Dear Players,
This is to address the situation with the wrong rewards in one of the tournaments. The numbers were incorrectly stated from the very start, and we very much apologize for this confusion. We had to revert the numbers to the intended state because leaving them as they were would have had a considerable impact on the game balance.
However, we understand that it was a disappointing mistake on our side that’s why we’ve sent out a compensation package to EVERY PLAYER to make up for this situation.
Thank you for being understanding as it was just a human factor, and let’s not let this mishap spoil the most wonderful time of the year. Happy Holidays! 🎄
We thought it would be nice to send out a compensation package to everyone, Captain. It wasn't meant to cover the losses. It was an extra gift to show that we admit this mistake.
I am glad i do not have insurance cover with plarium, imagine a car wreck and here is your compensation $10
Insulting an extra gift to show us you can for once admit mistakes ??
To be honest here i have lost virtually nothing in the tournament but many others have !! at least have the decency to reverse units lost by players, give back all lost units to the players your mistake you have admitted that.
Plarium you can not have it both ways, either reinstate the original rewards or reverse all lost units lost in trying to win the tournament.
Captains, we understand this mistake was a serious one. However, leaving the rewards as they were would have had a considerable impact on the game balance. We cannot risk it and jeopardize the game. We hope you'll understand it in the long run.
What balance ???
I've seen a BH with 10 players make the top 10. Other BH's were well up there also.
MB the problem is that the damage was done the moment that they downgraded the rewards. You can't really go back and reinstate the rewards and have it mean anything. The RIGHT thing would have been to just let it run.
About the only thing they could do to makeup for some of the errors these days is to promote the game like they used to.
Right now this is just another action in a long string of actions... going back a little over a year... where they serm to intentionally get players to quit. Therefore the only action i would see as repentance is an action that got the game back to the same level of activity where it was when this string of action all started. But we all know they won't do that. They didn want to fix this one any more than they wanted to fix ATA bucks.
Guys, I understand the frustration. I really do.
I don't know much right now, but it seems that Plarium is still looking to rectify this better than they did so far. Please, let's give them a chance to come up with something satisfactory.
If I understand it right, we should know more tomorrow.
I just caught up reading the comments left since I left mine....
I'm going to say this.... At least 3 of us who have left comments thus far as bigger deals on our server than any of you mods or small/low-rank BH's could even understand. I can assure you that when we are fed up with the game and quit, our server (Pirate Bay), will indeed lose serious revenue. Renevue will be lost not just from our own wallets, but all the revenue collected from the players we spend our time and money of competing with will also start to decline. It's a domino-effect that's been happening, which is one big reason Plarium has been adding all these new "features" to the game to try to earn more money by getting some of our attention back as more and more players walk away from the game.
Beyond that, Alina, I would like to tell you that I don't appreciate your comment on Oakensheild, where you said, "It's nice to see some loyal comments." It insinuates that those of us speaking out here against Plariums wrong-doing are not, or haven't been, loyal gamers to Plarium. Maybe I ought to show you my bank statements for the last SIX YEARS of my life, so you can see my loyalty to supporting Plarium. Let me put it to you this way, I could buy a new truck or put a down payment on a second house with that kind of money. So, take the disrespect and disregard for us loyal Plarium gamers who have been wronged and are speaking out about it, and throw it in the trash where it belongs. I would think a moderator would try to be more understanding on BOTH sides.
Maybe I haven't been clear. My team was in the lead for that 150k rubies by over DOUBLE the second place's score. We wroked around the clock for over a day, spending hundreds of thousands of troops to trump that score-board, only to have 140k rubies that were promised ripped away from us. So, anyone not upset with the mistake made on the rewards, CLEARLY were not a part of all the hard work running for first place to earn 150k rubies. To add, beyond myself, many other players in my team have been around for 5 or so years and spent thousands of dollars supporting Plarium by buying game goods which are over-priced even on sale! So, we have every right to be angry, disgusted, and ready to walk away from Plarium altogether. I even lost TWO players yesterday because of Plarium's mistake on this tournament, and I can't be sure I won't lose more over it as more of my players come into the game today and see what's happened. THAT IS FACT, and I have every right to be fully disappointed and angry, and to voice that all here in the forum, and not be passed off by a mod as disloyal through insinuations.
I'm hanging onto the game by a single thread of determination to compete with enemies some more before I leave. But let me remind you, Plarium & Company, when I leave, revenue for Pirate Bay server drops, I absolutely guarantee you that. That's not ego talking either, that's just a solid fact based on what I know. Anyone smart on my server knows that the real number of actual players left has been declining for years and it continues to drop. I guess you crafty, greedy thieves will have to come up with more new ways to pull money out of your player's wallets. Well, good luck with that, because the players have their work-arounds to rely on, which I have now 100% changed my views on. Shiv had the right idea all along! Yeah, that's right, I said it.
Guys, I understand the frustration. I really do.
I don't know much right now, but it seems that Plarium is still looking to rectify this better than they did so far. Please, let's give them a chance to come up with something satisfactory.
