JimmyandJack said:
These AI "improvements" are terrible. My nethil now prioritieses both of his AOEs against the cb instead of only his A2. This also horrible against the dragon because he doesn't apply enough poisons now. Rhazin apparently has the same issue. Nethril should only use aoe's if there are more then one enemies.
Welcome to the club friend, sit next to my Zavia, you should get along well. :D
Clearly the developers haven't separated the Clan Boss from the other Dungeon Bosses. Thus, changing the AI of champions affects everything.
There needs to be separate AI rules for Clan Boss champion behavior and Dungeon Bosses behavior. Or perhaps there are such rules and no proper tests were done, but could be fixed easily.
Let's hope that this is addressed as soon as possible, but more than this - Lets hope that someone associated with the company reads these comments.
They are aware of it, as one post on reddit shows - http://imgur.com/a/RjK0yNY ,Krysh mentioned that it will be looked at.
I just hope that it's not just a re-roll of the AI, but more champs are fixed.
(There is still hope for you, my precious Zavia... auto clan boss shall be ours one day....)
Thank you for issuing compensation during this week for the bugs we've face. But...
Please stop putting CB keys directly onto accounts and please make them go to inbox like all other compensation. When this happens, it throws off my CB Key regeneration cycle and I have to skip my "5th" key to get it back on time. This essentially wastes that compensation key.
That's the deal. This is how Plarium works :DThank you for issuing compensation during this week for the bugs we've face. But...
Please stop putting CB keys directly onto accounts and please make them go to inbox like all other compensation. When this happens, it throws off my CB Key regeneration cycle and I have to skip my "5th" key to get it back on time. This essentially wastes that compensation key.
I didn't bother so far, but nerfing Reinbeast crossed the line. Really Plarium, REALLY? That was the top priority to do? Nerfing a single champion that had AI written so badly, it never used his A2 on auto. A champion that was single target hitter and never actual threat to anyone, who faced him couple of times and knows games mechanic. And he is epic for Gods sake, he should be at least decent.
You know which champions are more annoying in arena? Tanky Seeker or Apo, Skullcrown, Maneater, Roshcard. Damn, I even met Paragon that was unkillable without debuff/stun, which I didnt had in my team that time.
There are definitely some nice upgrades to the game, especially the speed and optimization. Nightmare campaign was a fun two-day event (that's about it). New arena is cool. It's definitely fun to see the power and team make-ups of the most powerful (or at least the people who spend the most gems to rise up the ladder). Thank you for the compensation for the crashes. That has been handled well. What's odd, though, is that Plarium goes completely silent right after they release anything. It would be nice to see a massive upgrade in communication, especially during a change to the game.
Also, hopefully the next patch turns Mashallad into the best champion in the game. That's probably the only way to get the community to be okay at this point :)
Cheers,Hello guys! Sorry for taking this long to respond (had to solve more or less all the post-release issues). Thank you very much for posting your comments about the patch in the thread. I will reply to the most popular ones here:
- why did this patch took you so long to get it ready? - Guys, this patch is more of a technical one. We did put a lot of time and effort into the new game engine which provides better visual effects and more efficient game performance overall. We have also been working on a number of things that are just not quite ready yet to see the world, but the roadmap completion (and a lot more) is definitely still going to happen;
- hero re-balance - we will review Lugan And Sethalia once more. Also, there will be a lot more re-balance touches coming up with the future updates (including Black Knight, Ma'Shalled and many more);
- we are also going to see and analyze how you guys are completing the Nightmare Campaign stages and, based on the results, we will see if the balance for the location level requires changing;
- AI improvements - the reason why we did not elaborate on this one in the patch notes is that these were really minor. However, we keep receiving incoming reports about the AI for some champions being out of order (including Rhazin and Nethril A3 being used on CB). We will collect all the reports and find a solution. Juliana's crit rate animation problem is on the list, as well;
- Reinbeast rebalance - Guys, we have been trying to make all the champion-related changes more about buffing lately, however, sometimes we do need to resort to nerfs to keep up the optimal game balance;
- 300 Gems for resetting Masteries - the cost for the reset remains 150 Gems (we would have notified you if there had been a change in this area), but we do realize that the resetting circles next to the Masteries branches may look misleading. And we will rework them;
- crashes - we are working on hotfixes which we will try to release in the nearest time and do apologize for the inconveniences;
- we are also working on adding CB Keys to Inbox for future compensations
Thank you for your reply Cirilla. That's nice to hear that some good things are coming. I look forward these hero re-balance changes. I hope that Harvest Jack will be one of the hero that will be re-balanced.
I also understand that you have invested a lot of ressources into the new game engine. That's good that you communicate about it by the way.
I am looking forward the next updates and hope that now that the situation around the new game engine has been dealt with, the next stuff will be welcomed by the community.
