CrystalDrew or other mods, I'm repeating our request for more information:
Can we get a sense of what aspects of previous matchmaking this new test is trying to address? As mentioned by GothIxkin, "If we knew the matchmaking rules better, we'd probably be able to be more intelligent (and hopefully less belligerent) in our comments about the tests ".
Heat 3 was a disaster by the way. This new "test" feels exactly like the November "test", in terms of how the matchmaking progress. Give us some confidence please by telling us what you're trying that's different.
And there's one specific point that is worth including - what's the big idea with the huge SP disparity in matchups (small hangars facing huge hangars)? That at least was not a problem before the August 2024 test. The August test introduced that mess. Why is every test thereafter repeating the same mess? What's the goal? What exactly are these tests aiming to fix, if anything?