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Ultimate Deathknight bores everyone to death

Ultimate Deathknight bores everyone to death

May 1, 2023, 17:5805/01/23

Sure, I'll tell you again - it's not OP. Git gud :)


I think this should be the "official answer" for all future nerf request posted on these forums.

Sometimes you just get tired of arguing with people. 

May 1, 2023, 21:3705/01/23


I think this should be the "official answer" for all future nerf request posted on these forums.

Sometimes you just get tired of arguing with people. 

5586 posts later.... lol

May 2, 2023, 00:4305/02/23

There is only one UDK in the bronze Tier III screen here, and that team obviously belongs to a much more advanced player who has figured out how to sit in bronze Tier III with an unbeatable team. I can only guess as to the motive. Why would such an advanced player be camping among the noob tiers? Is this some sort of exploit? I basically did zero damage.

May 2, 2023, 06:3805/02/23
May 2, 2023, 06:39(edited)

There is only one UDK in the bronze Tier III screen here, and that team obviously belongs to a much more advanced player who has figured out how to sit in bronze Tier III with an unbeatable team. I can only guess as to the motive. Why would such an advanced player be camping among the noob tiers? Is this some sort of exploit? I basically did zero damage.

IMO more likely someone no longer active in arena, so they've slowly dropped down from Gold 5 as stronger players beat them. 

May 2, 2023, 11:3705/02/23

IMO more likely someone no longer active in arena, so they've slowly dropped down from Gold 5 as stronger players beat them. 

You also automatically drop a tier if you don't meet the minimum threshold for Arena matches. Eventually all inactive accounts fall to Bronze 1, then out of Bronze and arena entirely the next week.

May 7, 2023, 09:3005/07/23

So i was facing a team containing UDK, beat down 3 of his sidekicks and then faced off the UDK 4vs1

I had:

ronda atk 3580 spd 210 crit% 100 critdam% 212

brakus atk 3944 spd 157 crit% 87 critdam% 202

Scyl  def 3116 spd 216 crit% 99 critdam 83%

apothecary spd 240

And it took me ~5 minutes to beat down UDK alone and that too only because i got lucky with scyls stuns chaining at one point. 

Its borderline insane that people are protecting  UDK so relentlessly, if they had made UDK attack type champ it wouldve been a little more fair imo.

May 7, 2023, 13:5605/07/23

who r those who dont like UDK lol oO

how can u not like sumthin u gain for free ...

UDK is great, u can play him in different segments of the game...

he can be great tank defender in pvp cuz he can soak so many dmg...

i use him everywhere... 

even in currently DT - Eternal Dragon against Magma on flor 100


in Iron Twins as well in Sand Devil.. how can u not like him...

in arena protects ur dmg dealer


only bad thing about UDK is that Georgid can tare apart him with single hit and some spirit chemps...

but overall very usefull chemp +

May 20, 2023, 18:2905/20/23

The hard facts are that until this current Arena meta where Classic Arena is way nerfed, a new player would spend a couple months struggling to get to the bottom of Silver right now. Gold would be months and months away, until you had a 330 speed Speed Aura lead. 

@ColderTh4nIce I see your team right now is Arbie, Scyl, Hotatsu and Roshcard and in Gold 3. Congrats firstly! Secondly, and unfortunately for all the players that struggled 2020-2022, that would have been a very different story a while ago. The thing people with similar teams would be upset about wouldn't be UDK... it would have been how they couldn't even get to Gold 1. Or perhaps if well, well built, how they couldn't stay in Gold 1 against all the "UberKraken" teams.

I keep saying that no long term player wants to change Arena back to the way it was, and that is becuase now it just a medal farm. The only way to advance previously into Gold was to rank up a solid team of strong Arena champs, with a strong nuker, and then go farm Dragon 20 for 3-6 months. Then maybe you could do it.

Okay so the whole concept to the game is that it's a grinding game which is why I started playing the game, I like the grinding and everyone in the game clearly likes it to some degree as it's a massive rewarding feeling getting good items and champs. I don't care about the past I care and a lot of us care about the present and future of the game. He takes an incredibly long time to beat sometimes which bores me, he's incredibly over used everywhere example from previous comment. I have been hard stuck gold 3 for a long time now and it's literally because of one character UDK... ever since they came out my life has been miserable on this game and I just focus on grinding instead of going into any arena match's as it's now become frankly boring. Sorry to say this about your game but you seem to not mind making 'balance changes' each update to certain champs but refuse to change UDK? I don't understand why? You didn't really address anything I said, all you said was, it used to be worse, put up with it and new players will struggle for months. I struggled for months just as much as anyone else but I liked the meta, I like trying to counter teams, I like the way it was but UDK is unreal. I could have a full team of 40k power champs and still lose to one champ that just slowly kills me. I'd rather it be an OP champ that ends my misery quickly and just one shot everyone. At least I can try, freezing, stunning them to counter it. UDK is a champion that makes the game slow, boring and mentally draining. Youre a moderator and that's best you could give me... what a crappy response.

May 20, 2023, 18:3305/20/23

5586 posts later.... lol

If there's 5000 people saying the same thing like are you stupid? Change the damn hero 🤦‍♀️

May 20, 2023, 18:5905/20/23

If there's 5000 people saying the same thing like are you stupid? Change the damn hero 🤦‍♀️

It's completely fine to disagree on topics but what isn't fine is being rude and insulting for no reason at all. 

