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11 трав. 2022, 16:5611.05.22


The original author's spelling is retained.


The story of lars the Viking…. Pull up a chair and take a seat Walst I tell you the story about the almighty Lars. The adventures he has experienced and the battles he has fought to get to where he is now . Lars was out farming for his family one day. Another day but the same old chore, lars wanted more! As he was chopping up lumber he decided he was going to make a longship, he would take his family and the rest of his clan to a new island and start over. Little did lars know this would be the start to a great adventure. Months passed and finally lars had finished the ship. He set sail, after a few hours lars grew tiered and decided he wanted to rest along with the rest of the clan. They pulled up to the shore of Scandinavia, but what they found next they did not expect! A warrior of gloom appeared. The warrior said “ hault you shall not pass! If you wish to go any further you must all battle me one by one” In tern each clan member took on the warrior of gloom each and everyone one failing and being sent to Valhalla. Lars looked down at his feet anger growing inside him for his fallen friends, this only made him feel stronger and more powerful then ever . He rised his sword “you may have defeated my fellow clansmen but you will not find me as easy to defeat” with that he took the first strike. The warrior of gloom fell to the floor “ mighty warrior please spare me” lars stood tall above the once mighty warrior that had fallen before him “spare you like you spared those who came before me? I think not” and with one swift movement he defeated the warrior of gloom. With that A portal opened a bright light shined through lars walked towards the light. His adventures as a community manger was about to begin ….
