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33 Ancient Shards equals 1 epic (Deathless)?33 Ancient Shards equals 1 epic (Deathless)?

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33 Ancient Shards equals 1 epic (Deathless)?

Apr 23, 2019, 02:3604/23/19

33 Ancient Shards equals 1 epic (Deathless)?

Legendary holders,

What does it take to get legendary or even epics?

Because I summoning 1 at a time, and 10 at once.  The results were pitiful. Is there a trick to summoning?

Now I did get a few epic, two free, two from sacred shards, a few from ancient shards that were from quests. 

But it seems when I purchase packs, I get craps, as if it was fishing me spend more $$
Apr 23, 2019, 05:4304/23/19
Well rng is harsh at times. your chance for a Leg is .5% and an epic is 8% so your luck was worse than the odds but that's rng for ya
Apr 23, 2019, 07:1404/23/19

Yep. What i learned here is if you buy packs to get you champions you want in 99% you will not get any. Unles you spend tons of cash. Just play with what you got and champ will drop when you least expect it. Probably from some ancient shard from market

Apr 23, 2019, 07:1704/23/19
i have not seen any blue shards at the market for a good few that RNG too?
Apr 23, 2019, 07:3204/23/19
It is same as any ancient. The trick is when you summon do not ever expect that something will drop. But it will eventually.
Apr 23, 2019, 09:1204/23/19

Samurai King said:

i have not seen any blue shards at the market for a good few that RNG too?
apperently they put limit of how many blues you can get from market in month (i think it's 4), so if you got them already, you have to wait the whole time period
Apr 23, 2019, 21:5104/23/19
Apr 23, 2019, 21:57(edited)

Thanks for all the suggestions.

I'm back to playing as is, forget paying anything.

The RNG thing is questionable. As a software developer, I can see how easy it is to control the roll algorithm.  Suppose, it can be condition based like If (PlayerIsWillingToPay == true) { RollChance = RollChance *.05;}. Of course this is hypothetical. 

Apr 24, 2019, 14:5004/24/19
Klova said:

Samurai King said:

i have not seen any blue shards at the market for a good few that RNG too?
apperently they put limit of how many blues you can get from market in month (i think it's 4), so if you got them already, you have to wait the whole time period
I have definitely received more than 4 in the last month in Market, I received two in one day. I'd say I'm in the range of 7 or so Ancient Shards in Total from market in the 36? Days I've played. I think I'm at 36 days.
Apr 24, 2019, 15:1104/24/19

UncleNibs said:

Well rng is harsh at times. your chance for a Leg is .5% and an epic is 8% so your luck was worse than the odds but that's rng for ya

@Dismember is right, don't expect anything. There are hundreds of heroes in this game. The majority of them are rare. expecting one hero is crazy low odds. Expecting a Legendary is ridiculous. Everyone is saying how they never get a Legendary. I did the math for Legendary's in another post. I copied it. See below. I'll quickly do math for epics and put that below.

Don't expect a Legendary, even the Sacred shard has only a 6% chance of getting a Legendary. Odds say you'd have to open 17 Sacred shards to get ONE Legendary... So unless you've opened 17+ Sacred shards I wouldn't even start complaining. In case you're wondering odds on an Ancient Shard is .5% meaning 200 Ancient Shards to get a Legendary. .4% on a Void Shard meaning 250 Void shards to get a Legendary (on average...)

For the most part, don't expect an Epic. The only time you can expect an Epic is from a Sacred Shard, with 94% odds. The Ancient shard only has an 8% chance of getting an Epic. So that means you would need to open 13+ Ancient Shards to get one Epic. Odds for the Void shard go down a little bit to 6% odds of getting an Epic. Which like the Legendary from a Sacred Shard, means you need 17+ Void Shards to get an Epic.

To wrap it up Mystery Shards give you a 1.4% chance to get a rare. So you need to open 72+ Mystery Shards to expect a Rare.

