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je n'est pas le bonus de mon niveau

je n'est pas le bonus de mon niveau

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Apr 12, 2018, 22:0104/12/18

je n'est pas le bonus de mon niveau

pour la collecte de trésor je suit a 26 rubie heure mais je ne collecte que 24 donc il me donne le niveau de dessous j'aimerai que ce bug soit résole car je per 10 rubie heure 15 quand j'achette la promotion 50 %   je suis levier et essieux level 15 mais il fait comme si je serai 14
Apr 12, 2018, 22:2404/12/18
Apr 12, 2018, 22:27(edited)
avec 5 bateau ca fait entre 10 et 15 rubie a lheure de perdu se qui veux dire a peu pres 250 et 325 rubie par jour
Apr 13, 2018, 04:4504/13/18
Apr 13, 2018, 04:55(edited)
ca fait 5 ile en environ une heure qui disparesse avant quelle saoit vide pendant que je les collect je fait une rotation de personne et pouf jpeu pas en remettre car elle disparait ca fait quand meme 2 semaine je joue et j'ai jamis vue en plus que jai pas mon bonus pour mon level la les ile que je collecte disparesse c pas mal frustrant etant donner largent j'ai mis sur se jeu esce fait pour quon soi obliger de toujours mettre de largent en faisant quion puisse moin recolter les rubie car en plus j'ai acheter un boast et la jpeu meme pas toute mettrre mes bateau de collect a cause que les ile disparait j'ai tout monter sur mon personneage pour en voir le plus possible et tou et je trouve que je perd de largent et on as tu une reponse sur le forum et c'est sur que c'est pas les option qui sont habituelle elle on juste simplement disparue de la carteelle ne sont plus la et etais a peu pres pleine et tres active
Apr 13, 2018, 06:1704/13/18
il en as encore un de plus qui as disparue cest une vrai farce ca fait 6 qui dsisparesse sans aucune raison quand je ramene mes troupe il disparait a linstant meme mes troupe senleve quand il sont plus que le trois quart plein quand jachete le booster la jai deux bateau qui peuve pas en recolter ca men enleve avec le bonus de mon level que jai pas environ 100 a lheure
Apr 13, 2018, 06:2504/13/18
une autre encore  2 qui disparesse daffiler jai acheter un booster pack pour ca et pour les et la les ile a rubie disparesse sans aucune raison 7 ile en 2 heure peut etre 3   et cetais senser etre efficase par le forum pour avoir une reponse ya personne qui me repond depuis des heure
Apr 13, 2018, 10:0304/13/18
ecrire sur le forum etais pas senser faire en sorte detre plus efficace  pour une reponse rapide
Apr 13, 2018, 10:0604/13/18
a jusqua maintenant ma perte est denviron 1000 rubie jai mis plus de 50 dollars en moin de deux semaine dans se jeu et quand jutilkese les boost pour me refouler un peu ca bug a un pointy tel que ca me coute faire le boost au lieu de me donner
Apr 13, 2018, 13:2104/13/18
jai meme essayer les coordonner de quelqun qui ma donner ou il y avait une ile de rubie mais elle naparessait pas pour moi mais elle est la pour les autre on dirait qui as quelque chose qui mempeche de collecter trop de rubie des ile qui disparesse et dautre qui sont la mais pas pour moi
AndriiTechnical Support
Apr 13, 2018, 13:3404/13/18

Hello Captain! I apologize for answering in English. We are still working on the full-time multi-language support.

Please attach the screenshot illustrating report from the Merchant about the arrival of a galleon loaded with Rubies to your haven. 

Important note:

- The "Treasure Gathering +50%" bonus is applied only to those Treasure islands which were captured after the item had been applied.

- If the discovery "Lever an' Axels" is still under the upgrade from lvl. 14 to lvl. 15, you will be still getting 24 Rubies per hour.

Also, I have contacted you via private messages. Please check it and specify the requested data.

Apr 13, 2018, 20:1304/13/18
Apr 13, 2018, 20:31(edited)
screen shoot it a bit too late for that and it will be hard to do because the island desepear qhen i change my tropp 7 island i was collecting with the bonus seven island one after a other desapear i can collect 5 and beacause of that i couldnt colect more than two so 40% of what am suppose to for about 5 hours i now i have three island  and i ask coordonate to someone of rubie island that he see  from his place the island was there for him but when i went there me i couldnt see it  so i dont know want happen but it made me lose a 1000 rubi maybe more if i put all that to the 24 hours and it not all and that bug it still happen i have level 15  am suppose to carry 26 a hours so with the bonus 39 but i only  can carry 36  with the bonus and 24   without it  it like i have the lecel under 
Apr 13, 2018, 20:3304/13/18
Apr 14, 2018, 05:22(edited)

with the bonus it supose to be 39  but only 36  and it would be good to fix this because i want to upgrade this thecnologie and it cost a lot a this level but if i dont get the bonus it worhtless

a strange thing it that it give me the 3000 for the wood gold and rhum but not the 26 for rubie

AndriiTechnical Support
Apr 14, 2018, 13:2204/14/18

In fact, everything is fine. This item increases the speed of gathering of resources. So, you can gather more resources per the same period of time. 36 is how many Rubies (carrying capacity) your units stationed on that island can carry to your haven per hour.  

Apr 14, 2018, 16:2304/14/18
no it not fine beacause if you check the picture right it 36 for one hours bur my level it 26 so for one hours it supose to be 39 and not 36 i exaplin all that before it why i put the first picture to let you see that my level allow me 26 by the hours but as you can see on the picture it was one hours and 36 so 26 by 1.5 it supose to be 39 and not 36
Apr 14, 2018, 16:2704/14/18
and that not the only problem that i spoke about  the island that diseaper  7 island one after another  i lost about 1000 rubie that day because i couldn collect it  and for about  5 day mayby a bit more i lost 2 rubie every hours for everu boat collecting  o no eveythiong not fine  with all the money and the time i put on this game 
Apr 14, 2018, 16:3004/14/18
if i hace to buy all the rubie i lost because of the bug of the island disapearrind and the 2 everu hours for every boar it will cost me 10 dollord to buy it from you 
Apr 14, 2018, 16:3804/14/18
and the other bug the island that my friend give me the coordonate  from his island for the rubi island the island was there for him but me whern i went there it wasnt for me all taht happend whern i put the boost on it was like if the game didnt allow me to collect for all my boat availabe taht never happen with and island of wood gold or rhum   i did talk about that why i have no talk back about it it really frusttrating  beacause it wasnt normal  it wasnt suppose to happen and i lost a lot and i put a lot of money in that game so it not all fine
Apr 14, 2018, 16:4004/14/18

and i am still only collecting 24       when i am suppose to collect 26     e   v   e   r   y     h    o   u   r  s     can    this problem be fix       

and after that talk about what occu whern i bought the boost
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Apr 15, 2018, 12:3504/15/18
Apr 15, 2018, 12:35(edited)

yvesdesrosiers said:

and i am still only collecting 24       when i am suppose to collect 26     e   v   e   r   y     h    o   u   r  s     can    this problem be fix       

and after that talk about what occu whern i bought the boost

Dear Captain!

Please do not post multiple messages about the same issue. 

Please specify the list of troops you send to a Treasure Island. Keep in mind that different troops can carry different amount of the Rubies.