the current rage is not the highest in the last years...but perhaps it could be considered that all those rages add up and there will be a breaking point even if you only have small rages....sum up enough of those small rages and you will end up with a major failure.

And at the moment Plarium is doing many more mistakes than good ones...

The drama does not generate itself out of nothing...there are solid reasons for this drama

To have a look at these might be helpful to have a look at the video from Saphyra, HH gaming on this topic

I'll be blunt... I don't need more click bait videos from the HH team to tell me the feedback I've collected from three separate social media platforms across the last several days.

Bottom line is, if you don't like an event, and don't think it's worthwhile, then don't participate. Skip it! I know you guys know how to not participate. You guys skip fusions all the time. I see lots of you skip really good ones that could really help many of your accounts. For silly reasons and bad champ assessment too.

In the same way some people here have terrible champ assessment and skip fusions, they're also skipping over the fact that the new buyers rewards give you free stuff you didn't have before. When you made a purchase before, you got nothing. Now you get SOMETHING, even if it's not as much as your expectations were.

I've heard a lot of stuff the past couple years about the game ending, about everyone leaving. The changes to Geomancer and Urogrim. The CB change. Rotos nerf. Doom Tower. The Hydra release. Awakening. Heck, I was even told the Defiant Pass was going to, mark someone's words, break the game for good. That if it was released, then the game would be ruined.

Yet here we all are. On the forums. Talking about whether a CC saying this is the worst ever is actually anything more than click bait. (Hint: It's mostly click bait)

Jan 10, 2023, 11:0001/10/23
Jan 10, 2023, 11:05(edited)

I am all for discussions and feedback. Unfortunately, these types of videos aren't really meant to generate that. Instead they lead to people being reactionary in the form of rage, rather than being proactive. In this instance proactive would be abstaining from the things you don't like in the game.

Case in point being both @harleQuinn and I have run into multiple players today who straight up ripped lines from this video and its title in discussions with us, while raging and cursing at us. 

And frankly, if HellHades or any other content creator truly thought Plarium were losing their player base then Raid would no longer be the game they feature the most on their channel. They'd be moving onto greener pastures already and closing up shop. But they're not doing that, as we can plainly see. Instead, we rage for clicks. 

Jan 10, 2023, 11:4001/10/23

I am a kinda fresh player, about 45 days in, so I don't have the slightest idea how the CB was before (based on harleQuinn's words Unkillable didn't die on turn 50?), or how certain champions were before nerfs, and (it may be that I'm still new) I really enjoy learning new aspects of this game, trying different builds and all, so in that aspect I beleive that this game really is good. Also about events and rewards... I mean it's nice to get free stuff in the beginning, and heck it's always good to get free stuff, and I also agree with the words of Ash (another CC), that maybe it would be benefitial to implement someting that can help newcomers catch up, but the game is still enjoyable. 

The events are kinda based on grind from what I saw, but this game is all about that in the most part. The only problem imo, that the events aren't always newcomer friendly. I'm not talking about tournaments, but the events. It's a really big grind to get e.g. a rare champ from a Fire Knight event during a fusion, when you shouldn't even be focusing to do Fire Knight at all, because your hands are full with getting those 6* champs, grinding masteries (would be nice to have Mino events btw) and getting acceptable gear from Dragon, because that's the only one you can push to the stage to get 6* artifacts.

On the other hand when there is no fusion I don't really care about events. If I can get some free stuff from it, good, if not, then that's it.

And the other part I wanted to include in this post was the fusions. Above I wrote what I wanted about the fusion events, so not about that but the actual champs. The 2 fusions I saw so far (Hoskarul and Gnishak) were managable, heck I almost got Hoskarul 2 weeks in the game, but I was 15 fragments short. Although Hoskarul wasn't that great of a deal as I've seen from videos, Gnishak really was the real deal. I didn't go for him, because there was no way in hell that I was able to get him, but he is a beast what I've seen in showcases. And this fragment event... Man, I just hope that I can finally get it, this new champ looks amazing. So I really liked the new champs they added (not taling about the Gnishak fusion epics... they weren't that great)

Jan 10, 2023, 11:5801/10/23

Personal feelings.

HH is one of the few i occasionally watch, i like the sarcasm, and there probably are 'enraged' players.

Personally i dont understand people getting 'enraged' about a game.

However i have definitely seen a pattern of good rewards being replaced with bad ones that i do not want. We have also lost several clan members in recent weeks, frustrated at the reduction in reward to effort.

