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Arena Event: 1 point per bronze, silver, and gold medal?????

Arena Event: 1 point per bronze, silver, and gold medal?????

Jun 7, 2019, 13:2406/07/19
Jun 7, 2019, 13:26(edited)

Plarium are you ignorant to your customer and consumer base?? 

You guys must be, ignoring us, taunting us and treating us like crap... No content, LIES after LIES and never a direct answer... just soon. 

Now this stupid stunt..
Jun 7, 2019, 14:0306/07/19

It is quite sad to see how they manage to create a fun and addictive game with a great future and at the same time they destroy it by the management that it has in simple things like events added to the problems on the loading screen. Of my guild in the last month half of players have left the game and apparently it is happening in enough guilds :(

Jun 7, 2019, 14:0706/07/19
Don't worry people! I'm sure Plarium is gonna come out real soon and verify this as a late April Fools joke. Just wait and see.....
Jun 7, 2019, 14:3906/07/19
I assumed it was a mistake, there was no way they would have a scoring system this dumb.  Sadly I was wrong.
Jun 7, 2019, 15:1506/07/19

IRSHunter said:

From what i've seen in the mod chats, the devs wanted to better the event by making it so you didn't need Gold IV to get max rewards, they may have gotten this wrong.

While I understand this sentiment, the issue we now have is that not -even- gold 4 people can reliably finish this event, without spending gems. 

I can totally understand that the idea only Gold people can finish arena events comes off as bad, but this seriously is a step in the wrong direction.
Jun 7, 2019, 15:4706/07/19
darkcloud0300 said:

IRSHunter said:

From what i've seen in the mod chats, the devs wanted to better the event by making it so you didn't need Gold IV to get max rewards, they may have gotten this wrong.

While I understand this sentiment, the issue we now have is that not -even- gold 4 people can reliably finish this event, without spending gems. 

I can totally understand that the idea only Gold people can finish arena events comes off as bad, but this seriously is a step in the wrong direction.
Just now if u are in Gold I u get 1 point per battle while someone in Bronze IV gets 3 points per battle - awesome...
Jun 7, 2019, 16:0206/07/19
Yealp pretty pathetic event, then they wanna throw a $49.99 pack out for 10 void shards , ha! NO THANKS! get outta here lol 
Jun 7, 2019, 16:1906/07/19
There was obviously some mistake made by someone. But come on guys theyve informed us a while ago that they are going to basically 'experiment' with the events until they figure out what works best. Its not like were all missing out on a legendary tome or shard here. They will see that this was a mistake and Im sure we wont see this 'mistake' again. Who knows maybe there will be some sort of compensation for this, I doubt it but you never know.
Jun 7, 2019, 16:2806/07/19

macropcsoft said:

There was obviously some mistake made by someone. But come on guys theyve informed us a while ago that they are going to basically 'experiment' with the events until they figure out what works best. Its not like were all missing out on a legendary tome or shard here. They will see that this was a mistake and Im sure we wont see this 'mistake' again. Who knows maybe there will be some sort of compensation for this, I doubt it but you never know.

There is two nice ancient shards in there though. :) 

But yeah, I can understand that this seems to have gone sideways, but I also think people are getting over-reactively angry about it.
Jun 7, 2019, 18:3506/07/19
I am in gold 4 and there is no way i can complete this arena event......why bother to build our pvp team when gold medal is also 1 point like the bronze and silver?????  What is the logic behind this kind of scoring????  We already got penalized when we spend on this game, and now we get humiliated if our pvp team is strong......This is really ridiculous to be honest.
Jun 7, 2019, 21:1106/07/19
if te dev wanted to make te event easy for everyone they sure fogot to change the amount of points needed for completion and also what is the point of this event for wat we push to reach gold 4 for 1 point?and the reward was changed for gold 4 now is suck same for clan boss reward is worthless
Jun 7, 2019, 21:2306/07/19
darkcloud0300 said:

macropcsoft said:

There was obviously some mistake made by someone. But come on guys theyve informed us a while ago that they are going to basically 'experiment' with the events until they figure out what works best. Its not like were all missing out on a legendary tome or shard here. They will see that this was a mistake and Im sure we wont see this 'mistake' again. Who knows maybe there will be some sort of compensation for this, I doubt it but you never know.