This is the problem, everyone EXPECTS to get things that the odds say you won't get. I see so many posts on here complaining about the rip off it is to purchase shards because they didn't get their Legendary they wanted. You knew the odds going in. Expecting anything else is crazy. And with RNG these are averages so things can get worse. You can open 25 Sacred Shards and still not get that Legendary. Over more numbers this should even out to be closer to 6% (for Legendary's from a Sacred Shard).

If I open 100 Sacred Shards, odds say I'll get 6 Legendary's but I could get 3. And that'd be a relatively decent variation percentage. You got 50% less than expected.. However, if I open 100,000 Sacred Shards, odds say I'll get 6000 Legendaries. And I may only get 5,500, but the variance is so much smaller in that regard. You only got 8% (rounded) less than you were expected.

This is why in casinos the house always wins...

Apr 24, 2019, 21:1104/24/19
If you want anything good you have to play for 10 years or spend real money. Legendaries are only fairly available for paying players, to the point they become COMMON. For us free players, we get crap.
Apr 25, 2019, 11:0004/25/19
Hey everyone! RNG has never been a simple subject, but have always been a pretty intriguing one :) It is true that Epics and Legendaries are difficult to acquire, but that is why they are so valued. If we made it so that these champions were easy to get, it would ruin the whole vision of the game. Besides, I myself know a lot of examples when the players having Rare and Epic heroes at their possession managed to make them so strong that teams of 4 Legendaries could hardly compete with them on the Arena. Our game designers have worked out things in the way that every player should sooner or later acquire his/her desired Legendary. Effort is always rewarded in the end. We will also keep adding more opportunities to receive Shards in the game, which will increase your chances of summoning great heroes.
Apr 25, 2019, 14:2404/25/19
Cirilla said:

Hey everyone! RNG has never been a simple subject, but have always been a pretty intriguing one :) It is true that Epics and Legendaries are difficult to acquire, but that is why they are so valued. If we made it so that these champions were easy to get, it would ruin the whole vision of the game. Besides, I myself know a lot of examples when the players having Rare and Epic heroes at their possession managed to make them so strong that teams of 4 Legendaries could hardly compete with them on the Arena. Our game designers have worked out things in the way that every player should sooner or later acquire his/her desired Legendary. Effort is always rewarded in the end. We will also keep adding more opportunities to receive Shards in the game, which will increase your chances of summoning great heroes.
Yet these heroes are common among paying players. Look in the arena. That argument is void. These people have full legendary teams. 
Apr 25, 2019, 15:2604/25/19
Paying customers is what keep these companies up and running.  Feel free to migrate to a game where there is no ability to pay for anything if that is the type of game you wish to play.  
Apr 25, 2019, 15:4904/25/19

J.C. of LMC said:

Paying customers is what keep these companies up and running.  Feel free to migrate to a game where there is no ability to pay for anything if that is the type of game you wish to play.  

Of course paying costumers are important to the sustain of the game. But you make it sound like there is only 1 way to go about doing that. There are hundreds if not thousands of games out there, each with their own monitization model. Some worse than others. There are clearcut examples on games being so pay 2 win and anti-consumer that the game ends up dead soon after arrival, and vise versa.

Now with mobile games things are (at the moment) very different from console and PC games. Companies will do anything in their power to exploit the costumers out of as much money as possible. Thats why mobile gaming is becoming so hot right now. But that doesnt mean we, as the consumers, cant criticize the games.

The whole "Don't like it? Don't play it" attitude is completely useless, and by the end of the day, developers who respects what they do, and wants to improve, values consumer feedback, wether it be positive or negative. Also, keep in mind, that many people leaving negative feedback, do so because they want to see the game improve.
Apr 25, 2019, 17:1304/25/19
Apr 25, 2019, 17:13(edited)

  I've  seen quite a few games change their operations based on f2p customers complaining.  In the end, the game became swamped with elite minions/champions/gear to the point the game lost its appeal.  Best off leaving the critiques and complaints for true in game mechanics instead of the "It's not fair"  mantra that some use.

  I spend what I knowingly can afford on this and other interests that I have.  Some players spend more or less on this game than I do.  I wont complain that some of the big spenders gain way more ground than me.  They spent the money on the game.  I spent mine elsewhere.  

