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Upgrading gear to lvl 16

Upgrading gear to lvl 16

Aug 1, 2019, 22:4608/01/19
Aug 1, 2019, 22:48(edited)

guys wait until u upgrade a 5* or 6*  epic banner from 12 to 16 cost alot for each upgrade. then if you are lucky u spend 500k and if you are not.... yeahh. annoying but not to cry about.

somedays i upgrade for 5mil silver ( then i see that the rng isnt that bad) alot of upgrades within the first 5 tries, but then suddenly 1 piece to take from 12 to 13 takes 30+ tries. 

edit: i'm all for making it faster!

ps: my game started flickering again while upgrading.... i thought that was fixed?

Jan 24, 2020, 18:2601/24/20
Totally agree. Great game but the costs are unrealistic.  You'd basically purchase 6 Xbox games worth of ^offers" in Raid.
Feb 3, 2020, 14:1102/03/20
actually this game is owned by a casino company, so yes we are playing a casino game.WardenC said:

Marius said:

At the same time, it is very possible to get the upgrade for token Silver if you are fortunate. The way I do it these days - and this is just my personal opinion as a fellow player - is allot a certain amount of Silver I am willing to spend on attempting Artifact upgrades per day. It is important to leave a nice emergency cushion in case you get an Ancient Shard or some really cool Artifact in the Market. 

Really? We are not playing casino here. I understand that the RNG system is there to make the game interesting but someone getting 39 failures to upgrade an artifact from lvl 15 to lvl 16 is not justifiable by blaming it on RNG. You guys need to increase the success rate and also the drop rate. You guys have a decent game compared to what's available in the market, but that doesn't mean something new and better wont come along the way, so make sure the player that have joined are happy and enjoying the game, it will bring your devs more money in the long run. Anyway I just thought I would share my opinion, cause I like the game and I want it to succeed.

Feb 4, 2020, 05:3602/04/20

I've had artifacts take 2+ million to go from 15-16.

I've also noticed that happens more often during a artifact leveling event, so I'm pretty sure the upgrade rates for 4, 8, 12, 16 (the only ones that count for that event) are nurfed pretty hardcore for the event.

I've also had one or two pop 15, 16 right in a row, though I suspect I dozed off between 15 & 16 so it only seemed to go one after the other.  Watching 20-30 failures in a  row tends to make one drowsy.

Overall the artifact upgrade system is the most horribly implemented part of the game.  You spend days or weeks farming an artifact with the right base stat, speed boots, crit rate gloves, etc (I think its gloves, there so rare I can't remember) with 1 or 2 decent secondary stats in the right set then spend 4-6 mil upgrading and the bonus all goto the crap stat making the piece completely useless.

I get it, you took the lazy way when you made the game and went with RNG instead of doing something sensible that makes the game fun instead of encouraging people to quit.

But that doesn't mean you can't  TRY to improve the game for the sake of longevity and overall profit instead of continuing to burn the players and the game for the sake of a quick cash grab.
Nov 29, 2020, 15:0611/29/20

Today I've spent 200K just to upgrade from 12 to 13 and then more 400K trying to reach 14. I gave up just before depleting all my silver. I'm not going to accomplish my Monthly Challenge because of this particular final quest...  and in two days the whole challenge will reset. I'll need to restart all this stuff and then fail against the odds again. 

This is really frustrating. 

Nov 29, 2020, 15:3811/29/20

@DonHawk the general rule of thumb is, to prepare 2 million silver to upgrade from 12 to 16

Nov 29, 2020, 15:4111/29/20

Today I've spent 200K just to upgrade from 12 to 13 and then more 400K trying to reach 14. I gave up just before depleting all my silver. I'm not going to accomplish my Monthly Challenge because of this particular final quest...  and in two days the whole challenge will reset. I'll need to restart all this stuff and then fail against the odds again. 

This is really frustrating. 

If you're talking about the monthly quests, no, they don't reset every month. They stay open until you finish them. Though ideally you do want to finish them as quickly as possible after the 30 days, so it can reset and start counting again towards the next set of rewards. Same with the weekly rewards - which you can actually do every 5 days, but if you have one or two left open, it will stay open until you finish those. 

But those amounts are pretty normal - for level 16, it's quite normal to need several million of silver, most of it just for the last increase from 15 to 16. If you can do 1-16 for anything less than 1.5 million silver, you're lucky. 