I dont think there is the same level of 'anger' (and again i find the idea of people getting angry to be silly) as there was when arena was extremely hard, but i do think a few people are fed up at all the addition of different currencies and events that require energy without increasing the means of getting the energy.

Again personally i just ignore a lot of the events anyway, but i am getting bored with the game and it feels like a job. As always time, not resources and rewards is the thing for me

Why for example to i have to spend an hour a day just on clan boss, just let us run x5 on cb.

Jan 10, 2023, 12:5101/10/23

 events you can choose to do or not to do at your leisure. 

Agree that it's our choice but not really otherwise - those events and their currencies and rewards are directly intruding into other parts of the game - rewards that are no use to many players, rewards that require huge amounts of time and energy to give you back about a tenth of what they've cost or are totally based on RNG. Look at the soulstones - actually a reasonable idea but why even have them for rares when 99% of rares are pretty much useless to anyone after a few months play.

My clan has lost several players too recently, and it's being repeated on the clan cluster as a whole apparently. I think HH and the team are raising extremely valid points.

Jan 10, 2023, 12:5101/10/23

Not just HH, but many content creator made negative videos from this event. So, really this is just a little HH drama??? 

Just some titles:

"The State of Events are UNACCEPTABLE.."


"Plarium Titan Event - Worst Ever"

"Elhain's Path Terrible"

Jan 10, 2023, 13:2601/10/23

I mean, it's pretty obvious that they've made the rewards objectively worse for this tournament. I don't need HH or anyone else to tell me that. I just don't have it in me to care any more, because Plarium is gonna be Plarium and do Plarium things. I'll take what I can get out of the game, there's absolutely zero chance I'll give them any more money short of some sort of divine intervention (they already got $10, and that's probably about as much as the game is worth), and once things get bad enough, I'll go find greener pastures.

Jan 10, 2023, 13:2801/10/23

So I'm not saying that if Plarium makes events they should half-ass it, on the contrary. Make events that players want to participate in. One way to achieve that is to give good or at least reasonable rewards to the players for completing events.

On the other hand I think, and I want to emphasize that this is only my opinion, there is a basic flaw in the discuccion of players leaving Raid because of the bad event rewards. So these things a called "rewards". It has an implication that you need to do something extra to get them, hence they are a bonus, a reward. It means that if you don't do that extra you just simply don't get that reward, you're not losing resources, nothing of the sort.

Most of the times these rewards can be and should be accessible through farming. Just a few exmples: chickens - you can level up food, tomes - (this one hurts, because it's kinda meh) can be "farmed" by getting the chests from CB (mostly NM and UNM), artifacts - there are 4 dungeons for that, energy - well, it's always good to have more, but usually energy is the first reward you get, if you just put in some work, so for me acceptable, soulstones - robot something dungeon (not doing it, I heard it's bad). So 90% of what you can get as reward you should farm anyway, which means that if your main income of artifacts are the relentless sets you can get from tournaments, or something like that, you're not really playing the game. 

What cannot really be farmed are champs. Most of the champs come from shards, that's undeniable, but here comes the twist: the whole base of the game comes from the excitement of pulling shards. Is this format pay-to-win? Absolutely! Can u play f2p? Absolutely! Will it hinder your experience? Well somewhat, because it's going to slow down your progression, but it doesn't stop it. 

So I have a question in the end: would you play tha game without the events as well? If yes, this doesn't need any further discussion, if no, then maybe you don't like the base gameplay itself, which is natural, so try it wothout the events(don't do them), and see how it is.

Ah, but Plarium should really think about these reward things. They are not compelling enough to make the players participate in events imo, jsut another to-do, and that's what bothers a lot of players.

Jan 10, 2023, 13:5601/10/23
Jan 10, 2023, 13:57(edited)

To summarize what seems to be a common view in this thread in my own words: "Be happy that Plarium gives you some free stuff at all. They don't have to do that." Yes, they don't have to. And players don't have to play this game.

The game has nor real "goal". Nobody consideres beating the campaign to be a "play through" of Raid. It's about collecting and improving champs - and the rewards they gave in the past 4 years, helping to achieve that improvement of your champs, are the standrad Plarium has set to this. If they decrease the value of the rewards, the fun the players have playing Raid decreases. If the fun decreases only enough to rant, but not to leave the game, Plarium has beaten their player base and set a new standard of rewards given for free (you can buy the rest, man). And if it decreases enough that a considerable number of players leaves the game, they will increase the rewards/free stuff again.

