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Rebalancing of Mechs and Weapons

Rebalancing of Mechs and Weapons

Mar 17, 2023, 13:0203/17/23

What a joke, the Zeph nerf to 3 sec stun makes it worthless. Now it's a weak hp mech that has no chance to get close, fire and run. It's been in the game for years, now it's worthless. Basically just phasing out old mechs to sell new ones. It is Walking War Robots all over again... 

Exactly this

Mar 19, 2023, 16:5503/19/23

This game got a major downgrade in player enjoyment. When you have Bot mechs that can kill a Maxed out Tank in one shot Across the playing area through a tiny gap that few players could actually do very annoying and unbalanced. And then you totally offed the Zepher the original EMP user I have a maxed out Zepher with a Max out implant for ability duration....And I get 3.5 seconds out of it absolutely ridiculous and frustrating to play. Upping everything gets what? It like giving everyone $15.00 for minimum wage. And then the cost of everything goes up. So what did you really do? Just messed up all those folks whom worked hard and get a pay reduction. Same applies here worked hard to get where I was invested around $1000 in this game over a 3 years playing not a super whale. So now I get what....??

 A big here you go we made playing less fun and more of an annoying thing hope you stick with us........ uh why???

Mar 19, 2023, 17:0803/19/23

They gave the game a big downgrade in player enjoyment. Having Bot mechs that can kill a Maxed out Tank across the field through a tiny gap very few players could even pull off with in seconds of spawning. Very annoying and unbalanced. Also The Zepher the original EMP user getting downgraded how does this make any sence?? I have a maxed out Zepher with a maxed out ability duration implant and now it is nearly unplayable. Getting a duration of 3.5 seconds...... what the.......! It is almost like giving everyone 15 dollars for minimum wage. What does that really do just make cost of living go up and those whom worked hard now got a pay decease. Much is the same here I have played this game since beta.  And spent nearly 1000 in this time. Not a super whale but still I was invested. And now the game is more frustrating then enjoyable. 😑 

Mar 21, 2023, 12:2303/21/23

Killshots are too op, we can't get them and others who have it are one shotting all my mechs. My  arachnos takes half damage from meele dash

Mar 21, 2023, 12:3103/21/23

I thought what was going on when my arachnos took half hp from killshot melee dash and reported him

Mar 21, 2023, 19:4203/21/23
Mar 21, 2023, 19:45(edited)

It's an obvious slap in 5he face to all players the hard work,time,effort and money we have all put into the game is now pointless. I really like this game I left war robots to play it and I had all mk3 equipment. The game is totally unbalanced where bots are more powerful than players. They are selling bots and weapons that 2 weeks ago cost $20+ for pennies today. Also a new guided weapon... Just what they needed...... NOT!

Mar 21, 2023, 19:4303/21/23
Mar 21, 2023, 19:44(edited)

One thing for sure is that the community needs to come together and STOP buying it is the only way to be heard.

Mar 22, 2023, 05:3503/22/23

This update is insane. bots became serial killer my sp is 8000+ and I'm losing almost every match against bots. i don't get that what devolopers are thinking but this is too much. game time is 4 minutes but you can't play more than 1 minutes because bots will destroy every mech in one have to Nerf them in next update. I'm losing interest in game because of this update.😔😔

Mar 22, 2023, 05:3903/22/23

I spent money to enjoy more but this shit of update ruined every thing.our hard work for collecting a-coins and credits to upgrade mech and weapons is useless no one stand against that maxed bots they are more annoying than max players

Mar 22, 2023, 06:5803/22/23

Last change was awful. Surge and Zeph downgraded a lot. With mortar damage and radius they made game almost unplayable. You can not hide anywhere from it and that is ridiculous, only very wide roof and thats it. Now we have more players using mortars and if you have 2 of them in one team it is awful to play. And what is their playing style, hide behind the furthest cover, stand  and click every 10 sec. Killing all the fun and skill ....

Please change that.

Mar 22, 2023, 10:0103/22/23

I don't mind the new update actually. I'm around 5.5k now and don't often find killer bots. It's a bit silly having tanks that can be killed with one shot so role and rarity have lost their meaning but tactics can still outweigh bot power. 

Mar 26, 2023, 04:1103/26/23
Mar 26, 2023, 04:14(edited)

I gave up the game just after the excessive bullshit implants and getting screwed paying to move implants I had already bought and paid for,  so I check in now and then and from what I see...... I'm soooo glad I left when I did. This game was before it went to total shit, was a well designed game. Having said that the criminals who actually run the game... they should be sent to the Eastern front. I see they have gone total war robots P2W big time, this game looks now actually WORSE, than WR. I was a dedicated player at once. Vengeance was my name, and I still have my hangar, but this game sucks so bad now... No way in hell you could get me to spend a penny on this turd 

Mar 26, 2023, 17:0803/26/23

last update is total crazy

1) game is more-more-more faster then before (weapons are more buffed then HPs)

2) balance in game is ruined (5-6 stars blue weapons are much worse then 3 star legendary)

3) now we have to forget on all what has white, green or blue color / rarity. 