If I understand it right, we should know more tomorrow.
Yea, right . We'll see bud.
They wont even enforce the 1 account rule.
Guys, I understand the frustration. I really do.
I don't know much right now, but it seems that Plarium is still looking to rectify this better than they did so far. Please, let's give them a chance to come up with something satisfactory.
If I understand it right, we should know more tomorrow.
Hello, Crowbar. I hope you are right, I hope that Plarium is going to find a way to make this kick in the face better. But I won't be holding my breath. How is Plarium going to give me my 2 players back? Even if a new tournament is opened that promises great rewards, several teams already invested into this tournament. And if Plarium gives out more gifts to everyone, that's not making it up to the top running teams of this tournament, that's just a thin layer of icing on a cake for everyone else. Maybe Plarium could try reinstating at least half the rubies promised that they took away for this tournament. That, I could find acceptable enough to forgive Plarium. Otherwise, I stand firm in everything I said.
Hello, Crowbar. I hope you are right, I hope that Plarium is going to find a way to make this kick in the face better. But I won't be holding my breath. How is Plarium going to give me my 2 players back? Even if a new tournament is opened that promises great rewards, several teams already invested into this tournament. And if Plarium gives out more gifts to everyone, that's not making it up to the top running teams of this tournament, that's just a thin layer of icing on a cake for everyone else. Maybe Plarium could try reinstating at least half the rubies promised that they took away for this tournament. That, I could find acceptable enough to forgive Plarium. Otherwise, I stand firm in everything I said.
I'd rather they cancel the Tourney and payout the rewards as it was before they interfered.
I got a cheap reply too. I was extremely thorough, and I got basically the same reply they gave you, MasterBlaster. Like every time I ever wrote them, they hear one thing out of everything said and give a generic response to that one thing. But hey, we knew that's what we'd get anyway.
I like how they said they'd be giving us a New Years gift in addition for making things up to us... OH OKAY, but unless it's considerably better than the usual New Years gifts they give, how is that even relevant? And hearing that they made sure that the same mistake wasn't going to happen again was good for preventing measures, but doesn't fix THIS mistake.
The part where they said they are working on a possible solution to fix this case, well I think that's a bold-face lie. I don't they have any intentions of real compensation for those of us who went hard at this tournament. How can they even make it up without revising the rewards to reinstate their original promise, or at least half the original promise? I don't see any real compensation coming my way. Just another let time pass and sweep in under the rug by Plarium.
On a side note, I have recommended that my team to use this mistake and all the other injustices we've experienced to reflect the rating they give Plarium if they haven't yet rated the game. A glass half empty, not half full kind of rating if you will, so the Plarium can pull a company meeting and reflect on their rating drop. An average of a 1 or 2 full star drop might just get their attention. A half a billion dollar company shouldn't want to drop from their current 4.3 overall rating to 2.3. That might put a dent in their company value.
The part where they said they are working on a possible solution to fix this case, well I think that's a bold-face lie.
It is obviously not, and their announcement has been has been up for about 5 hours when you wrote that. You may not like their solution, but denying that they've been working on one is in itself "a bold-face lie".
If you're still angry with them, fine. Do your raitings, boycotts, whatever. I don't mind. I'm just a player like everyone else here, despite what you may think of us mods.
But don't lie here that they did nothing to try to rectify this mess, especially when their solution is a technical nightmare and the players objectivelly profited from it (no loss of units in the end, with all the rewards that were actually given out kept).
The part where they said they are working on a possible solution to fix this case, well I think that's a bold-face lie.
It is obviously not, and their announcement has been has been up for about 5 hours when you wrote that. You may not like their solution, but denying that they've been working on one is in itself "a bold-face lie".
If you're still angry with them, fine. Do your raitings, boycotts, whatever. I don't mind. I'm just a player like everyone else here, despite what you may think of us mods.
But don't lie here that they did nothing to try to rectify this mess, especially when their solution is a technical nightmare and the players objectivelly profited from it (no loss of units in the end, with all the rewards that were actually given out kept).
Crowbar, okay, out of being angry over losing two players and us spending so much holiday time in front of our computers, I guess I let myself be overly-dramatic and made an exaggeration. Please, forgive that part. I shall revise my words to meet what I really meant....
I feel entirely sure that true compensation will not occur, even though Plarium said they are working on a fix for their mistake, AND I base this "pessimism" off my previous experiences with Plarium and their "fixes". Should I be wrong, and Plarium finds a way to entice my two players to come back to the game and Plarium reinstates a reasonable amount of rubies for the tournament, I will come back here to applaud and thank Plarium and give my full apology for being impatient and for losing my faith in Plarium actually caring for their gamers losses due to their own fault.
