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Yet Another Fusion Thread: The how and why this event made everyone angry.

Yet Another Fusion Thread: The how and why this event made everyone angry.

Jul 15, 2019, 17:0107/15/19

Yet Another Fusion Thread: The how and why this event made everyone angry.

Let's get the ugly truth out there.  The event is bad. Objectively, it is not the creator of a service/product that decides if it's good or not. It is the consumers/customers that decide that. When the consensus says it is bad, then, sadly, the company needs to revisit the drawing board. 

With that in mind, let's get more in depth of this event. 

The Towering Titan Event: A 10+ day grindfeast, that required players to log in and use any energy reserve they had to finish, with some even buying the extra energy to push themselves that final line. Total cost: 10k+ Energy, countless hours of gameplay, and, many shards to make up for food deficiency(This is important for later, so keep it in mind). Those who finished it did it by burning months of stockpilled energy/resources, and, in some cases bought it.  

The way the rest of the companion events played out was very nice. Some easy events that could be completed alongside the TT event without distracting those that wanted to farm for foli, and easy enough to complete for those that couldn't, so they weren't left out. 

Then it was the DD, which, frankly was not hard per se, but it wasn't a breeze either. Not the easiest, but not impossible. 

And then comes the infamous Centurion event. Why people are angry: 

After going through all the afford mentioned hassles/resource to get to this point, leveling up the materials and ascending them, 

You pull an impossibly hard event to get him, AFTER most of the work was done, AFTER many players(yours truly included) had spent their shards to make up for foods to finish the TT event.   

BUT! The event in on itself is not why people are angry. The main reason is Transparency, or rather, lack of it. 

Many people, me included, would most likely not bother with this event had we know beforehand we can't complete it. We know it. And so did you. We would invest neither the time, nor the resources(digital or physical) for this.  

Had there been foreshadowing about the events, about what we should expect, what resources we needed and their quantity, there would be no backlash over it. 

IF the event also run concurrent with the TT event, a lot less people would be angry as well. For me, I used around 600 green shards for foods, and 10+ blue shards, and the 2 void shards. That's 1040 points. At this point, i'd be willing to spent some more to finish it. 

Just the two cents of a most definitely irrevocably former spender, and a mostly-not-yet-quited-but-with-a-dying-interested-in-the-game-player. 


PS: Your official reply comes as mostly condescending in that it says that people who got all materials except Centurion did not work hard and thus shouldn't really get him. Expect lots of backlash from it as well.

Jul 15, 2019, 17:1907/15/19
Jul 15, 2019, 17:20(edited)

I agree with you completely, even though I was f2p I managed to complete 95% of the event, I did not need the TT because I already had him, but even so I have to spend all the energy stock without counting the time invested and even bought a pack, I can not get centurion on time. 

Probably I will quit after not getting him.

Jul 15, 2019, 17:5007/15/19
Jul 15, 2019, 18:03(edited)

I don't think you fully get it. Sorry. Or did not get you right. 

The whole point of these fusion events was to get players to the point when they either "spend a bit more" or "loose everything they've worked for". So the harder you've worked for TT the more likely you are to spend a bit to get Foli. That is the dirtiest monetazation trick which is out there they've used on us. And now they coming out with a straight face and telling us that "you get to work hard for better things in life" and  "noone made you do things you did not want to." (CM's official post to russian community.)

So people are agnry for the reason of being deliberately scured over and been told BH when they've complained. 

And the most disappointing thing is, that Plarium knew, that these events would lead to such reaction. They just do not care enough who quits and who stays after the cash was paid. 

And now we will hear all about working hard etc., and all mm will be filled with posts from new accounts saying "they've told us to get ready", "I've done it at no costs", "stop being toxic".

Plarium just think that all this negativity will be over soon. As new 1.9 "update on nothing" is out now and with correct attention redirection and help from youtubers the game will  soon be filled with new players.  Done and dusted. Get ready for the nee money-grabbing tournaments, new useless fusion and even more crap heroes. (Might even nerf good old ones to make players rebuild their team).   

Jul 16, 2019, 11:1907/16/19
Jul 16, 2019, 11:26(edited)

When I first started playing RAID I was having a blast. Finding new champions, pushing through the missions, messing around in the area. It was fun to experiment.

Before I knew it I had played the game for over 10 hours! I felt that was worth paying the developer for the enjoyment so I went to the cash shop to buy some gems to start a clan.

I was flabbergasted at how little you got for what you spent! But then I saw a pack with some void shards AND gems! What A deal I thought! I now know why that was offered.

As time went on I realized just how bloody predatory this game is! And It's come to head with this event.

At the very least this will be interesting data in seeing just how far you can push your customers to spend before they just throw their hands up and leave.
Jul 16, 2019, 14:2307/16/19

Seriously, you ppl at plarium could fix this whole situation by responding to the community.

