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Dec 1, 2022, 05:2512/01/22


I have been playing the game for a month now, doing all my daily quests to earn that first legendary shard only to open it and have it become an epic champion.  

The champion design and uniqueness is second to none but what's the appeal for me to continue playing the game of chance??

I want to love the game there's just too much red tape to fight through 

Dec 1, 2022, 05:3212/01/22

I'm sorry you didn't get a champ you wanted.

Now, just a bit of cold water, the Sacred shard only has a 6% chance of beign a legendary. Mostly they will all be epics. I didn't get a single legendary until I had been playing the game more than 6 months.

Through the mid game, and until you start getting Nightmare and even Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss on daily farm, you'll be playing with predominantly epic and rare champions. Although you CAN progress ito Nightmare or even Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss with only epics, and then you will have enough monthly resources from the CB chests to start regularly pulling legendary champs, and legendary books.

If you want help with some progression tips and such, we're here and happy to help. :)

Dec 1, 2022, 05:3512/01/22

Here's some stuff I post for new folks about how to fastest make progress to get Clan Boss on farm, which is what you want to start getting ancient, void and sacred shards from Clan Boss:

How to Get Started in Raid

Your Starter Champion to 60 is your absolute first priority
Using 1, 2 and 3 star champions farmable from campaign, 6 star your starter champion: they are your campaign farmer, and when they are60,they will be able to finish all of campaign, up to Brutal difficulty, for you. They will be farming “food” for you to level up and rank up your other champions. The best spot to farm food is Brutal  12-3, and as you level up your starter, they will be able to farm 12-3 with just the starter gear sets.

It is well worth  buying the masteries for your starter, too. This will make it easier for farming scrolls for your other champions too. This is where your first 800 gems should be spent, even before the gem mine. I often recommending buying masteries for your second main champ with gems as well.

Do not sell the free login Lifesteal set
Your starter champion needs it for the first few months: you can level up to 16 the glove, chest and boots. The remaining pieces you can leave them at 12. . An additional note, keep almost all 4 star and below pieces at no higher than level 12.

You NEED AoE Decrease Defense
If you don’t have yet a champion with the AOE 60% Decrease Defense debuff, Warmaiden is  your best friend. Having a champion that does AOE 60% Decrease Defense champion is huge, and Warmaiden is a farmable rare from campaign stage 9, the Deadlands, that does that, and on a 3 turn cooldown, and she can be booked for free, just using her duplicates as books until her A3 is fully booked.  She can be kept at level 50 and used across the game until you find one of the many excellent Epic AoE Dec Def champs that do more, and survive much better.

Get a “Core Team” going
The Core Team is the engine that will power up your progress. Build a core team for general use, but primarily for clan boss use, looking for champions that:
1) 50% Decrease Attack
2) 60% Decrease Defense
3) 5% Poisons, HP Burn, or both
4) Various buffs that are helpful in clan boss and general progression: heals, increase defense, speed buff, counterattack, ally protection, etc. The Core Team will change over time, as you pull better options you may need to change some of the champions.

The power of 6 Stars
Focus on making a team of level 60 champs! Don’t make the mistake many beginners do of upgrading level 50’s aimlessly and endlessly. Instead, work on the food to make 60s for your core team, champs that will be long term use. 6 starring a champion unlocks the very important Warmaster and Giantslayer masteries, as well as the banner slot. This, combined with having your champion booked at least for their most important skills, will unlock their true potential.

Minotaur grinding for mastery scrolls
Fully master your core team: having most of your team at level 60 will make it easier to farm on Mino 15, the best place to farm for scrolls.

Enter The Dragon
Start Dragon progression. Your goal is to reach Dragon 20, where 6 star gear starts dropping. Lifesteal, Speed and Accuracy sets will help you build teams for all areas of the game, and also will help you gear up other teams for other dungeons. Leave those other dungeons for later though, as they all will require more specialized teams.
All of the above will help you progress in Clan Boss....

But why is clan boss important?
CB is a chance at having the best rewards in the game, on a daily basis, for free. Your ultimate goal should be to reach highest clan boss difficulty, UltraNightmare, within a year. Nightmare top chest by the time you've been playing 4-6 months. Each day it will give you a chance to get, daily, Sacred, Void and Ancient shards, as well as Legendary, Epic, Rare books, ascension pots, and gems. Plus you can get the exclusive gear sets: Immortal, and Cruel. Gear without energy to farm it is sneaky good for you. 

Dec 1, 2022, 07:2212/01/22
Dec 1, 2022, 07:51(edited)

First day I played this game I bought a leg shard in the hope of a nice shiny 5*. Instead I just got a 4*. However, that 4* has been an integral part of my team so far and I wouldn't have got so far without it. 

