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No more free leggos for noobs....

No more free leggos for noobs....

Nov 29, 2022, 22:4911/29/22
Urlibu FTP

Sure, people complain mindlessly. I'm not defending assholes who come here asking for everything on a silver platter. But I also think that the advice being thrown around is often only part of the story, thrown at those noobs as if it was "the" correct answer.

"Use heal reduction champs" ... well, do you mean actually build them? Like, take a shit-tier champ like rocktooth and put actual resources into them? that's a terrible idea! At most, you'd want to take him to level 40, throw as much speed and accuracy onto him, and hope to place the debuff before he gets killed. But that part of the advice gets left out. Or the fact that a 4* chicken is extremely valuable until you have at least 3-4 rank 6 champs.

"Just use a destroy set" ... again, same thing. How much stats is it worth giving up for wearing that destroy set? does this mean the champ in question is 100% dedicated to arena? Where do you get the millions of silver needed to make that build, and could that silver be spent elsewhere? Nope, none of that discussion.

About what you say in point 3. I actually agree! Arena is not content meant for month 1 players! But people suggest to throw more and more attention into arena. And the terrible design of the daily rewards makes this worse. From day 2 onwards, plarium is telling you to play arena every day. The climb is fast enough that people inevitably hit defenses they can't beat. Most people aren't interested in arena, but you don't get that energy refill (or eventually that sacred shard) if you don't do it EVERY DAY. And when it takes multiple refreshes to get those 5 one-man defenses, or even worse, conceding 5 battles on purpose, the huge, pointless time waste of it becomes apparent.

I know I'm going against the grain of the forum here, but asking people to "show their arena team" really isn't a productive direction. "Don't worry about arena, just cheese it until you organically end up building at least 75% of a team" is the advice I'd give.

The whole thing infuriates me because you're telling those players to waste a bunch of resources in non-essential areas, when PvE progress is way more important in that crucial early stage of the game. As I've said before: even small mistakes in resource allocation get punished severely by this game. Do you disagree?

"I know I'm going against the grain of the forum here, but asking people to "show their arena team" really isn't a productive direction. "Don't worry about arena, just cheese it until you organically end up building at least 75% of a team" is the advice I'd give."

100% agree. That's what we're trying to tell them.....but do they listen? We don't say "show your arena team" to berate them....we're asking that because until they can actually build a team of champions, they shouldn't even look at competing in arena. The very basic speed nuke team can be built with a standard farmable Dragon team: Diabolist, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Starter champ....all are useful in other areas of the game. Throw in some control champs like Graybeard, Templar etc. I didn't touch arena until about a month in when I could get 5* gear. I just went in, lost my 5 tokens (all it asks is to play, you don't have to win), and went back to grinding the Dragon for gear. But these new guys want to blast through arena from day one, with nothing more than a half-built Kael and 3 stooges....of course UDK will look like a God to them.

Point is people who don't know how to build a basic champion, let alone a team, should not be so strongly opinionated on champions. Hearing that UDK is S-tier OP Arena God from someone who doesn't have a farmer fully built yet is like me telling you what engine to drop in your Mustang because I heard Wheels On The Bus on Cocomelon. 

Want to talk about "advanced game knowledge", I'm being lectured on why Valkyrie isn't as OP as I thought she was, how Counter-Attack mechanic is being exploited by Mithrala to trigger Petrify, and Mortu for Peril. How her passive is being countered by Stoneskin etc. So what do I do? I listen, and I ask questions....and everybody is being helpful. So when some new guys come in with that "youtube comment section" energy, it gets tiring after a while. So I totally understand when mods and the forum OGs can be cranky sometimes because their experience and knowledge are being challenged by people who just got Jizoh.   

Nov 29, 2022, 22:5511/29/22

Brutal 12.3 

Nov 29, 2022, 23:0011/29/22

Brutal 12.3 

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Nov 29, 2022, 23:0111/29/22

Brutal 12.3 

That is a solid Milestone, IMO. Perhaps the most important milestone in the game. No leggo if you can't beat a chicken farm lol

Nov 29, 2022, 23:1511/29/22

I got to follow along with @harleQuinn as she took on the UDK/arena project of her own accord, for no other benefit other than to help the community. Obviously, the pushback and the forms it has taken have not been ideal.

It is infinitely frustrating to see actionable information on how to best tackle early Arena/UDK - and really starting an account effectively - eschewed in favor of rage, accusations, insults and a ton of goal post moving. 