What if you did several other events in the upcoming week for those, missing components to fuse or those who have not been able to do the last summoning event.
Even trying to be as polite and gentle as possible, that felt like a hard smack into the face to a paying customer.

-and if i wanted to buy shards worth 175€ to complete an event, the odds could even better to get a decent hero due to the summons

-why should i grind for about 6-8 days, about 4-10hrs a day to get "the main event" done?


I really and honestly regret every cent spent into people, trying to run a business like that.

-former loyal customer paying about 100€ per month-

Jul 16, 2019, 16:0007/16/19

yeah just because of this event i just installed summoners war,

i dont like the art style as much but people said events there are fair for f2p players

and most important the characters have actutal formulas for their damage so that you dont have to gues if somone is good or not before you invest in the character
Jul 16, 2019, 16:1307/16/19
Jul 16, 2019, 16:31(edited)

Messiah0710 said:

Seriously, you ppl at plarium could fix this whole situation by responding to the community.

Those scumbags are instead just still trying to cover the matter up to hide it from potential new customers.  They are STILL deleting threads off the forums that call them out on the scam.

And no, they can't fix anything.  What are they going to do that could "fix" this?  Tell us "yeah, you caught us!  We put up a paywall after getting all of you engaged and committed for over a week!  We're busted!  Sorry we got caught!"  I mean really dude, they aren't saying anything because they can't.  There is nothing they can say.  Their con was blatant.  The only thing they can do now is try to cover it up, just like they are doing by deleting threads like this one.

They really are some low-life pieces of scum.  I not only disputed all the charges, but I also filed a complaint with the BBB about them.  I'd suggest all of you do the same.  Oh, and report a complaint with the app store as well.  If enough people complain, it could get them removed from the app stores.  It has happened to other corrupt organizations for doing less than what they just pulled.

Jul 16, 2019, 16:1707/16/19

Grethorian said:

yeah just because of this event i just installed summoners war,

i dont like the art style as much but people said events there are fair for f2p players

and most important the characters have actutal formulas for their damage so that you dont have to gues if somone is good or not before you invest in the character

Summoners War is put together very well and is pretty balanced. It has been active since 2014 and still going strong. RSL just jacked their content. Events arent locked behind a pay wall and can be completed by F2P players. They are also a lot more interesting than Plarium events.
Jul 16, 2019, 16:3207/16/19
passmyfeedbackon said:

Grethorian said:

yeah just because of this event i just installed summoners war,

i dont like the art style as much but people said events there are fair for f2p players

and most important the characters have actutal formulas for their damage so that you dont have to gues if somone is good or not before you invest in the character

Summoners War is put together very well and is pretty balanced. It has been active since 2014 and still going strong. RSL just jacked their content. Events arent locked behind a pay wall and can be completed by F2P players. They are also a lot more interesting than Plarium events.
Thanks, I am going to check that out. :)
Jul 16, 2019, 16:4607/16/19
Jul 16, 2019, 18:20(edited)

Well written with a lot of fact and truth though partly perhaps a bit too harsh. Man, game developing is business, isn't it? 

I am still in the fusion process, though the last champ will not drop (that one at Fire Knight), but ancient shard packages are on the screen every time I log in the game. Jeeezzzz!!! I won't buy them of course. I have all other champs together except the one missing and I had none when starting the fusion. And yes I spent approx. 50.- Euros cash for the fusion. That is - imho - a lot for a very flat game play which lasts for 3 weeks (fusion). I spend at least 2k to 3k energy on Fire Knight since the beginning ot the fusion with no success so far. This is really rediculous. What else can I do? Buying shards? Definately, definately, definately not any more. :-) How stupid it was if I would not get the last champ though running that dungeon on and on. Have I not reached a distinct limit of cash or what is the reason? The drop rates for my account for this last champ are already far below 1 %. I know players where that champ dropped after 15 runs. I am stunned!!!! This sophisticated asocial cash concept sucks really. Sorry for the word choice.

Jul 16, 2019, 18:3207/16/19

Lets pls keep this calm and objective. (and i do try as hard as i can)

i come to following summary:

-The initial post suggested an obtainable and high reward to me.
-There have been about 4 Events around the foli fusion Event itself.
-20.000 Pts Champion Training Event, roughly doable in about a week of 6-8hrs playtime daily.
 (the energy needed to get this milestone cost me about 75€ in 5€ increments from the progression pack in the shop during the whole event)

-Small summon rush, (150pts to get a void champion needed for fusing foli)
-arena events again maxed at iirc 250pts 
-the last event needed to gain the final component has not been revealed until this monday
 (thats what upsets the majority of the player base, me included)

And the final "nail to the coffin" - Summon Rush revealed this monday
with a maximum of 3000 pts, centurio at 1750 pts.

1750 pts worth 1750 green shards or 88 blue shards or 15 void shards

-the shop system offered me a 25 shard pack worth 500 pts for 50€
-and the next offer for 15 shards for another 33€

That time i had just finished level 60 and saved my yellow shard worth 500 pts
with a saved void and 3 blue shards i reached 880 / 1750 pts

Even if i had baught the 2 offers from the shop i could not have completed the centurio milestone with 1680/1750 pts

Until then it would have been around 150€ and roughly 50-60 hrs of playtime

What could have been done better?