If you want the best chance of a Nat 5*, save your shards for double chance events - but even still, keep your expectations low. This new into the game many epics will serve you well, and a legendary is just a bonus. :)

Over time you'll build up your mnster box regardless. :)

EDIT: Also, be aware that despite the aura around Nat 5*, they are all are created differently, with some being really good and others being in desperate need of a buff. and probably of limited use to you. focus on building great teams from what you have, rather than what you'd want, if that helps. :)

Dec 1, 2022, 08:3712/01/22

Getting a leggo this early on might be the worst scenario, even a good one. How are you gonna book them? You think you have something, but on the other hand, you don't. Even in the late game getting leggo books is hard, and early game it's 100X harder. 

It's better to focus on Dungeon progression, for which epics and rares are far more valuable, because they are easier to book and max and you get a much faster return on your investment. 

Dec 1, 2022, 09:1712/01/22

5 more days and you will get a legendary champion...for FREE. You just need to log in 7 days and wham!! That baby is all yours. But I agree with Tyr also because right at the start of the game you won't really have the resources to really bring out the characters full potential.

Dec 1, 2022, 09:3512/01/22

I feel like grind-y games like Raid either are your cuppa tea or they aren't. 

Personally, I love the grind, the going days without pulling any cool champs, but I totally get how it wouldn't be fun for some... so listen, if after a month you just aren't feeling it, it is okay to admit that the game just isn't for you. 

But! I will say that if you stick with it, theres no telling how quickly you'll pull some sweet leggos and your fortunes will improve 


Dec 1, 2022, 12:5212/01/22

Wow, thanks for all the kind remarks and positive feedback.  I was hugely disappointed that I didn't get that legendary champion but I feel a lot better now after reading through what y'all wrote.  Thanks

Dec 1, 2022, 13:0112/01/22
Dec 1, 2022, 13:23(edited)

The greed of Plarium is endless. Once in a while they throw you a small bone like free lego for everyone, but in the end it doesn't matter. Just accept it. Play the game in the Bus or something, don't invest in it, the endgame is farming gear and pvp - and thats where you can't win in a long term against all the whales and 2y+ players.

Dec 1, 2022, 15:2912/01/22

Sounds like someone can't make it past Gold I 

Dec 1, 2022, 16:2812/01/22


I understand the disappointment at not pulling a Legendary but there are a ton of Epics that are just flat out better. There are even a few Rares that are more useful.  

I've been playing for just over 2 months myself & have a total of 10 Legendries on my account (mostly through luck and only pulling during 2X, double legendary, or guaranteed events). 

Out of those 10... I actually use 3 of them. The others are so bad that I only bothered to level them to 50 for the points during CvC.  They aren't even ascended (not worth wasting the potions on).

Out of those 3... only 1 is booked. (Legendary books are hard to come by until you get to Nightmare Clan Boss.) 

This means that there are a ton of Epics that are better than 70% of the Legendries I've received.  

Epics are actually more useful early game than legos as well. They are easier to get books for and require less high level potions to ascend. 

In closing... I honestly don't know which is more depressing... pulling a Sacred shard and getting an Epic or seeing that Gold animation and realizing that I just had my mercy counter reset for Cillian the Lucky.  😢

Dec 1, 2022, 16:3512/01/22
Dec 1, 2022, 16:37(edited)


I understand the disappointment at not pulling a Legendary but there are a ton of Epics that are just flat out better. There are even a few Rares that are more useful.  

I've been playing for just over 2 months myself & have a total of 10 Legendries on my account (mostly through luck and only pulling during 2X, double legendary, or guaranteed events). 

Out of those 10... I actually use 3 of them. The others are so bad that I only bothered to level them to 50 for the points during CvC.  They aren't even ascended (not worth wasting the potions on).

Out of those 3... only 1 is booked. (Legendary books are hard to come by until you get to Nightmare Clan Boss.) 

This means that there are a ton of Epics that are better than 70% of the Legendries I've received.  

Epics are actually more useful early game than legos as well. They are easier to get books for and require less high level potions to ascend. 

In closing... I honestly don't know which is more depressing... pulling a Sacred shard and getting an Epic or seeing that Gold animation and realizing that I just had my mercy counter reset for Cillian the Lucky.  😢

I opened 150 blue shards in the double lego event - not 1 lego.

That was just it for me, they teached me that i will never ever again spend money on that game. The greed of Plarium is just endless.

Dec 1, 2022, 16:4312/01/22

I opened 150 blue shards in the double lego event - not 1 lego.

That was just it for me, they teached me that i will never ever again spend money on that game. The greed of Plarium is just endless.

