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Brotherhood Flag Update

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Brotherhood Flag Update

Ahoy Captain!

As ever I am here to support you in building your empire across the Seven Seas, but I must also ensure resources are carefully managed. That's why I bear news that it is no longer possible to make requests for the creation of Unique Broterhood Flags.

Do not let this hold you back. Continue to take the fight to your enemies!

Piratically yers,
Captain "Bonnie" Anne O'Malley 

Jun 7, 2023, 10:5106/07/23
Jul 9, 2023, 11:1907/09/23
Jul 9, 2023, 11:19(edited)

I might not have any love for the burnt birds but I wouldn't call them cheats.  I doubt BB's had any secret access to the flag pool either.  What about RB?  They got one too.

Quit being jelly because loinshart didn't get one.  If anything blame the company for being so lame it is unable to continue to include future tiny graphics from an occasional Coinerhood.  I mean really in over a decade we've had 3 BH's obtain it?

It is unobtainium for most anyway so what was the loss?  It just shows how bad they really are at this programming thing imo.

Jul 16, 2023, 03:3707/16/23
Jul 16, 2023, 03:49(edited)

You do not understand Keel D, it's not about anymore BH having it .... it's the timing of the update.

Update comes right after one of their friendly team getting it ... (Probably was planned to make this the last one)

Then again when we had the bastion lvl 30 update ?? A team at S2, who had enough presidios to get it to lvl 30 or 26 maybe(over 50 presidios) but couldn't ... cause they lost it all to someone within a week ... and two of Plarium's favorite got upto rank 1 and 2 .... after about 7 or 8 years I guess? BEST TIME FOR A NEW UPDATE ... Do I need to name them?

If you remember the update of the first Bastion in this game (upto 20) ... even back then same team barely reached at no.1 and there it was ...

Now take them all as just mere coincidence ??? yep there's no cheat, no favors. No one manipulates Plarium's decision nor anyone hears any tips nor anyone tell them to change the event rewards according to their need ...

Jan 24, 2024, 23:2101/24/24

I'm on Pirate Bay server, there are 3 BH's with a custom flag, and the rest of us cannot get one now? Someone explain to me, in detail, why the custom flag is no longer available for the rest of us, and HOW IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA IS THAT FLIPPIN' FAIR TO THOSE OF US WHO HAVEN'T GOTTEN ONE YET? That's a dirty stunt to pull on the rest of us! I'm a coiner, I pay money into this game! We money players should have a damn say in stuff like this because WE ARE THE ONES CREATING REVENUE for Plarium! 

Why not have given us 1 year to get the rest of our requirements in? Why drop the custom flag option with no warning?! It's not fair! To let a few BH's earn the flag and the rest have NO CHANCE of earning one, is Plarium that created an imbalance of fairness! 


I have worked my tail off fighting on my game server to help preserve its balance and health. My coalition and I have spent BILLIONS and BILLIONS and BILLIONS of power over the last few years trying to keep bigger BH's and bot BH's knocked down so the rest of the server can flourish with a fair chance and we can't even earn a custom flag. AT THE VERY LEAST, in effort to appease the players, Plarium should allow BH's to change their existing default flag to a different default flag! But we can't even do that!!


I've finally had enough of all the garbage this game comes with. This summer would mark 9 years I've been playing on my server. I was taking my time earning a custom flag as I had never seen it as something I had to rush to do, because WE WERE NEVER WARNED there would be a point where the custom flags would not be an option in the future. We just get the option swept off the table in one fell swoop, NO WARNING. We weren't the only ones who thought we had an unlimited time to achieve the requirements for a custom flag either. Maybe it doesn't show here, but many are disappointed. 

I should have come in to talk about this sooner, but would any of it matter? No one in the Plarium Company really gives a damn from what I can see. They get their money, so what do any of us matter? Well, when Plarium gamers finally stand up and expose Plarium's wrongdoings on us and the Plarium ratings and popularity drops downward, the cash flow will drop down some too. Maybe then Plarium will listen to their coiners more! But that's what it takes people! Greedy corporations will only respond in our favor if they see a decline in their ratings and earnings. 

I am a little surprised more players didn't cause more of an uproar about this here over the months. I mean, this is old news, and yet there weren't many people who responded, but this could be because many players stopped reading and using the forum. I never knew about this because I stopped coming here as this forum is mostly obsolete. This is the place where Plarium mods give players news on Plarium development, but the mods have no say in anything. Forum Mods were created so that Plarium doesn't have to deal with everyone they make angry or disappoint! It's the mods that read this and they have no control over what happens. This is all just super frustrating. And that brings me to this next thing I will say...

This is the last time Plarium spits in my face. I will work out an exit plan and retire my empire, and once I'm gone, everyone will see WHAT REAL IMBALANCE OF A SERVER LOOKS LIKE! Mark my words, after I leave Pirate Bay, the server will fall into disarray. When my pals and I aren't there to help generate revenue for Plarium from the massive battles we throw down every year, Pirate Bay will hit its vortex and flush down to Davy Jones Locker. In addition, I have an interview scheduled with a popular YouTuber coming up in June, I will be exposing a lot of the dark stuff about what it was like to be a gamer for over 8 years on Plarium's Pirates: Tides of Fortune. 2025 will not look so good for the Plarium Pirate game. May as well sink the whole game when the biggest players take their money somewhere else!