Maniakaal said:
DeoGratias said:
Primus said:
DeoGratias said:
It seems that only the top 670 clans get shown. It might help if you can give me the three letter clan identifier (orange lettering within brackets prior to the clan name). They show up in searches. Otherwise DM me a location and I will search that way. Perhaps that data on the game only gets updated on a weekly basis.
3 letter clan identifier is [ORC]
my coordinates are x-154 y66
When I put ORC into the Clan search, another clan with ORC as identifier, 650 ranking and called F.U.Riders showed up.
Then I went to 154 66 and found a level 4 player, and went to 66 154 and found a level 12 player, both obviously not you Primus.
Maybe because there is already a clan with identifier ORC your clan request did not process or did not process properly.
It certainly should not be this hard to join the clan of your choice!! Where's a clever moderator when you need one?!
okay, just a thought...
On what platform are you playing?
Are you in the browser game ( ?
The Facebook game ?
or in the mobile version of the game ?
These are different worlds, different servers.
I know Primus is on the browser game.
DeoGratias On what platform do you play Nords??
Thank you Maniakaal for helping us understand.
I am playing on an iPad, which probably makes it the mobile version.
If the maps are configured by browser, then that's just as an important bit of information to share as the coordinates are.
I did go back and look for -154 66 without success. Because my own coordinates were positive, I didn't realise that 4 quadrants were being used.
Does this mean that the Clan search function only returns values that match by browser?
Can you confirm that cross-browser clans are not possible?
I will have to seek another clan to join, sorry Primus.
At least we learnt something in the process.