I have to concur with ignoring Arena being a bad approach, in that kicking it down the road will hamper progress. As you've said before: progression in this game is exponential. Great Hall is one of the best ways we can ramp up that progression.

If players - vocally or otherwise - don't want to do the things necessary to overcome hurdles in game then that is completely up to them. However, once that attitude starts getting turned back onto other members of the community who are trying to help them is when there starts to be a problem. 



This is the kind of attitude I am referring to here. Gaps in game knowledge and approach turned back around on those who are trying to help others get better at the game rather than rage at it. 

The example of the former speed problems as explained by Quinn required you to put in a ton of time on the Dragon grind just to work your way through Arena, otherwise you got dunked on by every Speed team. Now, the advice is both concise and achieveable in an extremely reasonable amount of time. Take a streamlined approach and bring your champs up to 60. Farm some speed gear in Campaign if needbe. Stay focused and take in information from players who've built up a successful account at least once and can help newer and/or less experienced players apply it. 

Again, I completely understand players who don't want to do the work necessary, and perhaps don't want to stay focused. That said, the entitlement I am often seeing after that, the sniping and insults towards those trying to help is not. 

Lastly @Urlibu, please refrain from vulgar posts. 

Nov 30, 2022, 07:4711/30/22


I owe you an apology. I wasn't referring to you specifically when I talked about "sneering", and I did really mean that your experiment was a very cool thing to do, even if I don't agree with the conclusions you draw from it. Also, I guess I ended up using overly harsh language because I feel like I'm alone pushing against a consensus of all the forum regulars.


I will tone it down. Just have a foul mouth is all.

Nov 30, 2022, 08:1811/30/22

Anyway, on to the substance:

I obviously disagree that investing early in arena is a good idea. The accounts I'm talking about are easily hanging out in silver II - IV. That's how far you get with zero investment, and I just don't think it's worth thinking about arena builds to get maybe 2-3 tiers out of it, at a point when your account still has huge holes like champs not even wearing +16 gear. Each tier of arena is +6% of base stats, about equivalent to a single substat on a single piece of gear for each champion. It's way, way easier to get that amount of improvement from gear than from arena, specially while you're in the early game with only 4-5 built champs.

Great hall progress is irrelevant in the short term for the same reasons. It only starts mattering when you hit the limits of where gear can take you, like the extremely high acc/res requirements of DT hard, hydra, twins. For those of us who consider arena a chore, spending time there just isn't worth it unless you get 4 gold medals out of it. At lower tiers (even gold I), you reap half that benefit.

And it's f... forking ridiculous that the progress quests force you into upgrading 3 bonuses to level 10 so soon (my current account has been sitting there for a month), when spreading around the medals would be a much better investment. Great hall is the kind of "content" that pushes me towards quitting the game. There's nothing fun about it, and I think a sober look at the benefit shows that you're essentially grinding now to get the benefit a year down the line. That's long even by raid standards.

Nov 30, 2022, 15:2911/30/22
Urlibu FTP

Anyway, on to the substance:

I obviously disagree that investing early in arena is a good idea. The accounts I'm talking about are easily hanging out in silver II - IV. That's how far you get with zero investment, and I just don't think it's worth thinking about arena builds to get maybe 2-3 tiers out of it, at a point when your account still has huge holes like champs not even wearing +16 gear. Each tier of arena is +6% of base stats, about equivalent to a single substat on a single piece of gear for each champion. It's way, way easier to get that amount of improvement from gear than from arena, specially while you're in the early game with only 4-5 built champs.

Great hall progress is irrelevant in the short term for the same reasons. It only starts mattering when you hit the limits of where gear can take you, like the extremely high acc/res requirements of DT hard, hydra, twins. For those of us who consider arena a chore, spending time there just isn't worth it unless you get 4 gold medals out of it. At lower tiers (even gold I), you reap half that benefit.

And it's f... forking ridiculous that the progress quests force you into upgrading 3 bonuses to level 10 so soon (my current account has been sitting there for a month), when spreading around the medals would be a much better investment. Great hall is the kind of "content" that pushes me towards quitting the game. There's nothing fun about it, and I think a sober look at the benefit shows that you're essentially grinding now to get the benefit a year down the line. That's long even by raid standards.


 Can I ask how long you've been playing & your player level? 

I'm trying to understand your mindset. Is it to go through arena and never lose a match? Do you just want to auto battle through arena and win? Is it just that you see Arbiter there behind a long quest chain and feel like getting her should be easier or faster? I'm not being confrontational; I'm just trying to understand your view.   

