Reach Silver I in the Arena
I'm new to this game and I've been loving ever since I started playing it (for about 2 weeks I'm already level 37).
One of the reasons I love this game is because of the constant feeling that you are progressin throughout the game and getting stronger the more you play. One of the elements that help you "locate" what to do is the progress missions. There's this mission that I'm stuck to that is to reach Silver I in the arena. I'm slowly getting there but I felt a enormous bump in the progress mission. All the missions after this one I've already completed or are pretty easy to do. The last mission you get from the arena is reach Bronze III ( which BTW was pretty tough to do it).
So why in hell from Bronze III you need to reach Silver I that is 2 ranks higher. The next mission about arena you need to reach is Silver II which makes sense.
What I'm trying to say is I feel like this mission kills the progress in your game and a little change would do no harm. I must say too that I'm a f2p player and it gets a little bit harder.
TLDR: Unfair mission that stops you from progressin in the game.