Cirilla said:
- Reinbeast rebalance - Guys, we have been trying to make all the champion-related changes more about buffing lately, however, sometimes we do need to resort to nerfs to keep up the optimal game balance;
If Reinbeast was destroying optimal game balance, you should give him, instead of Hegemon, to best player in current tournament. Evasive excuse to say it nice.
Cirilla said:
Hello guys! Sorry for taking this long to respond (had to solve more or less all the post-release issues). Thank you very much for posting your comments about the patch in the thread. I will reply to the most popular ones here:
- why did this patch took you so long to get it ready? - Guys, this patch is more of a technical one. We did put a lot of time and effort into the new game engine which provides better visual effects and more efficient game performance overall. We have also been working on a number of things that are just not quite ready yet to see the world, but the roadmap completion (and a lot more) is definitely still going to happen;
- hero re-balance - we will review Lugan And Sethalia once more. Also, there will be a lot more re-balance touches coming up with the future updates (including Black Knight, Ma'Shalled and many more);
- we are also going to see and analyze how you guys are completing the Nightmare Campaign stages and, based on the results, we will see if the balance for the location level requires changing;
- AI improvements - the reason why we did not elaborate on this one in the patch notes is that these were really minor. However, we keep receiving incoming reports about the AI for some champions being out of order (including Rhazin and Nethril A3 being used on CB). We will collect all the reports and find a solution. Juliana's crit rate animation problem is on the list, as well;
- Reinbeast rebalance - Guys, we have been trying to make all the champion-related changes more about buffing lately, however, sometimes we do need to resort to nerfs to keep up the optimal game balance;
- 300 Gems for resetting Masteries - the cost for the reset remains 150 Gems (we would have notified you if there had been a change in this area), but we do realize that the resetting circles next to the Masteries branches may look misleading. And we will rework them;
- crashes - we are working on hotfixes which we will try to release in the nearest time and do apologize for the inconveniences;
- we are also working on adding CB Keys to Inbox for future compensations
Thanks for the reply, I am glad to see you guys communicate with us!
Please give a small re-touch to War Mother, make her bombs deal %max HP damage to bosses (not too much, I'm sure you can find a good balance), atm her bombs just do pitiful damage to bosses (even with 100% damage increase) and as an ATK based champion she has no place in majority of teams. Lugan could be good if you would make his A1 shield AND heal everyone, shield stacking up to two times that would make him very valuable support without breaking him (I am sure you guys can test it out further and find the right amount of shielding).
Nightmare campaign is a decent challenge with good rewards for 3 starring, however it's silver gains are lower in comparison to Brutal (energy:silver ratio) and the time it takes to clear a stage even with beastly geared champions (3 min compared to the usual 7 sec on brutal) makes it quite unviable for farming for majority of the people - so it is a wasted content that only serves for 3 starring once (1356 energy) for the clear rewards and then going back to brutal. Also the community doesn't like the RNG boss fight 12-7 where the boss uses his "secret skill" andcan 1 shot your champion no matter what his HP / Def is. It's just cheap, not the good kind of difficulty but the cheap one.
Finally I'd like to point out that Faction Wars rebalance did not do much in terms of rebalancing, 3rd wave in stage 15 is still disproportionately hard, with Arbiter speeding and buffing everyone up to nuke and 1 shot my team from full health to zero. I understand you lowered MAX HP and I think that was needed and appreciated, but the damage is unfortunately in my opinion still way too high on stages as low as 15.
Thanks to everyone that worked so hard to make this game better. Your passion for this game is awesome. Its that passion that fuels both the praise and the criticism that preceded this post.
The thing is, when So many, work so hard on something they are emotionally invested in, it clouds things. we stop seeing any evidence that doesn't support the emotions we feel and can't comprehend reasoning no matter the source.
So i understand how passionate people could be so upset about RSL implementing upgrades that make the game better. Improvements that in almost every case were inspired by us. Then communicated in a Forum, designed and implemented to help other passionate people understand the needs of the players.
