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Reduce arena tickets, increase the rewards

Reduce arena tickets, increase the rewards

Jan 4, 2023, 17:0201/04/23

You 2 really want classic un nerfed????

Do you remember the forums.... smh... leave classic as is, tag (and platinum) can suffice for real pvp.

Though I think they should remove the cap from G5, and treat same as platinum with unlimited losses. I will happily live in classic g4.  But that alone would cause an uproar...


I don't know if things should be nerfed just because a small minority of people who won't or can't learn the game rage about it. There'd literally be nothing to do in the game after a month, no challenge in any way.

It's turned all of Gold arena into something where I log in and just click start 20 times a day with the same team and zero gameplay.

People were struggling in Bronze and Silver..... and that is where the loss limits should be. Give them an easier climb and an easier start. And as they peek into Gold, they get to see an actual sort of competitive arena.

I'd even be okay with some greatly expanded daily loss limit in Gold 1 if that's what it takes to keep enough people populated in Gold. Like 50-100. Some number that's impossible to stay in with a terrible team. But honestly, nerfing the Arbiter quest chain like they did was more than enough. And loss limits in Silver and Bronze would give people the chance to make G1 for their missions and creep into farming medals even with junk teams.

Cause while the number of threads specifically whining and raging about how people can't make Gold and need to build a good team, those have gone down... But they've just been replaced by tons of threads about how even single champs like UDK or Ninja are impossible and unfair, cause no one needs to learn anything about how arena works. They just expect to be the best with their poorly built junk. In fact, I have gotten a number of complaints and rage when people see more than 20 losses on their arena defense (due to looking at reset)... people's teams and approach are so bad now they rage about losses being counted rather than making any improvements to their defense. Easier to demand and complain about not getting a free ride, I guess.

Trips, if you want a Click the Button Simulator instead of a game, then we should keep arena as it is and just deal with the "X champ is Unkillable!!!!!! Unfair!!! Nerf!!!" threads just like we dealt with the "280 speed to make Gold!!! Unfair!!! Nerf!!!"

Personally though, I'd rather get the arena we were told G5 was made for.... To give a competitive, challenging Gold experience in high gold that was like Platinum but not just for the most uber whales. G5 was created to make arena challenging, and stated to be so when it was released. It was supposed to trickle down through G4 and even into lower gold. I want that.... Not a game mode where I'm not even needed, not even to change teams.... Only for the start button...

Jan 4, 2023, 18:0001/04/23


I don't know if things should be nerfed just because a small minority of people who won't or can't learn the game rage about it. There'd literally be nothing to do in the game after a month, no challenge in any way.

It's turned all of Gold arena into something where I log in and just click start 20 times a day with the same team and zero gameplay.

People were struggling in Bronze and Silver..... and that is where the loss limits should be. Give them an easier climb and an easier start. And as they peek into Gold, they get to see an actual sort of competitive arena.

I'd even be okay with some greatly expanded daily loss limit in Gold 1 if that's what it takes to keep enough people populated in Gold. Like 50-100. Some number that's impossible to stay in with a terrible team. But honestly, nerfing the Arbiter quest chain like they did was more than enough. And loss limits in Silver and Bronze would give people the chance to make G1 for their missions and creep into farming medals even with junk teams.

Cause while the number of threads specifically whining and raging about how people can't make Gold and need to build a good team, those have gone down... But they've just been replaced by tons of threads about how even single champs like UDK or Ninja are impossible and unfair, cause no one needs to learn anything about how arena works. They just expect to be the best with their poorly built junk. In fact, I have gotten a number of complaints and rage when people see more than 20 losses on their arena defense (due to looking at reset)... people's teams and approach are so bad now they rage about losses being counted rather than making any improvements to their defense. Easier to demand and complain about not getting a free ride, I guess.

Trips, if you want a Click the Button Simulator instead of a game, then we should keep arena as it is and just deal with the "X champ is Unkillable!!!!!! Unfair!!! Nerf!!!" threads just like we dealt with the "280 speed to make Gold!!! Unfair!!! Nerf!!!"

Personally though, I'd rather get the arena we were told G5 was made for.... To give a competitive, challenging Gold experience in high gold that was like Platinum but not just for the most uber whales. G5 was created to make arena challenging, and stated to be so when it was released. It was supposed to trickle down through G4 and even into lower gold. I want that.... Not a game mode where I'm not even needed, not even to change teams.... Only for the start button...

this is the much better version of what I wanted to say which was: 

I am completely fine with getting back the "this tier of arena is impossible" rage in return for having some semblance of a competitive environment in Classic Arena outside of just Plat. 

