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Feedback to the Plarium points system

Feedback to the Plarium points system

Jan 5, 2023, 16:2401/05/23

Feedback to the Plarium points system

I will happily take whatever points are thrown in my direction. 

After about 22 years of daily logins I will get the 4 star soul of the champion, which I will get after 7 years of daily playing for at least 2 hours. 

I suppose that this time will be shortened by rewards from the tournaments and events. 

I will not buy any packs for I do not think that this is worth about 14.000 $

Whoever made up this point failed to get me interested in it...

Jan 5, 2023, 16:5201/05/23

Its not for f2p... 99% of everything is geared towards customers not players.  And the idea is to convert players to customers. 

As a f2p myself, expecting anything to make it easier to f2p progress beyond early game (which it clearly is now versus 3 years ago) makes absolutely no business sense whatsoever. 

Jan 5, 2023, 19:4901/05/23
Jan 5, 2023, 19:51(edited)

I am not really bothered about getting the champ, i have a million hp burners already, and no doubt will pick up enough champs to do the faction

I agree its directed at spenders as trips says.

Looking at the pricing however, £44.99 for 2500 poinsts, which gets almost no rewards, and values the champ at 449????  it seems crazy :)

But as a parasitic f2p i guess i will think that.

Jan 5, 2023, 20:0401/05/23

Yes and you get triple that on plarium play. They'll also update some daily and advanced quests to give points (hopefully instead of brews or something)

Jan 5, 2023, 20:0901/05/23

People are calculating only the 3 and 6 points in their 7 years and 22 years numbers.

The free 50 points pack today already is throwing off their math. I assume, like how the sky was falling and the game was going to end over Clan Levels or Bolster Gear or Defiant Gear, this will pass as more ways to get points open up.

I don't understand why people are surprised there is a single HP burn champ and a set of rewards geared to actual customers rather than people who just visit the game and use it for free.

Jan 5, 2023, 20:1001/05/23

Ah, sneaky , deleting the post I was quoting I see. 0_o

Jan 5, 2023, 20:1301/05/23

People are calculating only the 3 and 6 points in their 7 years and 22 years numbers.

The free 50 points pack today already is throwing off their math. I assume, like how the sky was falling and the game was going to end over Clan Levels or Bolster Gear or Defiant Gear, this will pass as more ways to get points open up.

I don't understand why people are surprised there is a single HP burn champ and a set of rewards geared to actual customers rather than people who just visit the game and use it for free.

But is it more surprising for us to be surprised that they are surprised.... 

What will happen to the game when all the f2p quit spending, for real this time...?

Jan 5, 2023, 20:2401/05/23
Jan 5, 2023, 20:26(edited)

But is it more surprising for us to be surprised that they are surprised.... 

What will happen to the game when all the f2p quit spending, for real this time...?

Plarium will be out zeros or even tens of zeros or thousands of zeros!!!!

What ever will happen to the sweet sweet income from when customers actually have a loyalty rewards system? I assume nothing but positive things.

Cause that's what this is. A customer loyalty system. Of course it hugely benefits customers over the people who aren't. Rewards patrons way more  rather than visitors. I'm grateful I get to get some of that loyalty system without earning it... it's the same as getting cash back without making a purchase.

And frankly, I am not sure I would even build that champ. I still haven't booked Ignatious. Cause I have plenty of AoE HP burn.... and with Dreng and Akoth I got my HP burn totally for free.

Jan 5, 2023, 20:2801/05/23

I think my concern with it, is that it doesn't feel like it respects my time and money.  I don't mind paying to play video games. What I have an issue with is the consistent funneling into higher dollar value packs, higher cost resources, and a steep overvaluing of their digital currency.

Most people understand that if a government freely prints and introduces a bunch of money into an economy unchecked, it devalues what money you have at that time.  The same concept applies with shards in this game.  They keep watering down the champion pool with more and more while consistently maintaining that a shard today has the same value as it did before.  That simply isn't true.

Jan 5, 2023, 20:2801/05/23

But is it more surprising for us to be surprised that they are surprised.... 

What will happen to the game when all the f2p quit spending, for real this time...?

I always find myself in the middle when i read these threads, because i sort of agree with people saying 'as ftp you shouldnt complain, you arent a customer' . It isnt quite true that ftp have no value to plarium, part of the appeal to p2win players is being part of a 'big' game, not one with a few thousand players but its a valid point that raid needs to focus on spenders.

And with a decent job, i can afford to spend on my entertainment if i choose to, i used to donate for cosmetics on the mmo i used to play for example.

But on the other hand, i just see the prices (single sacred shards valued at £15, an estimated cost of over £100 to buy books to complete a single champ, an estimated champ value of £449 etc) then i tend to think 'what the heck' and any desire to spend disappears.