And the real irony is that many of the peope who staff the forum are some of the original members of this club we all belong to. Talk to them and read their post without the feelings clouding your view and you'll see something cool . Because in most cases these people this company hired to be the line of communication are some passionate players that were recruited to help everyone get what we so passionately want, A better game. Thanks again for all the passion and the more subtle efforts that are harder to see
Cirilla said:
Hello guys! Sorry for taking this long to respond (had to solve more or less all the post-release issues). Thank you very much for posting your comments about the patch in the thread. I will reply to the most popular ones here:
- why did this patch took you so long to get it ready? - Guys, this patch is more of a technical one. We did put a lot of time and effort into the new game engine which provides better visual effects and more efficient game performance overall. We have also been working on a number of things that are just not quite ready yet to see the world, but the roadmap completion (and a lot more) is definitely still going to happen;
- hero re-balance - we will review Lugan And Sethalia once more. Also, there will be a lot more re-balance touches coming up with the future updates (including Black Knight, Ma'Shalled and many more);
- we are also going to see and analyze how you guys are completing the Nightmare Campaign stages and, based on the results, we will see if the balance for the location level requires changing;
- AI improvements - the reason why we did not elaborate on this one in the patch notes is that these were really minor. However, we keep receiving incoming reports about the AI for some champions being out of order (including Rhazin and Nethril A3 being used on CB). We will collect all the reports and find a solution. Juliana's crit rate animation problem is on the list, as well;
- Reinbeast rebalance - Guys, we have been trying to make all the champion-related changes more about buffing lately, however, sometimes we do need to resort to nerfs to keep up the optimal game balance;
- 300 Gems for resetting Masteries - the cost for the reset remains 150 Gems (we would have notified you if there had been a change in this area), but we do realize that the resetting circles next to the Masteries branches may look misleading. And we will rework them;
- crashes - we are working on hotfixes which we will try to release in the nearest time and do apologize for the inconveniences;
- we are also working on adding CB Keys to Inbox for future compensations
Bloodgorged is also a joke, hit 3 time to hit all? when it face boss, he did less dmg after your "balance".
Pleas fix + rebalance Richtoff the Bold, hes a legendary made for CB but he suxs + hes bugged do to the fact Flesh-Tearer A3 will not exstend Ritchofs 5% poison debuffs on CB
Improvment sugestion exept fixing the bug.
Make Richtoff A1 50% atk down debuff
Or make his A2 put up 4 or 5, 5% poison debuffs 100% it´s only 3 now
Best would be
A1 50% atk down aoe
A2 4 5% poison debuffs
A3 like it is (make him a true legendary for CB buy giving him enemy max hp on this spell)
But pleas fix the bug with Fles-Tearer not exstending Richtoffs debuffs
Richtoff the bold as he is really doesnt fit anywhere so some love for him would be great.
His Spread debuffs is a fun ablility but very hard to utilize.i think he really should get a damage based on enemy-max HP on his A3. that would make him a good legendary and useful for most dungeons, his A1 looks ok on paper but the damage is so low that its almost not noticeable. A2 is fine though.
The patch v1.12 does not work for Fenax A1 skill (Put Down) - Attacks 1 enemy. Places an extra hit if the target has any debuffs. Enemies killed by this skill cannot be revived.
quote from patch v1.12
I really appreciate a lot of the changes made in this update. Nightmare campaign has been good so far, the difficulty level seems to be appropriate. I am a little less than half way through it so far. The 1 mil+ silver rewards for starring the campaign have helped me massively and made it so I could finally start getting somewhere with building my champs and completing challenges.
Some of the champs you buffed are champs I have (Excrutiator, Grimskin) and I was excited to see that because I figured they were going to be useless champs that were ignored permanently. I haven’t tested them out yet but I was just happy to see they were improved at all.
I was also happy to see the Reinbeast balance. Now he’s a champion I can sometimes beat, but he wasn’t nerfed to the point that I can easily beat him. Now I will attempt to fight arena teams with him and I win *sometimes*, whereas before I would usually never even attempt. If I did attempt in the past, 9/10 times I would fail even against solo Reinbeast using my best 6* champs with stun or heal reduc.
I was very happy to see the difficulty reduced for faction wars. For every faction I was able to 3* all the levels up to the first boss and then I was stuck before the update. I knew I would need at least two 6* champs from each faction to get farther, so I was seemingly stuck forever. Now I’m able to beat the first boss and get a few levels farther with one or less 6* champ on my team. The only problem I’ve run into so far is the first boss in the Undead Hordes faction. I have a fully leveled and ascended (and 1 book away from fully booked) Bad-El-Kazar and a handful of other good 4* champs from that faction and I still can’t beat the first boss. It seems like I’m able to do plenty of damage but that boss is so strong that it one-shots all of my team except Bad-El on the first hit, and then my Bad-El is killed after the next hit or two. It seems like that boss is disproportionately stronger than the first bosses from all the other factions. Bad-El is my strongest champ, he has more than double the HP of all my other champs (except Hakkorhn Smashlord) and he can solo most of the mid-late stage dungeons, so it’s crazy that he barely makes a dent in the first boss of faction wars with a full team. Even with the current difficulty of faction wars Im pretty sure I will never be able to get far enough to earn a sacred shard. It seems that far out of reach. I’m level 54 with 5 6* champs, not f2p but not a whale either. Not sure how attainable you want faction wars to be for the average spending player, but I feel like someone at my level of playing (and spending) should be able to get to the second boss of faction wars with their strongest faction(s).
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