Jan 4, 2023, 18:0801/04/23

this is the much better version of what I wanted to say which was: 

I am completely fine with getting back the "this tier of arena is impossible" rage in return for having some semblance of a competitive environment in Classic Arena outside of just Plat. 

Right now it's just a button you click 20x a day to earn medals. 

I get enough button presses from work, my phone, fuel pumps and my espresso machine to want more from my game than a button press.

Imagine actually playing the game.

And like I wrote, it's not like we get less rage, my DMs show that. It's just a different type of arena complaining.

Jan 4, 2023, 18:3101/04/23

So here's the thing - while yes, I do advocate for arena returning to being challenging - that in and of itself won't be enough, for two reasons:

  1. On the actual competitive side, the balance is just tilted too much in favour of spenders. Other games, like say Hearthstone, have a competitive ladder within which as you climb your rewards at end of season improve, but not to an absurd degree - you just get slightly more bling. The main incentive to climb is to show off your abilities - but that's something which a "normal" person can do, since there isn't a huge amount of spending necessary. Here, though, the difference between a whale and an equally-skilled FTP or low-spender is just too much to surmount. So, you'd need to give people mor of an incentive than just plain competitiveness.
  2. Which leads me to problem number two - there just isn't any actual incentive to grind out arena, if you exclude the bragging rights. Right now arena gives two things - medals, which eventually lose their value entirely (personally I have three left to max before being finished), and items at the end of the week, which aren't terribly exciting. Tag gives a third set of rewards in the gold bars, but the shop for that is also rather lackluster.

These can both be solved in one fell swoop - significantly expand the reward experience. I'd say the best way would be to introduce an entirely separate set of quests and missions that are arena-focused, and remove those from the traditional quests and missions. This'll accomplish two things at once - first, it'll remove the absurd barriers in place right now for the traditional quests/missions, and secondly, it'll add a whole new set of things for people to do.

Jan 4, 2023, 19:0101/04/23

Start another UDK unbeateable tread, and answer everything is fine... 

Jan 4, 2023, 19:0701/04/23

Right now it's just a button you click 20x a day to earn medals. 

I get enough button presses from work, my phone, fuel pumps and my espresso machine to want more from my game than a button press.

Imagine actually playing the game.

And like I wrote, it's not like we get less rage, my DMs show that. It's just a different type of arena complaining.

Do people get a dopamine hit off of this? It can't be fun, can it?

And you're 100% right on the rage just manifesting in a different fashion.

Jan 4, 2023, 19:0801/04/23

Start another UDK unbeateable tread, and answer everything is fine... 

As usual, this has nothing to do with the current thread topic.

Have you considered getting good rather than whining endlessly?

Jan 4, 2023, 19:1301/04/23

Do people get a dopamine hit off of this? It can't be fun, can it?

And you're 100% right on the rage just manifesting in a different fashion.

Tired of actually playing PvP games? Try the new Button Press Simulator!!

Click the Button to have the satisfaction of knowing you've clicked a button. No decisions, skill or work required! 

Tired of gameplay? Don't worry, with Button Press Simulator, it's as easy as turning on your device and then clicking start twenty times per day!

Jan 4, 2023, 22:5701/04/23

Tired of actually playing PvP games? Try the new Button Press Simulator!!

Click the Button to have the satisfaction of knowing you've clicked a button. No decisions, skill or work required! 

Tired of gameplay? Don't worry, with Button Press Simulator, it's as easy as turning on your device and then clicking start twenty times per day!

I take that as an pro argument on my initial idea: double rewards, half of the fights.

Real interesting PvP fights arent done in 5 seconds. Just an example here, in a YouTube video from Nub Raids about the skinwalker legendary Samson: The fight was very interesting. And took 3 minutes. 20 times a day = 1 hour.

One hour of Raid just in classic arena! That's insane! 

Jan 4, 2023, 23:0301/04/23

I take that as an pro argument on my initial idea: double rewards, half of the fights.

Real interesting PvP fights arent done in 5 seconds. Just an example here, in a YouTube video from Nub Raids about the skinwalker legendary Samson: The fight was very interesting. And took 3 minutes. 20 times a day = 1 hour.

One hour of Raid just in classic arena! That's insane! 

I'll take double rewards and half fights if it comes with an end to the loss limit, free win, everyone in G5 arena we have now.