There is two nice ancient shards in there though. :) 

But yeah, I can understand that this seems to have gone sideways, but I also think people are getting over-reactively angry about it.
overreactively angry?i think after last week i spent over 140£ on this game and this week already 40£ and i see all this system on event plus clan boss and arena gold 4 reward being changed in some 3-4 star imortal gear useless for me i think i have the right to be angry
Jun 7, 2019, 21:2606/07/19

In the last event, I was fortunate to have double xp loaded up during the duration, so I had no problems hitting the max reward in it without having to spend gems.

With no way to "double rewards" for arena like with xp, I see no way to win the shards and book within the 3 days without spending a substantial amount of gems or money to do so. And even then, like others have already stated, it would make far more sense to just spend those gems or money on buying shards directly and not have to waste those hours earning them through the event. 

Someone over at Plarium is making really stupid decisions and not paying attention. Someone needs to be replaced over there. This is a complete failure on their part of doing even very basic elementary math prior to releasing this event. This company is banking and yet they have an incompetent moron(s) behind the wheel.

Between this and crap like Tomb Lord, they either need to replace a good handful of their employees, or this game is going to go down in flames due to losing veterans and resulting poor reviews from incompetence like this

Jun 7, 2019, 23:2106/07/19
Hello all! Thanks for the input you’ve provided. Events are continuously being monitored and will continue to change if they are not satisfactory. As far as some of you talking about the freezes etc, I completely understand your frustration. It’s being worked on tirelessly and when it is fixed, compensation will be given out. We want it fixed just as bad as you do and we will keep you posted. 
Jun 7, 2019, 23:4906/07/19

Event  needed To be changed...before gold 2 win less medal than silver 4..that was realy crappy..

But now the rewards are very ridiculous...

Plz  bugs i know its youre job and youneed money....But think before act...skip this event and think for a better option. Just skip it for now

Jun 8, 2019, 00:0206/08/19
Jun 8, 2019, 00:03(edited)

Thanks for the reply! A bit late, but still a reply.

Well, I'm a salesman in real life and I have to tell you this:

We are customers and not just gamers. We pay and expect to get what we pay for. And if I had treated my customers with the same arroganse, silence and focused more on new developments than on helping those who have paid and experienced problems... I would go bancrupt very quickly.

Customers first, then new stuff! Not the other way around.

It's still a great game, but it's not the only one. So if this game pay your bills, treat us like gold.

Jun 8, 2019, 00:2106/08/19
Jun 8, 2019, 00:23(edited)

ChosenBrad1322 said:

Hello all! Thanks for the input you’ve provided. Events are continuously being monitored and will continue to change if they are not satisfactory. As far as some of you talking about the freezes etc, I completely understand your frustration. It’s being worked on tirelessly and when it is fixed, compensation will be given out. We want it fixed just as bad as you do and we will keep you posted. 

First and Foremost, there is noway gold medal would worth less than silver and bronze. What is the point to spend money to summon great champions and then build the team up if the game intends to humiliate??? Second, Improve the rewards to stimulate the gamers so that they would spend money to summon better champions to improve their PVP team and motivate to get those good rewards.   The summon rate is super low anyway, so the game will make a lot of $$$ on shards.   This is not a rocket science but rather a common sense, do u agree???  

Jun 8, 2019, 02:2806/08/19
ChosenBrad1322 said:

Hello all! Thanks for the input you’ve provided. Events are continuously being monitored and will continue to change if they are not satisfactory. As far as some of you talking about the freezes etc, I completely understand your frustration. It’s being worked on tirelessly and when it is fixed, compensation will be given out. We want it fixed just as bad as you do and we will keep you posted. 
i had no idea you were a mod lol, thought you were just a youtuber.
Jun 8, 2019, 17:5106/08/19
Well i'll go for a couple of energy refills and not even bother trying for the shards,thx but no thx
Jun 8, 2019, 19:0406/08/19
2 days and got 45 points yay!