MasterChiefBG said:
Well ther go the event :)
The event had 2 days left when the servers went down and it's so easy right now that if you can't finish it in 5 minutes then there's a problem. Why do people just look for a reason to complain. There was probably a problem with the system I'd rather play a game that's not totally broken than have them restart and have server drops like during the tourney.
Thanks for the advice. BUT I must wonder how many people have seen this post?
Why did you not post it as a "NEWS" item in game ?
Not everyone will see it here. I certainly did not and no one was talking about it in my clan last night. This is not good. S' Maintenance was planned for 4.00 am utc its now 8.33 am why is it taking so long?
Whats your plan for compensation for those that loose shields during your activity that they knew nothing of?