Nov 30, 2022, 15:5011/30/22
Nov 30, 2022, 15:50(edited)
Urlibu FTP

Anyway, on to the substance:

I obviously disagree that investing early in arena is a good idea. The accounts I'm talking about are easily hanging out in silver II - IV. That's how far you get with zero investment, and I just don't think it's worth thinking about arena builds to get maybe 2-3 tiers out of it, at a point when your account still has huge holes like champs not even wearing +16 gear. Each tier of arena is +6% of base stats, about equivalent to a single substat on a single piece of gear for each champion. It's way, way easier to get that amount of improvement from gear than from arena, specially while you're in the early game with only 4-5 built champs.

Great hall progress is irrelevant in the short term for the same reasons. It only starts mattering when you hit the limits of where gear can take you, like the extremely high acc/res requirements of DT hard, hydra, twins. For those of us who consider arena a chore, spending time there just isn't worth it unless you get 4 gold medals out of it. At lower tiers (even gold I), you reap half that benefit.

And it's f... forking ridiculous that the progress quests force you into upgrading 3 bonuses to level 10 so soon (my current account has been sitting there for a month), when spreading around the medals would be a much better investment. Great hall is the kind of "content" that pushes me towards quitting the game. There's nothing fun about it, and I think a sober look at the benefit shows that you're essentially grinding now to get the benefit a year down the line. That's long even by raid standards.

I think we are coming from different perspectives when talking about arena engagement. I'm in your camp with that regard, but I don't think they're necessarily against it....I think they are simply talking in different time frames. 

To me, personally, Arena is very important to start as soon as you meat several criteria:

TM booster - you will need that champ everywhere in the game. Teaches you the importance of speed.

Debuffer - Decrease Defense, specifically. Again, you will use that champ everywhere else, and you will learn the importance of accuracy.

Nuker - properly built damage dealer, even if it's just your farmer, is crucial in this game, and it is where most mistakes are made. 

As soon as they have a handle on those 3 builds, they can begin dipping their toes in the arena....that's my personal opinion. 

Nov 30, 2022, 15:5911/30/22

  This started off short but turned into a long post.... sorry. 😁 


First of all I'm a "Noob" myself. As of right now I have exactly 68 days experience in Raid. I feel that this gives me a really good view on what the "New Player" Experience is.

Please don't assume that because I'm new to Raid that I am also ignorant when discussing games, game mechanics, game design ect. I was playing RPGs when they were text based. I have a good understanding of game mechanics, gearing, etc. as in those 68 days I've been able to accomplish the following: 

  • Clear through 12-5 Nightmare Campaign (That last boss is a pain in the...) 
  • 2 key Nightmare CB daily and looking to push into Ultra-Nightmare soon. 
  • Hit Platinum Arena (my stay was short but long enough to get a screenshot 😁).  
  • All the lvl 20 potion keeps on auto farm. 
  • Dragon 25 on auto (although very slow). 
  • Clear Spider, Ice Golem, & Fire Knight lvl 20s on auto. 
  • 3 key the lowest Normal Hydra Chest. 
  • Clear Normal Doom Tower. 

All of this was due to finding a supportive clan, TAKING ADVISE from veterans such as dthorne04, harleQuinn and others here on the forums (no one seems to want to do this anymore) and watching YouTubers such as Hellhades, Deadwoodjedi etc.  

So here we go:

I think giving new players OP Champions / Gear / Resources ect. hurts any game in the long run. Although it will draw in new players, the long-term consequences actually hurts player retention and sets these new players up for frustration and failure in the near future.  

*Disclaimer: I'm going to use UDK as an example since being relatively new to the Raid community this is the "free" legendary I have the most experience with and am most familiar with the issues involving him. 

100%... a Legendary given to new players does give them the ability to blast through content and makes the lower-level content much easier, in fact, it makes it trivial. The issue is...  that lower-level content was designed and tuned in a way that was supposed to assist players with progressing in not only Player Power but Player Skill and UNDERSTANDING of the Game and its mechanics.  

When new players get a Lego, such as UDK, who can solo steam roll through most, if not all, of that lower-level content (the content that was designed to teach them about things such as team composition, gearing, synergy, etc.) then those players don't gain the knowledge and experience needed to progress later in the game. 

