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Tournaments Test Update #2

Tournaments Test Update #2

📣 🚨 As you may remember, we conducted a test in August focused on Tournament matchmaking. After observing that the test made battles far too tough, we took the test offline. Our team has since rebalanced the matchmaking system and changed the terms of the test, so we are ready to launch its second iteration.

As we launch this new matchmaking test, you may experience changes to your average Tournament experience. Our goal is to ensure your Tournament Battles match your progress through the Heats, while still remaining fair but challenging. Expect to face tougher opponents as you reach those higher Heats!

⏰ The first Tournament with new matchmaking tweaks will happen on November 5th, 6 AM UTC.

As always, we’d love to hear about your experience with the new test. Your feedback allows us to fine-tune the game experience and make it the best it can be.

Mech Arena Team


Nov 1, 2024, 10:5011/01/24
Nov 1, 2024, 11:2211/01/24

I have played so many tournament in mech arena. I have experienced lot of fun and I have existed for new one

Nov 1, 2024, 11:3111/01/24

Hi ashiq

Nov 1, 2024, 12:0711/01/24

i am waiting!👍

Nov 1, 2024, 12:2511/01/24

I just want to say I have played raid for 5 yrs and then I started playing this game and I love everything about mech arena and I love the tournaments and want to thank y'all for doing what u can to make it better for all of us ..thank you

Nov 1, 2024, 12:3211/01/24

I've finished #1 in heats but not overall.... yet 

Nov 1, 2024, 14:0511/01/24

Awesome game and love the 

Nov 1, 2024, 14:2811/01/24

I no longer play tournaments so unfair the over powered mechs I always play against

Nov 1, 2024, 15:4911/01/24

The last test did nothing to  help I am still fighting mec 2 levels above me

Nov 1, 2024, 15:5111/01/24

every time I play I battle 88k sp players in a grandmaster when I have 14k sp so I never win any 

Nov 1, 2024, 18:2911/01/24

It means that on November 5th I simply will not play, my health comes before garbage..

Nov 1, 2024, 19:1011/01/24

I didn't reached division 1 yet and it's to hard I everytime feel like quitting and I hate mech arena added division 1 to unlock death match and tournament pls someone help me get division 1

Nov 1, 2024, 20:5011/01/24

Matching system is the worst experience for example

- match me single one vs. two player with full level weapon

- Sometime got randomly 1 hit kill from the low level weapon like fusion canon or repeater while I have full HP even I have lv.2 Mod cover. (Seriously ?)

- The game is set to win or lose +/- 1 point, some time if you was lead, then your bot do stupid action like step the death trap to kill themself, or just stand there and let Opponent bot kill easily, The developer might think this will make you feel challenge but seriously it wans't.

- I have killed opponent the most in game, but lose to opposit player who do nothing just sit and chill behind bot and less killed even half than me and finally win.

- Bots is always come with maximum implants level and Mod modification level 5 with could not easy to take them down if you are free player. Pay 2 win is your only choice.

- Now Mech arena become Pay 2 win game like the others, And not as fun as day one I was play.

Nov 1, 2024, 23:0711/01/24
Nov 1, 2024, 23:08(edited)

this new test sux donkey dix thats all that can be said. put it back the way it was. this one needs to be flushed or something. i have played a lot of hours and even spent money. it was kind fustaring the otherway but this just really took the heart out of the game for me . now i feel like playing less and not even spending my money on it. bad enough that your iteams are overly expensive, but now i feel they are worthless agianst everything? i was avergering 3 wins for every 5 matches on the last test but, now i am losing 4 out of 5 matches. makes me want my money and time back. i mean really i was spending like 20 or 30 dollars each week. i don,t think i will be doing that at all now. its just a rip off now. i would rather get mugged over my shoes or somthing. 

Nov 2, 2024, 02:4811/02/24

this new test sux donkey dix thats all that can be said. put it back the way it was. this one needs to be flushed or something. i have played a lot of hours and even spent money. it was kind fustaring the otherway but this just really took the heart out of the game for me . now i feel like playing less and not even spending my money on it. bad enough that your iteams are overly expensive, but now i feel they are worthless agianst everything? i was avergering 3 wins for every 5 matches on the last test but, now i am losing 4 out of 5 matches. makes me want my money and time back. i mean really i was spending like 20 or 30 dollars each week. i don,t think i will be doing that at all now. its just a rip off now. i would rather get mugged over my shoes or somthing. 

You're probably one of those PTW (pay-to-win) players who likes things just as they are, so you can keep winning... I'll be looking for you in the arena, for sure!!

Nov 2, 2024, 05:3811/02/24

What is fair about this?


Nov 2, 2024, 05:4511/02/24

It's clear that if you don't pay you are just a target for rich snots and this test is is just another way of ensuring it stays that way so that non payers don't win those idiots that has more money than brains or battle skills. Not impressed. 

Nov 2, 2024, 07:4111/02/24

ты такой. ты неправильно вопросы задешь 

Nov 3, 2024, 01:1311/03/24

You're probably one of those PTW (pay-to-win) players who likes things just as they are, so you can keep winning... I'll be looking for you in the arena, for sure!!

wrong! lol see you there bud. i put lots of hours in it and buy what i need to progress further in the game. you see i am disabled so i have lots of free time. so see you there pal. 

Nov 3, 2024, 08:4011/03/24


the truth is this as I always said .. the new must win, I have hundreds of screens like this. the new must spend, and the best way is to make people believe STRONG, so they want to improve their power, and they will spend, but then they will realize that the more they spend the weaker they become, as happened to everyone .. because then they become useless and new people must enter and feel strong, it's a wheel, you spend becomes poor, then abandons ... this is the method ... the TESTS serve to improve the scam system .. stay well friends, it's been 2 years since I spent more on garbage ..
