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New Gem/Rune sets need a improvement ASAP

New Gem/Rune sets need a improvement ASAP

27 листоп. 2023, 19:5027.11.23

New Gem/Rune sets need a improvement ASAP

Absolutely terrific we get new way how to automatically inlay gems and runes with sets. But this is a nightmare to manage or setup. 

I just tried to setup my offense and defense set for hero and shaman just to realize that I used some runes in the shaman set that I had in hero because they were displayed. Now they are obviously gone from my gear because they are in shaman.

This is a nightmare to figure out somehow which runes I am using and which note. Not to mention, if I want to manage/clean my rune inventory I have no idea which ones are being used and which not. 

Can you please add a icon indication that this rune/gem is being used in certain set? Or just gennerally its already inlaid somewhere?