Once again: UDK is a completely fair champ who I don't think needs a nerfing, nor do I expext it. 

I also suspect you might be struggling in arena - and finding it even slower - is because you’re running slow teams that lack damage and don't really do anything. 

So, if after your short break you’d like to shore up some of your knowledge gaps and see what your best team options in arena might be, feel free to drop back in but please do drop the unnecessary hostilities. 

May 21, 2023, 08:3705/21/23

UDK deals above average damage and has a really good defence and has provoke chance and has decrease ATK and has fear and has shield and has continuous heal and blocks first hit made against team mate and heals for 20% of opponents heals (and jesus christ even overheal counts).

You cant be serious with this "completely fair" statement

People who dont see UDK as broken champ are people who are veteran players running 6000 ATK on their champs with 250 crit dmg, you simply cant look at UDK objectively from midgame point of view and thats bad

May 21, 2023, 18:0005/21/23

I have both a midgame account running a NM only clan in my cluster and a brand new account I made just to test UDK and didn't find him as punishing as he is made out to be.

Here is my link to a series I did with a level 30-40 account to Gold using starter gear. One time was with UDK. I let myself fall back to bronze there and did it again a few weeks later without him. Perhaps there is something in the link or thread that can help folks. :)

Join Raid discussion and read about UDK is unbeatable... on the Forum. Share your experiences, log in

May 22, 2023, 04:3605/22/23

If there's 5000 people saying the same thing like are you stupid? Change the damn hero 🤦‍♀️

If 50000000 people say its no matter. If two people are struggling to tell everything is fine, or  cry begins to oppress the minority.

May 22, 2023, 15:0405/22/23
May 22, 2023, 19:13(edited)

This is just my experience as a ftp. I use UDK in almost every aspect of the game and he has helped me progress immensly, but there was a time that I just dreaded doing the daily arena matches because of him. I really had no counter even Ronda whose block skills does not seem to work on regen gear and he would just usualy start back healing after the debuff wore off. It also seemed like there were many times that he would just have a sliver of health and no amount of hitting him would kill him (not sure if it was a bug but VERY annoying). I finally pulled Morrigaine who has the 100% heal reduction but I always had to make sure he was the lowest health to have it apply. Finally pulled Ma'Shalled whose Open Wounds skill just lets me kill UDK easily. I love the champion for what he can do in PvE but I fully understand why so many are frustrated to no end with him in arena, I do use him on offence but just have a lone Deliana on defense since I really don't want to end up in Platinum as a FTP with only 5 level 60s. Until you have a champion that can counter UDK he is just frustrating, I also have had matches where they just last forever and he would just not die (the aforementioned sliver of health and no amount of hitting him would kill him). I can only imagine what sheep blessing on him does to people also (another reason not to reach Platinum lol). TLDR.... I love having UDK on my roster but understand peoples hatred at seeing him in arena.

mod note: edited out formatting to make the post a little more forum friendly

May 24, 2023, 11:0705/24/23

It's completely fine to disagree on topics but what isn't fine is being rude and insulting for no reason at all. 

Once again: UDK is a completely fair champ who I don't think needs a nerfing, nor do I expext it. 

I also suspect you might be struggling in arena - and finding it even slower - is because you’re running slow teams that lack damage and don't really do anything. 

So, if after your short break you’d like to shore up some of your knowledge gaps and see what your best team options in arena might be, feel free to drop back in but please do drop the unnecessary hostilities. 

I've already posted my arena teams and i have speed, I have damage. I'm not struggling at all I don't mind playing in arena, I'm good 3 atm and climbing. UDK just makes everything really dragged out and I feel as though progress in the game is getting slower because of the character. if have a team with 250+ speed, damage characters with 100+ crit rate and decent crit damage is making my life with UDK slow. If you want to justify it sure go ahead but really he was just a bad addition to the game that you now have to justify your decision at every turn. It doesn't seem like you want to hear what the masses are telling you which shows you are not bothered about your players but rather you want to be correct aout adding them into the game, basically some weird EGO trip. 

May 24, 2023, 15:0605/24/23

I have found that he is easily countered by Triton Vinegarbottom. Whenever UDK uses his heal ability TV procs his "Cartwheel of Sadness" and negates any and all effects related to the C2 on the UDK. You just need to make sure that your ACC is high enough. After you proc that use TV's "Too Stupid to Live" ability taking all hits on UKD and give them to Ninja because he is too stupid to live. If they do not have Ninja use the "Overrated and Overused Champion" ability to remove SkullCrown and instantly ban him from the user's account. 

May 31, 2023, 05:4905/31/23

Arena is very varied isn't ??? Marishka,Taras,UDK and Stoneskin and Polymorph fest. This is ...


May 31, 2023, 12:5805/31/23

I think that we can all agree that at end-game polymorph needs to be fixed. 

May 31, 2023, 14:2005/31/23

I think that we can all agree that at end-game polymorph needs to be fixed. 

And more other things. :DDD

May 31, 2023, 14:2905/31/23

I think that we can all agree that at end-game polymorph needs to be fixed. 

Aren't you early game? I think sheep is a necessary balance myself. Even if slightly overpowered, which is only at high awakening really.