Good to know.
To play the devil's advocate a little. While the game does offer different pricing, the contents are mostly the same with differing amounts of each item. I'd like to know how consistent their pricing is for "different options of the same pack" while using a baseline to estimate the pricing (offers in Packs, Bank, and Gem Shop are always the same price and the same amount).
I do have a problem though that the pricing options are not as transparent to the players compared to the items that are always available in the shop.
As mentioned by the above posts I do agree with offering the players ALL VERSIONS of the offered pack just like the packs that are always available in the shop (ex: Gems 4200/$99.99, 2025/$49.99, 1150/$29.99, etc). Knowing whales they will buy all versions of the pack anyway while more frugal players are given the option of what they can afford. Win-win for Plarium.
I wish I knew the statistics on the spending habits of players, that's one reason why Plarium offers it like it is at the moment. It is not boding well with the community though.