Overall this update is a severe disappointment for me. The nerfs and steps backwards simply kill any improvements.
- Triple painkeeper nerf (speed/turn meter; heal percentage 15%, prior 25%; heal amount: based on allies max HP instead of own max HP). I regret having spent so much books on her. Those took hours of investment. Useless now.
- Heroes demanding attention beacuase they are completely underpowered got no attention (for example Astralith). Instead ONE void (!) hero got nerfed massively.
- The new fusion is also something which would cost a lot im terms of time and/or money. Something just for hardcore players.
- No RNG improvements: Quality heroes drop chances are already low. What I would have liked to see is an enhancement of mastery scroll drop rates, even with limiting the amount that ca be obtained in a certain period of time, but with better drop amount. The way it's now is a ridicoulous grind and certainly no favor to people having a normal job and trying to play with strategy instead of investing just hours after hours of gameplay. Artifact main stats completely random. Seriously, in real life would you invest time, effeort and money in items that are completely useless with a chance of >90 %? This is just too much randomness. It's becoming more and more a gambling game.
- A multibattle option that is tied to the investment of real money to become somewhat useful at least.
- Significant difficulty invrease in spider dungeon due to spiderlings now having (high) accurcy. Threw me back at least one level. Getting less good items now. Further decrease in money or quality jewelry
Overall you should realize that those changes will most propably make people, that have been willing to spend some money in the past, very careful to do so in the future. Investments like PK are now nearly useless. Unless there RNG is not reduced to a sensible amount and the danger of massive nerfs in this way persists, I will certainly not spend any more money for RSL.