It disrupts the way the game was designed in regards to champion gearing and leveling as well. I'm sure (as with most game design) that these levels were built to require a certain level of "team power" to complete and these levels give a set amount of XP and gear needed prepare that team for the next level. RPG games are not designed to run through every level on the first attempt (at least none of the ones I've played have been). You run a level, you die, you go to the previous levels and gain some XP / get better gear, then try the level you failed again. This cycle repeats as you progress and is really the heart of an RPG. It builds and devlops your champions. The thing is when you're playing these levels with the champions and gear the devloper had in mind when they designed the game and you fail a level, normally a few runs of previous levels is all you need to increase your champion's power through XP or gear enough to succeed. 

When a new player receives something OP for the stage of the game they are in and allows them to run through this leveling content in one shot, they don't get the XP and gear needed for the other Champions on their team. Since they ran through the campaign so fast, in order to progress their other champions they are forced to go back and basically "grind" to bring them to a sufficent power / gear level before they can progress. Grinding XP in Raid with a 10 sec campaign farmer on 12-3 brutal is boring enough. Now imagine you're 2 weeks into the game and realize that you need to run Hard campaign levels over and over @ 2 minuites per run before you are able to progress.

When players don't learn and understand the mechanics of the game, they will eventually hit a wall no matter what champions you hand them. If you don't believe that knowledge of game mechanics is greater than the champions you have on an account just go watch one of the 100 Hell Hades "Account Takeover" videos. Watch him take an account that is struggling to clear a lvl 20 Dungeon, tweak it with nothing but the gear and champions that player already had in their inventory, and proceed to put the same Dungeon on auto farm @ level 25. Watch him take an Arena team that is struggling in Gold 2 or 3, regear and SPEED tune it, then proceed to win 10 arena matches in a row. 

Another negative thing a Legendary like UDK does to new players is give them a false sense of their perceived power.  

They can't understand why they were dust rolling everyone through Bronze 4 on auto with their 5* UDK in free Lifesteal Gear and 3 level 30s but now that they've hit Silver 1 and encountered older accounts with actual gear, some semblance of team composition, speed tuning, etc. they can't win a single match. (I will say that Silver Arena is broken... it took me longer to get through Silver 4 than it did to go from Gold 1 to Platinum).  

They can't understand why they blasted through the Normal and Hard Campaigns and cleared through the first 10 Dungeon levels on auto but all the sudden their Lego isn't OP anymore and now they can't progress.  

At this point they either: 

Like the game enough that they go back and work on grinding gear and leveling the Rare / Epic Champions they've neglected up to this point (because they weren’t needed to progress until now). For a lot of new players this makes them feel like they are going backwards, they get bored, and they quit. 


Since everything so far has been "easy mode" then the reason they've hit this progression wall is because "the game is broken", "the game is designed to be unfair", "the game is designed to be PTW", etc. Since they've never had to do anything up to this point other than press "Start" in order to progress now they don't have a clue how to counter the new intermediate content. They become frustrated and they quit.  

I know everyone won't agree but as a new player to Raid but with a good bit of gaming experience in general this is what I see.   

Can you recommend a clan to join? The one I've auto-joined is a little... quiet. Would be nice to be in one that's most active - so long as they don't mind a newbie, though a very active and dedicated one. :)

Nov 30, 2022, 18:3011/30/22

There is a subforum for that purpose.

Nov 30, 2022, 22:3611/30/22


 Can I ask how long you've been playing & your player level? 

I'm trying to understand your mindset. Is it to go through arena and never lose a match? Do you just want to auto battle through arena and win? Is it just that you see Arbiter there behind a long quest chain and feel like getting her should be easier or faster? I'm not being confrontational; I'm just trying to understand your view.   

Day 275, level 77. Low gold V with a non-specialized go 2nd team that can beat around 3 teams per page (in addition to one-man defenses obv).

I mostly just want to get arena out of the way. It's not the content I play the game for. And therefore, the all-or-nothing nature of daily quests annoys me. Even if you do all other quests, not doing arena would make you miss out on about 95% of the rewards. So I have to fight every day, even though I'm just treading in place without any interest (currently) in developing specialized arena teams.

Regarding progress missions, it bothers me that I was blasting through them at a good pace, mostly doing meaningful things like building dungeon 25 teams, then suddenly hit a wall of time-gated stuff. Getting a single great hall stat to level 10 is 4275 gold medals, which is over 200 days of doing the minimum required arena fights In gold IV / V. Mission 5.26 (where I'm at) requires you to do this 3 times, so we're talking about 600 days! Even if I go to the limit (39 fights per day without using gems), that's still 76 days. Those numbers are insane! Let them sink in. I will probably quit raid before I get past this mission. In fact, just the act of doing these calculations and seeing the numbers that come out makes me want to quit on the spot.

