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Is the Move to Plarium better for your Play or worse?

Is the Move to Plarium better for your Play or worse?

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Feb 27, 2017, 23:3902/27/17

Is the Move to Plarium better for your Play or worse?

Like most of us who moved, I hoped the bugs and glitches would be worked out and Lag time shorter.  Boy was I wrong.  It takes almost a minute to hire a unit.  I am not able to list trades at the market.  Market shows that I have  25 trade ships ready to use.  When I use 8 of them, they message I get is - Not enough ships  How can I not have enough ships.

Messages are not able to be sent   I type them in my computer Note program and then refresh the game  This gives me the time to get it pasted in and sent. 

How do we do prizes and fight?  We can not lauch attacks fast enough.  Takes to long for military actions to start and launch  

I am starting to believe these games only work for the Heavy Cash Players.   Until things improve,  it will be free ride from me.   This is worse than KABAM.   We as a mass groups  make these companies billions of dollars a year.  At least they should do is make the games work.

This is so sad it is funny.  I can not submit this.  Seems I can not verify I am not a robot.

Feb 28, 2017, 07:1702/28/17

I expected no change, because the only thing that was on Kabam was the login process. Everything else was already done through Plarium.

For me, the game works as it did before. It's neither faster nor slower, it has the same bugs,...

The forum is a pain in the behind. New private messages are typed so slowly that I use copy/paste from what Windows users might call "Notepad", the (quasi)WYSIWYG editor is hard to use and has very bugged text selecting,... but I've been here for a few months now, so I'm used to it.

I don't have the problems that you describe. Might wanna submit a ticket and have them take a look at your account, although it could also be a problem with your computer or browser. This game is resources greedy and requires fairly fast computers with as much memory as possible.

Mar 1, 2017, 13:2303/01/17
Mar 1, 2017, 13:25(edited)

Blame for many of the problems we find at plarium website

I get many error reports from google chrome about being an insecure site and needing to be upgraded to https

It is impossible to use microsoft edge browser in full screen, again I believe this is because of

How many times have we seen 'waiting for' appear at bottom left screen when using chrome?

Far too many errors if you check Developer Tools -

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 2, 2017, 12:5103/02/17
Erik Bloodaxe said:

Blame for many of the problems we find at plarium website

I get many error reports from google chrome about being an insecure site and needing to be upgraded to https

It is impossible to use microsoft edge browser in full screen, again I believe this is because of

How many times have we seen 'waiting for' appear at bottom left screen when using chrome?

Far too many errors if you check Developer Tools -

Hmm...never heard of the issue. I know it's not they best email provider, but didn't think it can cause issues on other sites...
Mar 2, 2017, 13:4003/02/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Hmm...never heard of the issue. I know it's not they best email provider, but didn't think it can cause issues on other sites...

In my experience, it is very often labelled a spam service, very much like Hotmail and Yahoo.

Mar 5, 2017, 06:3603/05/17
Super slow and laggy here too after the server change.
Mar 6, 2017, 06:5203/06/17
Ignore my comment, this game is is super fast using Chrome.. I can even type in chat without copy / pasting from TextEdit :D
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 6, 2017, 13:5003/06/17
Wiffen said:

Ignore my comment, this game is is super fast using Chrome.. I can even type in chat without copy / pasting from TextEdit :D

Mar 6, 2017, 21:0103/06/17
why are they not helping people sending in tickets, i know of 2 members that have not been able to log on since switch over with verified e-mail acoounts
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 7, 2017, 10:2903/07/17
zigcoco699 said:

why are they not helping people sending in tickets, i know of 2 members that have not been able to log on since switch over with verified e-mail acoounts
Support investigates each case individually. And they will help all players, who have contacted them.
Mar 30, 2017, 19:2703/30/17

Play for me is worse.  I have had my laptop serviced , Phone lines checked and keep deleting History.  I even upgraded ram to 16Gb.  I get 2 hours of slow play time  and then everything slows down to a crawl.  30 seconds to a minute  for a page  to change.  Game keeps freezing up and I  get constant messages about the server is not responding.   This is a Windows 8 computer.  It should work find.   Any Ideas.

Mar 30, 2017, 22:4803/30/17

Tried a different browser? Chrome seems to work best, although some people claim it's better on other browsers for them.

Apart from that, no idea.
Apr 4, 2017, 14:1804/04/17
Apr 4, 2017, 14:34(edited)

Does anyone else see a problem with Market? (and Tinker?)

Both Kabam servers seem to have a bug with sketches missing

Hydo uses 16 sketches, but only 12 are available in the market (and tinker?)
Other sketches are also affected

The Available button is bugged and always gives an error message -

The friends and shipmates buttons often show trades as available when they are not, and gives the same error message when Accept is clicked -
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 5, 2017, 10:3204/05/17
Snowgoon said:

Does anyone else see a problem with Market? (and Tinker?)