ZenZombie said:

J.C. of LMC said:

Paying customers is what keep these companies up and running.  Feel free to migrate to a game where there is no ability to pay for anything if that is the type of game you wish to play.  

Of course paying costumers are important to the sustain of the game. But you make it sound like there is only 1 way to go about doing that. There are hundreds if not thousands of games out there, each with their own monitization model. Some worse than others. There are clearcut examples on games being so pay 2 win and anti-consumer that the game ends up dead soon after arrival, and vise versa.

Now with mobile games things are (at the moment) very different from console and PC games. Companies will do anything in their power to exploit the costumers out of as much money as possible. Thats why mobile gaming is becoming so hot right now. But that doesnt mean we, as the consumers, cant criticize the games.

The whole "Don't like it? Don't play it" attitude is completely useless, and by the end of the day, developers who respects what they do, and wants to improve, values consumer feedback, wether it be positive or negative. Also, keep in mind, that many people leaving negative feedback, do so because they want to see the game improve.

Apr 26, 2019, 13:4004/26/19
J.C. of LMC said:

  I've  seen quite a few games change their operations based on f2p customers complaining.  In the end, the game became swamped with elite minions/champions/gear to the point the game lost its appeal.  Best off leaving the critiques and complaints for true in game mechanics instead of the "It's not fair"  mantra that some use.

  I spend what I knowingly can afford on this and other interests that I have.  Some players spend more or less on this game than I do.  I wont complain that some of the big spenders gain way more ground than me.  They spent the money on the game.  I spent mine elsewhere.  

ZenZombie said:

J.C. of LMC said:

Paying customers is what keep these companies up and running.  Feel free to migrate to a game where there is no ability to pay for anything if that is the type of game you wish to play.  

Of course paying costumers are important to the sustain of the game. But you make it sound like there is only 1 way to go about doing that. There are hundreds if not thousands of games out there, each with their own monitization model. Some worse than others. There are clearcut examples on games being so pay 2 win and anti-consumer that the game ends up dead soon after arrival, and vise versa.

Now with mobile games things are (at the moment) very different from console and PC games. Companies will do anything in their power to exploit the costumers out of as much money as possible. Thats why mobile gaming is becoming so hot right now. But that doesnt mean we, as the consumers, cant criticize the games.

The whole "Don't like it? Don't play it" attitude is completely useless, and by the end of the day, developers who respects what they do, and wants to improve, values consumer feedback, wether it be positive or negative. Also, keep in mind, that many people leaving negative feedback, do so because they want to see the game improve.

What game did that? Also, the p2w directly influence other aspects of the game. You may not agree with the relevance of it, but the fact there is so much noise regarding the issue, means others do.
Apr 26, 2019, 18:1804/26/19
Dungeon  Hunter 5 for one...
Jul 3, 2019, 12:2707/03/19
Epics are not hard to get. Off blue shards I get 1 out of 4 if not better. There is a trick that seems to work for me. Watch for the purple hue in the shard b4 opening. I've got so many epics I'll never get enough tomes to to level them to full potential 
Jul 3, 2019, 15:4307/03/19

Cirilla said:

It is true that Epics and Legendaries are difficult to acquire, but that is why they are so valued. If we made it so that these champions were easy to get, it would ruin the whole vision of the game

Some Rares and Epics are better than some Legendary Champs. There are balance issues in the game for sure. You add another star or 2 and think that makes the champion useful? No. 

"it would ruin the whole vision of the game" which is get as much as you can while you can, before the community figures it out and you ghost......

Jul 10, 2019, 06:2307/10/19
I have found being very well aware of how this software development works that since the update all of the percentages on all rolls from the Luciana’s have gone down by over half
Jul 10, 2019, 06:3807/10/19

salp551985 said:

Epics are not hard to get. Off blue shards I get 1 out of 4 if not better. There is a trick that seems to work for me. Watch for the purple hue in the shard b4 opening. I've got so many epics I'll never get enough tomes to to level them to full potential 

Yeah they surely coded: if (ShardFrame == PurpleHue) {RollChance =+0.2f}

YEP. For sure.