Jan 5, 2023, 20:4901/05/23
Trevor Wilson

I always find myself in the middle when i read these threads, because i sort of agree with people saying 'as ftp you shouldnt complain, you arent a customer' . It isnt quite true that ftp have no value to plarium, part of the appeal to p2win players is being part of a 'big' game, not one with a few thousand players but its a valid point that raid needs to focus on spenders.

And with a decent job, i can afford to spend on my entertainment if i choose to, i used to donate for cosmetics on the mmo i used to play for example.

But on the other hand, i just see the prices (single sacred shards valued at £15, an estimated cost of over £100 to buy books to complete a single champ, an estimated champ value of £449 etc) then i tend to think 'what the heck' and any desire to spend disappears.

And no one is making you spend to play any area of the game. So you're hurt in zero ways by choosing not to buy anything.

You can still play all you want, with as many accounts as you want, complete every thing in the game without spending. I'm proof you can even get to Gold 4 Tag and place Plat without spending.

There are tons of spenders who seem to think champs and shards are worth the value they are set at. A couple people in my clan whaled hard for Georgi the Breaker for example. I didn't, but that's why the riots in Discord and boycott organization is silly..... I spent nothing for the Georgie event and others spent a few hundreds, yet we're both still playing the game just fine.

Jan 5, 2023, 20:5101/05/23

I think my concern with it, is that it doesn't feel like it respects my time and money.  I don't mind paying to play video games. What I have an issue with is the consistent funneling into higher dollar value packs, higher cost resources, and a steep overvaluing of their digital currency.

Most people understand that if a government freely prints and introduces a bunch of money into an economy unchecked, it devalues what money you have at that time.  The same concept applies with shards in this game.  They keep watering down the champion pool with more and more while consistently maintaining that a shard today has the same value as it did before.  That simply isn't true.

So... real talk....

Many people in my clan buy two things only. The Daily Gem Pack and a Warriors Circle Pack. They get each monthly... and spend a static $20 per month.

How is this new system not amazing for them? They, and you, get extra stuff from the money you're already spending.

Jan 5, 2023, 21:0701/05/23

Why is there so much push back from Plarium when F2P express their views about the game?  F2P feels like they are game fodder for whales.  A big part of this game is getting to complain.  Then rejoice when there is success against stacked odds.  

Jan 5, 2023, 21:1501/05/23

And no one is making you spend to play any area of the game. So you're hurt in zero ways by choosing not to buy anything.

You can still play all you want, with as many accounts as you want, complete every thing in the game without spending. I'm proof you can even get to Gold 4 Tag and place Plat without spending.

There are tons of spenders who seem to think champs and shards are worth the value they are set at. A couple people in my clan whaled hard for Georgi the Breaker for example. I didn't, but that's why the riots in Discord and boycott organization is silly..... I spent nothing for the Georgie event and others spent a few hundreds, yet we're both still playing the game just fine.

Again i agree with much of what you say, i have done just about all the content as ftp, and im in position to go G3 tag this week.

And people getting wound up and 'rioting' over a game is all a bit silly, i just left for 6 months when i got frustrated/bored.

I just struggle to understand the pricing model, although as you say many people are clearly willing to spend hundreds on a chance to get a single champ so why should they change that. Perhaps its my age, i grew up with muds (text based mmo games) and then WOW etc, so am new to mobile gaming.

Jan 5, 2023, 21:4801/05/23
Jan 5, 2023, 22:03(edited)

Why is there so much push back from Plarium when F2P express their views about the game?  F2P feels like they are game fodder for whales.  A big part of this game is getting to complain.  Then rejoice when there is success against stacked odds.  

The "push back" is from me. And it's not push back, it's just my thoughts... it's a discussion board. We discuss.

I personally would rather spend my time productively finding ways to win than just complaining about how a champ is "unbeatable" or the game is "unfair to F2P" or whatever nonsense someone is posting instead of trying to improve. I get it, improving is hard and sometimes you gotta go back and farm FK or Dragon for 2 months to search for a specific piece of gear. But that's the game.... incremental improvements that you get with any two of: focus, time and money.

You're basically saying the gameplay loop for F2P is:

1) Run into a problem 

2) Complain about how the game is unfair cause you don't spend 

3) Try and win anyways. 

4) Rejoice when you win against "stacked odds"

I am just saying that the feeling of success is just as rich without the Step 2 complaining. Richer even, cause instead of complaining you put your nose to the grindstone and got to work.

If Plarium wants to keep the game running and the servers on, they need to take care of their customers. Us free players benefit by having a game to play every day, a server to use, and a path to get everything in the game without spending if you're willing to focus and grind it out.

Honestly it lessens the impact of feedback, and someone's place in the community, when they complain about literally everything and still participate no problem.

Jan 5, 2023, 21:5801/05/23
Trevor Wilson

Again i agree with much of what you say, i have done just about all the content as ftp, and im in position to go G3 tag this week.