Crowbar, no hard feelings on you, Mate, you are the most understanding, peaceful, and caring Mod that I ever spoke with. And honestly, I do thank you for that. I also hope you understand that my angry attitude isn't meant to be directed at you. It's just that MY TEAM was affected THE MOST by this mistake. We were going to win that tournament and I guarantee that. We were going to work it around the clock until the finish and pull a server-wide highest score record for that tournament. We all worked hard this year to be a top contender in prizing, and prizing earns the most experience points. We were also contributing to PvP which also earns experience points and that DOES cost ships and troops. And losing 2 players who are now fed up with the game was just as big of a kick in the teeth as losing 140k rubies per player in my BH, possibly even worse since one of them was a player who assists me in running my team.
So, again, I didn't mean that Plarium is lying, I just mean that I don't even see a way for Plarium to pay my BH back what has been lost by us. The lines "it was a mistake from the beginning" and "if we allowed the rewards to stay it would upset the balance of the game" is absolute trash to all of us. There has been a serious imbalance on our server for YEARS and MANY players inside and outside my BH have told Plarium this and it continued to be a problem.
There are players out there who created BH's, some even as many as 5 BH's, and most of them have banded together and killed off many BH's using mass-created accounts. MY BH and allies have been fighting against these players for years, in the attempt to help balance the server and save it from total destruction. SO, none of us want to hear about balance of our server, because it's not been balanced since late 2017. And what's worse, is that now it's too late for Plarium to fix that imbalance, because if they try to fix it now, they'd just kill the Pirate Bay faster. Taking rubies from BH's who are trying to level the playing field on our server to help it last longer is doing the extact opposite of what they say they are doing.
I guess it just is, what it is, and we shall see what else comes our way. Thank you, Crowbar, for setting me straight with my poor choice of words. I know you are just doing as you are supposed to as a Plarium Forum Moderator. May you have a happy, healthy, and safe New Year. Alina, too. Everyone... even my enemies, I do wish you all the best in 2022.
The part where they said they are working on a possible solution to fix this case, well I think that's a bold-face lie.
It is obviously not, and their announcement has been has been up for about 5 hours when you wrote that. You may not like their solution, but denying that they've been working on one is in itself "a bold-face lie".
If you're still angry with them, fine. Do your raitings, boycotts, whatever. I don't mind. I'm just a player like everyone else here, despite what you may think of us mods.
But don't lie here that they did nothing to try to rectify this mess, especially when their solution is a technical nightmare and the players objectivelly profited from it (no loss of units in the end, with all the rewards that were actually given out kept).
Hello all pirates.
Moderater crowbar I think what Luna was just trying to say in its simple form is that there really isnt any way that she can see plarium fixing all the problems this accident has caused our brotherhood. Many of us have been talking on discord about this and I have to agree that I dont see how we can be reimburst for all we are now missing out on either. You said tho your self that you are just a player like everyone else. Nothing you can do about it and I don't think anyone here expects you to. I think this is pure rant from those unsatisfied with Plariums accident. I plan to stay in the game. I didn't lose anything on my game but I do know that some of our players spent most of their rubies becauze they thought they were going to get a lot more. That wasnt fair to them to have spent 20ooo to 60ooo rubies thinking they were going to getr 150ooo more from that event. They were thinking they would get more back then they spent but as it looks now, they will be getting less back than they spent. To make up for the rubies spent they will have to wait as we slowly collect more from other events or they will have to spend money on the game. I dont see any of us wanting to use our bank accounts to make up for the mistake so the better option of the too is to wait it out and collect more rubies over time but there will be an etching sale soon and those who spent their ruby stashes will not make out so well. That is my input. Happy new year to every one.
Guys, when I first heard of the problem (I didn't participate in the tournament myself), my first reaction was that they have to pay what was promised. I was assured that this is not happening, and it's not because of the devs or Alina or anyone like that. They have departments in charge of "balance", which - to such departments in any gaming company - means "we won't risk our cash flow". Whether they are right or wrong in this instance is irrelevant: the promised rewards are not happening.
Upon learning that, my second suggestion was to revive all units lost during the problematic period. My reasoning was to remove players' losses at least, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who suggested it. So, Plarium analysed if they can do it and do they think it's acceptable. That's what they went with, and it was announced on the link that I provided above [which is why you insisting on "we don't see what Plarium can do" is confusing to me... we now know what they can do (and they did it), and you can discuss that actual solution]
This means that, at the end of the day, no units were lost (meaning you won't spend rubies on the revival on Monday) and the rewards (the normal ones, not the buggy exagerated ones) were kept. Is it less than you expected when you first saw the tournament? Yes. But is it still an overall gain, or at least a fair way to undo the mess? I personally think so. You can, of course, disagree.
Mind you, Luna is very much right that we've had plenty of messes and unjustices. This is the first time that I know of that Plarium made such a huge effort to do what's right by the players affected by the problem that they've caused. Even if you don't think they succeeded, I think you can agree that it's a huge improvement to their conduct in all the previous years.
If anything, that alone should be a reason enough for those players to return to the game and give it a chance. Their units will be waiting for them and they can play and see if it's worth staying. If not, they can always re-kill their units and leave again.
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