-If there is a complex event like this spanning about 2 weeks, reveal the complete event details to  the users
( otherwise there cannot be an objective measurement if it is obtainable or not )
-listen to the playerbase, measure the time and effort it takes and adjust it so it can be obtained
( i dont guess the drop rate from the spider or fire knight should have been that widely spread fom 15 runs to 150 runs)
-communicate in a transparent way, help the community to obtain milestones
-calculate the whole cost to obtain such a reward and then merch it to your customers
(Quote: "obtainable for everyone" "challenging but doable" "Cool new event with new ways to get the champions for it"
-Dont cause misleading expectations, intended or by fault - 

Jul 17, 2019, 00:2207/17/19
i think managers would not feedback on this, they will keep quiet, until u all forget it.
Jul 17, 2019, 00:4007/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 00:41(edited)
If you're worried about your thread being deleted or too scared to write how you feel because it will get you banned just go here.
Jul 17, 2019, 05:3607/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 05:51(edited)

Messiah0710 said:

-listen to the playerbase, measure the time and effort it takes and adjust it so it can be obtained
( i dont guess the drop rate from the spider or fire knight should have been that widely spread fom 15 runs to 150 runs)

Little correction: 15 to approx. 250 runs or rather open end. That rotten mage does not drop and this is not subjective. ;-)

In fact I did about 150 - 200 runs on spider, too, but was "lucky" to get that champ out of a blue shard during the summon rush event.

All I want to say is that there seems to be a mechanism which forces players into a frustrating situation to make them buy those shard packages. If this is intention, well, then my former post and any other criticism here is even highlighted and seems again to be anything else than subjective. Then this cash system is unsocial or whatsoever. :-) Luckily, we have the choice. 

As long as there are enough players who are ready to pay the profit none of your suggestions will ever be noticed even if they are reasonable. Sub- or objective? ;-)

Jul 17, 2019, 06:4507/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 08:0207/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 08:04(edited)

Well. They are not even trying to cover things up. They are just ignoring customer feedback. 

To start with,  they've banned  a huge number of players on Telegram and Discort for just saying that it is a scam and they don't what to play this game anymore. (And they still keep banning people for any negative feedback.)  And when players stated that this is unprofessional  and CMs are handling the situation poorly, Cirilla posted on their official discord: "If you carry on being so negative and expressing your disappointment with our actions,  we will have to stop discord communication all together".   Great way of handling customers complaints, don't you think? 

The only place where players can say how they feel about this game and it's devs is reddit. Only because the moderators team is independant. 

ThrobbingCerk said:

Those scumbags are instead just still trying to cover the matter up to hide it from potential new customers.  They are STILL deleting threads off the forums that call them out on the scam.

Jul 17, 2019, 08:1607/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 08:28(edited)

I will be getting Foli next week......However I won't participate the future fusion event if it was still the same formula.  I also will not spend any $$$ on this game anymore.  The summon event to get the last required fuse champion is a huge slap on everyone's face.  This is still a fun game don't get me wrong, however i just do not see myself to grind like this anymore and at the same time support the greed of the developer.  Enough is enough!!!!

P.S:  If they nerf Foli because he is OP and many people use him, I will 100% quit and uninstall this game.
Jul 17, 2019, 08:3207/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 11:4807/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 11:48(edited)
I was fairly stoked to see Foli appear as a fusion champ at the start, and really did try the hardest I could in order to get it all done, including spend $$ on energy packs in order to complete the 20.000 event in time. And now at the very end, I have everything else but Centurion whose event is scummy and which I simply cannot afford to get, and trust me it left a horrid taste in my mouth. Until this event came along I was actually enjoying the game, despite the terrible drop rates on everything. Now, whether I will continue playing  is doubtful, but I know for a certain I won't be paying another dime.
Jul 17, 2019, 12:2007/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 12:20(edited)

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I was away on vacation so did not get a chance to stop by here more often over the previous week or so. In response to your comments, I will share this message that I posted in Announcements:

The post is a short summary of the meeting that was held with our game designers regarding the current situation in the game. We do see that the Fusion event has turned out to be rather difficult for completing for a lot of players and we have taken this into account. There will be more Fusions in the future, of course, getting ready for which we will take all the ramifications of the ongoing one into consideration.

Now, regarding the issue with handling the situation mentioned by Angry Lady in Discord, the message about our having to leave the channel due to the over-toxic environment was published because we do strive to maintain a positive and healthy atmosphere on the platforms for our players' effective communication. When the delivered feedback is not constructive anymore and turns into blunt insults together with using inappropriate language, we do need to step in and take some strict actions. I do hope you see my point. Your constructive feedback and suggestions are always more than welcome.