Nov 29, 2020, 16:2011/29/20

@L9753 and if it's for the monthly quest, it doesn't have a minimum * requirements right?

So why not just use any 1* from some easy campaign level? It would get to lvl 16 cheap.

Nov 29, 2020, 17:3211/29/20

@L9753 and if it's for the monthly quest, it doesn't have a minimum * requirements right?

So why not just use any 1* from some easy campaign level? It would get to lvl 16 cheap.

Because if I'm going to waste a lot of silver on getting a gear piece to 16, I'd personally rather do it on a piece I will actually use... sure, you'll spend less silver on the 1* piece than on a 5* or 6* one, but it's still a decent amount of silver thrown down the drain. 

Nov 29, 2020, 22:5411/29/20

@L9753 I quickly test this, going to lvl 1 of Normal Kaerok Castle, get a 1* Sword,  leveling it up to 16 cost me a bit less than 200k silver. But considering the alternative for @DonHawk , sitting there for God knows how long it will take him to get 2mil silver, I would just consider using a 1* artifact, just consider the 200k silver a cost to buying a Yellow shard (the prize for monthly quest) and to reset the quest ASAP so he can get the montly quest prizes again.

Nov 29, 2020, 22:5711/29/20

people who are playing the game are going to get frustrated if they are not able to figure out the logic, it becomes frustrating beyond a certain point, plarium should focus on introducing new champions, new dungeons and other puzzles/contests. there are many points in the game when you feel you are stuck.

Nov 30, 2020, 18:2511/30/20

I look at these upgrades to L16 in two ways:

First way is to get the challenge bonuses for monthly quests, to upgrade two artifacts to L16.  I find that the cost for each upgrade goes by the number of stars on the item.  So I use the lowliest 1* common artifact I can get from the campaign.  One can track the cost in silver from L1 to 4, 5 to 8, 9 to 12, 13-16.  Most of the total cost is in the last 2 levels.  The total cost in silver will vary depending on how many fails you get.

Doing it this way costs me approx 500k in silver, give or take. The artifact does not have to be assigned to any champ, and you can sell it for pennies once you are done.

The second way is the lowly grind most are familiar with.  I gather my silver via many boring runs through the campaigns.  But just when I think I can guess how many tries each level should take, I meet another ripoff along the way.  I just took 34 tries to get from L11 to L12 on a 4* Epic.  That is plain obscene! I expect that from L15 to L16 but not L11 to L12.  I realize that in many ways the game is a ripoff but on the other hand I have confidence that the odds will roll my way eventually.  Just have to gather more energy to hit the campaigns for silver and useless artifacts to sell.

Nov 30, 2020, 19:0011/30/20

 I just don't understand how there can be like L35 players in the Arena with 4 Legendary champs, and not the crappy ones, but TOP of the GAME ones, like Valkyrie, Bad el Kazaar,  Lilitu etc.  No matter what color shard I open, and no matter how many, I mostly get the junkiest low review "rejects" only good for food.  I see those commentators on the U-tube videos have many dozens of good Legend champs, all L60 with L16 artifacts, but when they open 20 shards or so they get zip zilch nada.

Gotta be a Black Friday market out there, lol.

Nov 30, 2020, 19:0711/30/20

Lol. Those are the easy bot wins! Everyone should have classic arena figured out by now... seriously 

Jul 27, 2021, 03:4307/27/21

Silver costs for upgrading gear is too high. That's the barrier I have with this game. Use all my energy to get as much silver as I can, spend it all to upgrade gear and, for the last 3 days now, not gained a single level. It's too much. 

What should happen is, each time you make an upgrade attempt, you gain a very slight increase in chance for your next attempt being a success. Similar to the mercy system for summons. That seems fair to me.

Jul 27, 2021, 07:4907/27/21

Silver costs for upgrading gear is too high. That's the barrier I have with this game. Use all my energy to get as much silver as I can, spend it all to upgrade gear and, for the last 3 days now, not gained a single level. It's too much. 

What should happen is, each time you make an upgrade attempt, you gain a very slight increase in chance for your next attempt being a success. Similar to the mercy system for summons. That seems fair to me.

Yes, point taken, it can be too much but honestly, I don't mind spending 2 mil+ silver from 12- 16. I mean, 16  is the max level, right? I once spent 3 mil upgrading a piece from 11 to 12; which I call bad RNG but spending the same for 15- 16 is only fair.

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