And the entire great hall is 8x that, so people who complete it have spent 615 days going balls to the walls arena, or spent a sh... truckload of gems to compress that effort into fewer days.

Nov 30, 2022, 22:5111/30/22

I think we are coming from different perspectives when talking about arena engagement. I'm in your camp with that regard, but I don't think they're necessarily against it....I think they are simply talking in different time frames. 

To me, personally, Arena is very important to start as soon as you meat several criteria:

TM booster - you will need that champ everywhere in the game. Teaches you the importance of speed.

Debuffer - Decrease Defense, specifically. Again, you will use that champ everywhere else, and you will learn the importance of accuracy.

Nuker - properly built damage dealer, even if it's just your farmer, is crucial in this game, and it is where most mistakes are made. 

As soon as they have a handle on those 3 builds, they can begin dipping their toes in the arena....that's my personal opinion. 

I think that's a reasonable attitude if you enjoy arena. But if you don't, you'll end up investing into mediocre champs like warmaiden, instead of waiting for the game to give you champs that are better and cover more roles, like tayrel or deacon armstrong.

I do see that arena can help you focus and sharpen your builds. But what you're advocating is just one particular style of play. In my experience, many players overrate speed and burst damage, and underrate survivability. I fought my way through PvE with very slow champs, and have never used a TM booster outside arena. And I've done pretty well I think.

Nov 30, 2022, 22:5311/30/22
Urlibu FTP

Day 275, level 77. Low gold V with a non-specialized go 2nd team that can beat around 3 teams per page (in addition to one-man defenses obv).

I mostly just want to get arena out of the way. It's not the content I play the game for. And therefore, the all-or-nothing nature of daily quests annoys me. Even if you do all other quests, not doing arena would make you miss out on about 95% of the rewards. So I have to fight every day, even though I'm just treading in place without any interest (currently) in developing specialized arena teams.

Regarding progress missions, it bothers me that I was blasting through them at a good pace, mostly doing meaningful things like building dungeon 25 teams, then suddenly hit a wall of time-gated stuff. Getting a single great hall stat to level 10 is 4275 gold medals, which is over 200 days of doing the minimum required arena fights In gold IV / V. Mission 5.26 (where I'm at) requires you to do this 3 times, so we're talking about 600 days! Even if I go to the limit (39 fights per day without using gems), that's still 76 days. Those numbers are insane! Let them sink in. I will probably quit raid before I get past this mission. In fact, just the act of doing these calculations and seeing the numbers that come out makes me want to quit on the spot.

And the entire great hall is 8x that, so people who complete it have spent 615 days going balls to the walls arena, or spent a sh... truckload of gems to compress that effort into fewer days.

I can't relate because I love Arena, but I understand the struggle if it's something you hate doing. I use up all my arena tokens every chance I get simply because of GH bonuses. 

I think of it like this: I've been grinding dungeons for months to get decent gear for my champions. I think about how hard it is to find the right stats, substats, rolls etc. It's a pain to get all that for one champ, it's a nightmare to get a team properly outfitted for endgame. My Candraphon and Kymar are sitting partially dressed. 

Now think of GH as a piece of gear:

- All f2p

- upgrades costs no silver

- you dictate what rolls you want to improve

- covers every substat except c.rate and speed

- works for every champ in the game

If I told you there is a piece of gear with all those properties, and all it costs you is grinding Arena, and you can keep improving it gradually as you go (so it's not like you only get it in the end), wouldn't that be nuts? I think Great Hall is the single most valuable source of stats in the game. 

Nov 30, 2022, 23:1411/30/22

I can't relate because I love Arena, but I understand the struggle if it's something you hate doing. I use up all my arena tokens every chance I get simply because of GH bonuses. 

I think of it like this: I've been grinding dungeons for months to get decent gear for my champions. I think about how hard it is to find the right stats, substats, rolls etc. It's a pain to get all that for one champ, it's a nightmare to get a team properly outfitted for endgame. My Candraphon and Kymar are sitting partially dressed. 

Now think of GH as a piece of gear:

- All f2p

- upgrades costs no silver

- you dictate what rolls you want to improve

- covers every substat except c.rate and speed

- works for every champ in the game

If I told you there is a piece of gear with all those properties, and all it costs you is grinding Arena, and you can keep improving it gradually as you go (so it's not like you only get it in the end), wouldn't that be nuts? I think Great Hall is the single most valuable source of stats in the game. 