And people getting wound up and 'rioting' over a game is all a bit silly, i just left for 6 months when i got frustrated/bored.

I just struggle to understand the pricing model, although as you say many people are clearly willing to spend hundreds on a chance to get a single champ so why should they change that. Perhaps its my age, i grew up with muds (text based mmo games) and then WOW etc, so am new to mobile gaming.

While sometimes I also don't understand the pricing model, Raid is the number one earning game in their category by a long shot. So the pricing model must be working preeeeeetty well for them. And if it wasn't, we both know they'd change the model pretty fast.

Basically I've come to think about it like this. Some people have crazy amounts of money they are willing to treat as disposable, want the endorphin rush of gambling, and are willing to spend to get those gambling experiences... rather than earn much smaller amounts of gambling experiences through time.

I assume the reason people like me or Trips can sit in the top 2500 arena players is because many of the people who are willing to shortcut large amounts of money for time are also not staying with the game forever.

Jan 5, 2023, 22:3901/05/23

The "push back" is from me. And it's not push back, it's just my thoughts... it's a discussion board. We discuss.

I personally would rather spend my time productively finding ways to win than just complaining about how a champ is "unbeatable" or the game is "unfair to F2P" or whatever nonsense someone is posting instead of trying to improve. I get it, improving is hard and sometimes you gotta go back and farm FK or Dragon for 2 months to search for a specific piece of gear. But that's the game.... incremental improvements that you get with any two of: focus, time and money.

You're basically saying the gameplay loop for F2P is:

1) Run into a problem 

2) Complain about how the game is unfair cause you don't spend 

3) Try and win anyways. 

4) Rejoice when you win against "stacked odds"

I am just saying that the feeling of success is just as rich without the Step 2 complaining. Richer even, cause instead of complaining you put your nose to the grindstone and got to work.

If Plarium wants to keep the game running and the servers on, they need to take care of their customers. Us free players benefit by having a game to play every day, a server to use, and a path to get everything in the game without spending if you're willing to focus and grind it out.

Honestly it lessens the impact of feedback, and someone's place in the community, when they complain about literally everything and still participate no problem.

I am saying that a big part of gaming is to complain.  F2P and whales all complain.  The game is RNG and casino based.  How many people leave a casino either happy because they won or complaining because they lost.  

I am looking thru Plarium Points and it is good and bad.  I will be 112 before I get the new champ.  But, I will get points that I can use to offset some of my cash spending.  It is overall positive for me.    

I give Plarium acknowledgement whey they do something that I think is right.  And I call them out when I think they are wrong.  Isn't this what we do in life?  

Jan 6, 2023, 00:5701/06/23

I am saying that a big part of gaming is to complain.  F2P and whales all complain.  The game is RNG and casino based.  How many people leave a casino either happy because they won or complaining because they lost.  

I am looking thru Plarium Points and it is good and bad.  I will be 112 before I get the new champ.  But, I will get points that I can use to offset some of my cash spending.  It is overall positive for me.    

I give Plarium acknowledgement whey they do something that I think is right.  And I call them out when I think they are wrong.  Isn't this what we do in life?  

Analogies aside:

This is a public forum and there's nothing wrong with discussions, even when it involves feedback. I do think that the endless reactionary loop a lot of people get into doesn't look very fun, but to each their own. 

As for the new system, I don't see it as something that's going to affect most players negatively, though perhaps not as positively as they would have hoped. 

Jan 6, 2023, 01:2301/06/23

Analogies aside:

This is a public forum and there's nothing wrong with discussions, even when it involves feedback. I do think that the endless reactionary loop a lot of people get into doesn't look very fun, but to each their own. 

As for the new system, I don't see it as something that's going to affect most players negatively, though perhaps not as positively as they would have hoped. 

I agree with your statement. 

I just had a look at the advanced quests and saw that you get 3 additional points for completing all 10 advanced quests. 

It will not affect players negatively, as you said. I think most will just ignore it...

Jan 6, 2023, 04:2701/06/23

I'm completely fine with this if the new program is permanent. It would feel weird if it went away. Why shouldn't spenders get a little bonus? My attitude is that I neither deserve or need to have all the meta champs, that's the challenge and the fun of the game.

That said, the $50 pack for 2500 points is just obscene and offensive. I don't mind Plarium selling virtual items to players at high prices. But I do mind it when some deals are 10x worse than others, and this is a particularly egregious example (the coins for path events are another).

Jan 6, 2023, 05:0601/06/23

I think its fine so far ... gives an extra bar of free rewards over time ... looks like a grind atm but we havent seem tournament or events giving out points... which so far seem to be ontop of existing rewards mainly .

Would like if they would rework the progress bar to hand out more useful stuff in general but im not hyped or pissed about this new thing in game either ...