Jan 10, 2023, 14:3601/10/23

To summarize what seems to be a common view in this thread in my own words: "Be happy that Plarium gives you some free stuff at all. They don't have to do that." Yes, they don't have to. And players don't have to play this game.

The game has nor real "goal". Nobody consideres beating the campaign to be a "play through" of Raid. It's about collecting and improving champs - and the rewards they gave in the past 4 years, helping to achieve that improvement of your champs, are the standrad Plarium has set to this. If they decrease the value of the rewards, the fun the players have playing Raid decreases. If the fun decreases only enough to rant, but not to leave the game, Plarium has beaten their player base and set a new standard of rewards given for free (you can buy the rest, man). And if it decreases enough that a considerable number of players leaves the game, they will increase the rewards/free stuff again.

I think the games 'goal' is the adrenaline rush from gambling when you open shards or roll gear etc, i mean no-one really gets excited doing 2000 dragon runs using the exact same team that have done that level a million times before, no-one even watches the runs.

But- these are the processes that lead to being able to gamble a bit, whether it is opening shards, or rolling a piece of gear with speed and crit rate on it, or opening a blessing stone or a chest.

Jan 10, 2023, 14:5901/10/23

there is no doubt about it that there is a different agenda going on at plarium kinda like what is happening with activision but activisions is a lot worse than the raid deve3lopers.Ive been gaming for 3 decades and as devs go ive never seen t where a developer is so out of touch with there own community and its sad because so many gamers crossed over from FPS like call of duty because of the situation with activision allowing cheaters to earn money from there games and its seriously out of control in cod because they have lost touch with reality and it seems plarium are heading the same way and we deserve more than what we are getting.Same events same rewards just a different day with a different name and the newish event now is so terrible but it will be there own fault when raid dies dont say we didnt warn you plarium.

Jan 10, 2023, 15:0101/10/23

am not saying plarium are allowing cheaters to make money from the game but i am saying they are the ones cheating us the raid community.

Jan 10, 2023, 19:4901/10/23

To summarize what seems to be a common view in this thread in my own words: "Be happy that Plarium gives you some free stuff at all. They don't have to do that." Yes, they don't have to. And players don't have to play this game.

The game has nor real "goal". Nobody consideres beating the campaign to be a "play through" of Raid. It's about collecting and improving champs - and the rewards they gave in the past 4 years, helping to achieve that improvement of your champs, are the standrad Plarium has set to this. If they decrease the value of the rewards, the fun the players have playing Raid decreases. If the fun decreases only enough to rant, but not to leave the game, Plarium has beaten their player base and set a new standard of rewards given for free (you can buy the rest, man). And if it decreases enough that a considerable number of players leaves the game, they will increase the rewards/free stuff again.

Yes, if players just rage or fuss, but their play patterns stay exactly the same, then the reward level would likely be judged to be acceptable. Or what if it even increasing spending cause people have less resources? Then the reward changes for this event might be viewed as a positive.

Personally I'm saving my resources for the Fusion. I'm not throwing good resources after loot box RNG. 

Jan 10, 2023, 20:2901/10/23

Let's continue to look at this clearly instead of through the CC drama lens....if enough people do all the event and buy packs like this...


... then we wil see more like it, you would think.

Player engagement and purchases during the event are obviously going to be the only real factor that decides how packs look moving forward.

Jan 10, 2023, 23:3701/10/23
Jan 10, 2023, 23:40(edited)

Let's continue to look at this clearly instead of through the CC drama lens....if enough people do all the event and buy packs like this...


... then we wil see more like it, you would think.

Player engagement and purchases during the event are obviously going to be the only real factor that decides how packs look moving forward.

I think this package has a presentation problem. 

The problem is not the package itself but the way it is presented. 

At first I thought that the package would be for the 4th anniversary path, as the coins are also names Anniversary Coins. But having a closer look, I am convinced that the coins are for the Elhain event.

I think this is kind of misleading if you are not paying close attention and catch the difference between Anniversary coins and points.

Jan 10, 2023, 23:3901/10/23

I think this package has a presentation problem. 

The problem is not the package itself but the way it is presented. 

At first I thought that the package would be for the 4th anniversary path, as the coins are also names Anniversary Coins. But having a closer look, I am convinced that the coins are for the Elhain event.

I think this is kind of misleading if you are not paying close attention and catch the difference between Anniversary coins and points.

Looks to me like the Elhain event too, and yes, I think it could be be confusing as to which event it is for.

Jan 11, 2023, 01:4201/11/23

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