Yeah, we definitely have different attitudes. Gearing is all about trade-offs. Which champ do you put your best gear on? which set do you use? can you afford to run this build with crit rate or not? In some sense, when the game poses you this question, and you "solve" it just by getting better gear that doesn't have to make any concessions, that's... kind of unsatisfying? It's not like I hate getting better gear, but it's not really the point for me.

I farm dungeons because I get to complete fusions, or I get to feel smug about sniping 1st place in a tournament without even spending gems. Or I get to think about how to allocate my time between conflicting goals (speed gear or silver from spider? get that leggo tome from a random tournament, or fill the vault with food for the next fusion?). THAT is the core of the game for me.

When trying to explain raid to other people, I end up thinking about it as 3 separate activities:

1) the daily grind. Mindless, but relaxing. The "hamster" part of my brain squeaking in joy because I finally have over 20M silver again.

2) strategic decisions & direction. As described above.

3) big, flashy inflection points. Popping shards. Pulling the trigger and going for the fusion. Rolling the gear for that build I've been thinking about (spending my 20M silver in mere minutes, it hurts so good).

Feb 8, 2023, 00:4502/08/23
Regarding progress missions, it bothers me that I was blasting through
them at a good pace, mostly doing meaningful things like building
dungeon 25 teams, then suddenly hit a wall of time-gated stuff. Getting a
single great hall stat to level 10 is 4275 gold medals, which is over 200 days
of doing the minimum required arena fights In gold IV / V. Mission 5.26
(where I'm at) requires you to do this 3 times, so we're talking about 600 days! Even if I go to the limit (39 fights per day without using gems), that's still 76 days.
Those numbers are insane! Let them sink in. I will probably quit raid
before I get past this mission. In fact, just the act of doing these
calculations and seeing the numbers that come out makes me want to quit
on the spot.

Well, I stuck it out (still playing raid after all). This thread is now a bit more than 2 months old, and I finally got past mission 5.26. I had to pick up the pace quite a bit, doing about 15 arena fights per day average. It was boring. I'm mostly chilling in low gold V.

What's most galling about this is that it's so inefficient. upgrading 3 things to level 10 when the rest of great hall is stuck at level 3 or lower. One more instance of progress quests leading you astray rather than helping you along. Now I actually get to build great hall bonuses for real, i.e., taking up acc, res and cdmg to level 6 for all affinities.

Feb 8, 2023, 01:3302/08/23
Urlibu FTP
Regarding progress missions, it bothers me that I was blasting through
them at a good pace, mostly doing meaningful things like building
dungeon 25 teams, then suddenly hit a wall of time-gated stuff. Getting a
single great hall stat to level 10 is 4275 gold medals, which is over 200 days
of doing the minimum required arena fights In gold IV / V. Mission 5.26
(where I'm at) requires you to do this 3 times, so we're talking about 600 days! Even if I go to the limit (39 fights per day without using gems), that's still 76 days.
Those numbers are insane! Let them sink in. I will probably quit raid
before I get past this mission. In fact, just the act of doing these
calculations and seeing the numbers that come out makes me want to quit
on the spot.

Well, I stuck it out (still playing raid after all). This thread is now a bit more than 2 months old, and I finally got past mission 5.26. I had to pick up the pace quite a bit, doing about 15 arena fights per day average. It was boring. I'm mostly chilling in low gold V.

What's most galling about this is that it's so inefficient. upgrading 3 things to level 10 when the rest of great hall is stuck at level 3 or lower. One more instance of progress quests leading you astray rather than helping you along. Now I actually get to build great hall bonuses for real, i.e., taking up acc, res and cdmg to level 6 for all affinities.

The inefficiency of your GH progress has more to do with avoiding classic arena. I understand that it is utterly boring, but you can do 39 per day minimum for free. And in G5 that can be done fairly easily with all the solos/easy defenses. 

Note, the ramantu missions require further GH progress...

Feb 8, 2023, 01:4102/08/23

The inefficiency of your GH progress has more to do with avoiding classic arena. I understand that it is utterly boring, but you can do 39 per day minimum for free. And in G5 that can be done fairly easily with all the solos/easy defenses. 

Note, the ramantu missions require further GH progress...

Thanks, I know. But I believe those missions are far enough away that I'll take some time to increase my bad stats to at least decent level. I want the great hall to be more or less stable before I start doing builds for the top of DTH and multiple hydra teams, which is some of the stuff next on the list.