Hi again, 

There is no need to turn this into your rant thread. If you opened during the pull one, get one free event then you were an underdog to open a legendary unless you were in mercy. 

If it was during the normal 2x Ancients even, then it was slightly unlucky.

Lastly, those types of players you're referring to competing against represent a very small portion of the player base that most of us will never have to care about unless we're pushing high Gold tag or Platinum arena. In terms of developing our own accounts to deal with PvE and the majority of PvP content, those players mean very little.

Dec 1, 2022, 16:4612/01/22
Dec 1, 2022, 16:48(edited)

Hi again, 

There is no need to turn this into your rant thread. If you opened during the pull one, get one free event then you were an underdog to open a legendary unless you were in mercy. 

If it was during the normal 2x Ancients even, then it was slightly unlucky.

Lastly, those types of players you're referring to competing against represent a very small portion of the player base that most of us will never have to care about unless we're pushing high Gold tag or Platinum arena. In terms of developing our own accounts to deal with PvE and the majority of PvP content, those players mean very little.

It was during the double chance Event. I managed to pull 22 rares in a row also and only got 8 epics out of it (18%chance) which 2 of them are dubes. 

So yes, my conclusion is: Never ever spend any money to Plarium cause all they do is wanting more while rip you off .

Dec 1, 2022, 16:4812/01/22


 I'm sorry you pulled 150 shards w/o a Legendary, but even in a double lego event the chance of recieving a Legendary from an Ancient Shard is only 0.5% per shard. 

I'm sure someone is typing a post right now explaining statistics so I won't get into the math of it. 

Can I ask though... if you had 150 Ancient shards then why didn't you wait a couple of days for the guaranteed Staltus? I'm asuming you pulled during the last double lego event.

 Also, I'm not sure if you are familiar with the how the mercy system works but basically, you're guaranteed a legendary within your next 51 Ancient Shards. If you save these up and wait to pull them during the next double legendary event, you're guaranteed to get 2 Legendries.  

Dec 1, 2022, 16:4912/01/22


 I'm sorry you pulled 150 shards w/o a Legendary, but even in a double lego event the chance of recieving a Legendary from an Ancient Shard is only 0.5% per shard. 

I'm sure someone is typing a post right now explaining statistics so I won't get into the math of it. 

Can I ask though... if you had 150 Ancient shards then why didn't you wait a couple of days for the guaranteed Staltus? I'm asuming you pulled during the last double lego event.

 Also, I'm not sure if you are familiar with the how the mercy system works but basically, you're guaranteed a legendary within your next 51 Ancient Shards. If you save these up and wait to pull them during the next double legendary event, you're guaranteed to get 2 Legendries.  

It was not 0,5% it was during the double event.

Dec 1, 2022, 17:2112/01/22

Still only 1%. Statistically you were unlucky, buf in the game I just left, Summoners War, there was no double chance event, no guaranteed champs, and no mercy system - so it wasn't unheard of for people to open hundreds of ancient shard equivalents without any Nat 5*. Honestly, you people only used to Raid have ot it so lucky!

Dec 1, 2022, 17:3212/01/22


I understand the disappointment at not pulling a Legendary but there are a ton of Epics that are just flat out better. There are even a few Rares that are more useful.  

I've been playing for just over 2 months myself & have a total of 10 Legendries on my account (mostly through luck and only pulling during 2X, double legendary, or guaranteed events). 

Out of those 10... I actually use 3 of them. The others are so bad that I only bothered to level them to 50 for the points during CvC.  They aren't even ascended (not worth wasting the potions on).

Out of those 3... only 1 is booked. (Legendary books are hard to come by until you get to Nightmare Clan Boss.) 

This means that there are a ton of Epics that are better than 70% of the Legendries I've received.  

Epics are actually more useful early game than legos as well. They are easier to get books for and require less high level potions to ascend. 

In closing... I honestly don't know which is more depressing... pulling a Sacred shard and getting an Epic or seeing that Gold animation and realizing that I just had my mercy counter reset for Cillian the Lucky.  😢

just out of curiosity, who would those 10 legos be?

Dec 1, 2022, 18:1812/01/22


Mother Cybele





Skull Lord



& Roric Wyrmbane

Dec 1, 2022, 18:2512/01/22

@harleQuinn .....Your how to get started in Raid post is good advice.  I never learned about the core team.  When I read your post the "light bulb" went off in my head.  Every new player should read it.  Can you make it a stickie for others?

Dec 1, 2022, 18:3012/01/22

I pulled 136 ancients and I didn't get a leggo either. Does this mean I can cry about it and sulk like a 5 year old?