Both Kabam servers seem to have a bug with sketches missing

Hydo uses 16 sketches, but only 12 are available in the market (and tinker?)
Other sketches are also affected

The Available button is bugged and always gives an error message -

The friends and shipmates buttons often show trades as available when they are not, and gives the same error message when Accept is clicked -
Thank you for your report. I will test the highlighted issues and pass the info to devs :)
Apr 17, 2017, 12:5804/17/17

It is much worse then Kabam, game is more slowly and laggy, need refresh all the time, if not i not have reports...

Now I have stuck 2 millions offense troops in raids,they not move nowhere,don't go on raid, don't back in haven, have  stuck trade with sketches, so can not trade, and have stuck Wheel Of Fortune for months, and i have answer of Plarium what they they do not have a workaround right now?!!!  How is possible it?

Therefore, I ask myself what I still need to be stuck to finally close account on the Plarium after three years...think what keep me only good friends but until when will be that enough for play one game...

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 18, 2017, 12:2204/18/17
Apr 18, 2017, 12:23(edited)

Edal2007 said:

It is much worse then Kabam, game is more slowly and laggy, need refresh all the time, if not i not have reports...

Now I have stuck 2 millions offense troops in raids,they not move nowhere,don't go on raid, don't back in haven, have  stuck trade with sketches, so can not trade, and have stuck Wheel Of Fortune for months, and i have answer of Plarium what they they do not have a workaround right now?!!!  How is possible it?

Therefore, I ask myself what I still need to be stuck to finally close account on the Plarium after three years...think what keep me only good friends but until when will be that enough for play one game...

There can be many reasons why the lags occur.

The issue can be on your PC/browser/router/Internet provider/CDN/our server/etc.

To understand the reason of lag, we need some additional information. You can help us to investigate your case if you do the following:

1. Access Chrome -> More Tools -> Developer Tools -

2. Access Network tab

3. Try to access the game

4. Do the right click on any line and tick Save as HAR with content

5. Input the following command in cmd: tracert Then make a screenshot of it.

6. Send this information to our Support Team:

They will help you to understand the reason of your lags and will help you to fix them.

Stuck Units and any issues with WoF should also be reported to Support.

Apr 18, 2017, 12:3704/18/17

Edal, it has nothing to do with the transfer. The game is, and always was, run on Plarium servers. Kabam was only handling logins.

Most lags are either due to your computer needing more RAM or processor power (IMO, this game is too hungry for computer resources) or, more likely, due to network problems (anywhere between you and Plarium's servers) while you're playing. I tend to skip between various countries with VPN, and the differences are very noticeable.

Apr 29, 2017, 04:3604/29/17
Apr 29, 2017, 04:37(edited)

Lags and crashes more often than Kabam.  On the weekends the lag is significantly worse. Using the same computer, same browser, same provider, same everything the only difference is Plarium.  I hear the concept that it is the same servers for the game as on Kabam but it is worse. Maybe they got many more new players and servers are overloading??? What else would explain the lags increasing on weekends other than server horsepower is weak?

ALYONA KOLOMIITSEVA : I would like to help but your message is pretty cryptic to me - I am pretty good with computers but the stuff you are asking us to do do I don't understand.  There is not much explaination on how I could use it to determine my lag.

Apr 29, 2017, 06:1304/29/17

Datr said:

Maybe they got many more new players and servers are overloading??? What else would explain the lags increasing on weekends other than server horsepower is weak?

That would be my guess too, although I myself haven't experienced much lagging. I do, however, restart my browser quite often as that seems to help against lags. For me, that's not a problem, as I use Chrome almost exclusively for the game, while doing my regular browsing in other browsers.

Datr said:

ALYONA KOLOMIITSEVA : I would like to help but your message is pretty cryptic to me - I am pretty good with computers but the stuff you are asking us to do do I don't understand. There is not much explaination on how I could use it to determine my lag.
Alyona's instructions are quite straightforward. Follow them as they are written and screenshot, and you'll end up with a HAR file, which is basically a JSON file discribing all of your game's requests to the server. That file will give the devs some insight into which requests take too long for you, what were you doing at the time, etc.

May 3, 2017, 10:4905/03/17
May 3, 2017, 10:56(edited)

Plarium moved their server to San Francisco around the same time the kabam portal was shut down

Was this done to save money? or to improve the service? (haha)

"There are about twenty host names that point to the IP address"


Sounds a bit overcrowded to me -

Must be on a trailer park near the beach

May 6, 2017, 00:4005/06/17

Snowgoon said:

Plarium moved their server to San Francisco around the same time the kabam portal was shut down

Was this done to save money? or to improve the service? (haha)

"There are about twenty host names that point to the IP address"


Sounds a bit overcrowded to me -

Must be on a trailer park near the beach

Microsoft was doing this for years.

What I want to see is a different url for each server. Not that ingame switch.