4) good luck to new players!

Welcome to future Mech arena - Game, where is only one rarity (legendary) of weapons and mechs, where are no new players and where MvP has only 5 kills (because dies to quick)

devi abituarti e una prassi normale  di Plarium, ho giocato per 8 anni a  SOLDIER INC. sempre plarium. ed e' la norma che plarium abbassi o modifichi, i parametri delle potenze, perche' altrimenti non hai motivo per spendere altri euro in un gioco... CAPISCI??  piu vai avanti e piu sara' evidente...  Palrium da  e Plarium TOGLIE.. sempre a svantaggio del giocatore....   ho smesso su SOLDIER INC qualche mese fa' appunto per l'ennesima truffa su truppe molto costose,  dopo che avevano modificato i parametri senza avvisare nessuno, lo hanno fatto 2 settimane dopo, dopo che hanno ricevuto  un miliardo di lamentele dai giocatori.

Mar 26, 2023, 17:1403/26/23

Hi! The Common Mechs are still relevant for their Grade. The new matchmaking system is meant to pick up players with approximately similar Hangar power. In this way, it's up to a player which Mechs do they want to have in their Hangars

nulla di vero finche ci saranno i soliti e perdenti giocatori che  abbassano il loro hangar e vengono a uccidere   chi ha hangar per la meta' della loro potenza.  d'altronde chi ha hangar oltre i 6000k , non avrebbe divertimento a giocare contro hangar simili. per questo palrium da modo a...Chi e debole  di smettere lper la frusatazione, chie  grosso di contiunuare a giocare ,  altrimenti si annia e smette anche lui.. palrium si uccide da sola.

Apr 4, 2023, 18:5004/04/23

I have power 2050 - every battle I am against enemies with over 6000+ power.

It is masacre, not fight....

I agree. Im in fights where nobody has the power of a surge, and it goes aroung wiping us all out

Apr 4, 2023, 18:5404/04/23

Last change was awful. Surge and Zeph downgraded a lot. With mortar damage and radius they made game almost unplayable. You can not hide anywhere from it and that is ridiculous, only very wide roof and thats it. Now we have more players using mortars and if you have 2 of them in one team it is awful to play. And what is their playing style, hide behind the furthest cover, stand  and click every 10 sec. Killing all the fun and skill ....

Please change that.

BIG TIME AGREE. I have high power mechs that stand no chance. I get blasted with nothing in sight---even under roof tops. Ive spent almost $1,000 on this and now wish I had not. When they put us against much higher rated mechs---the only thing we can do is KEEP SPENDING to get to those powers---then the circle starts again!!!  Its on purpose. Im thinking of cutting my losses and going elswhere

Apr 5, 2023, 02:2004/05/23

Hi to all! I feel really sorry for this since I was starting to like the game. Even spent some bucks on it. But right now there's no way I can continue like this. Mechs are easy to kill and the "Hp" system is not existent. There's so much to be done but we need to start with basics. A good foundation. If a weapon takes ** per shot, that's it. We can toy with abillities and ideas but the game needs to have some structure. I'm afraid it's a mess right now.

Apr 6, 2023, 05:3504/06/23
Apr 6, 2023, 05:35(edited)

Was actually a good game , with greedy assholes running it. NOW, the game itself is totally screwed. It IS WAR ROBOTS all over again. They even use some of the WR mechs.... so sad what unnecessary greed did to a good game. Oh well . Plarium, stick it

Apr 10, 2023, 00:2204/10/23
Apr 10, 2023, 00:24(edited)

Hi! The Common Mechs are still relevant for their Grade. The new matchmaking system is meant to pick up players with approximately similar Hangar power. In this way, it's up to a player which Mechs do they want to have in their Hangars

New matchmaking system with similiar hangar power? You're kidding right?! That's a lie with all the screenshots on your Discord server showing discrepancies up to 6k difference. 4 star rare mechs facing 6 star or maxed legendary mechs. Or sp droppers using 4 star epic mechs against 2 star newbie  mechs. Stop lying how matchmaking is anywhere close to fair...

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Apr 10, 2023, 12:5404/10/23

New matchmaking system with similiar hangar power? You're kidding right?! That's a lie with all the screenshots on your Discord server showing discrepancies up to 6k difference. 4 star rare mechs facing 6 star or maxed legendary mechs. Or sp droppers using 4 star epic mechs against 2 star newbie  mechs. Stop lying how matchmaking is anywhere close to fair...

The new matchmaking system requires some time to calibrate opponents well. It's still under development right now