shriramnarayanan2003 said:
How to get warmaiden. Have done a lot of farming of stage 9, but could not get her. only champion standing on the way to get the relic keeper.
Dear Raider!
As i know i got mine from farmin from 1 to 9 many times. My rng is not soo good. But dont give up you will get one.
warmaiden is easy, I alreayd have multiples of those champs. hit 9.4, 9.5, 9.6 and 9.7 , repeat and rinse and you should have it in around 4-5 runs.
warmaiden is not easy to get, i have got her,
but i need her one more time, for fusion but. After many rounds in brutal i still don't have her.
Can you give up missions? As you all know, you need Warmaiden to fuse Justicar. Been trying for quite a while now.
I'm guessing you can't. Ill just have to use more energy I guess.
Unfortunately, no, you can't abandon a mission. It has to be completed to progress on Arbiter questline.
i just did 20 trys on level 1, easy. cost me around 80 energy but i was able to get one copy of her. i dont know if stage 1 has better rng but i have been trying stage 6 at least 400 times and have gotten nothing. so this may be the answer. thank you raid king for your info, after thousands of energy wasted.... i got her. i did minize the screen on my pc so i didnt watch the farm. i highly doubt this had anything to do with it but i will be repeating the same process later on for more copies
I finally figured out which stage has her. It's stage 3 or the shield stage. I couldn't get her in any other stage on level 9. Once I got her once I played that same stage and got her a second time about 4 plays later. Hope this helps someone. I don't really need her now but wanted to get her anyway.