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Players with lower level towns, from level 1 through level 15

Players with lower level towns, from level 1 through level 15

1 трав. 2023, 09:5201.05.23

Players with lower level towns, from level 1 through level 15

I believe that the developers at Plarium Global Ltd. should provide a game map(s) or seperate kingdom(s) for players with lower level towns, from level 1 through level 15. That way this company will retain between 75 percent up to 85 percent of registered customers or players. To mix and include all these different levels into one game map is ridiculous. And also, these new game maps or kingdoms may place town levels according to a player's league.

1 трав. 2023, 11:3001.05.23
1 трав. 2023, 11:31(відредаговано)

Not pratical for clans with mixed abilities, even if it is programmable,and there's no guarantee that these playerrs would stay if it was implimented. Low level players already have their own events, and I can tell you I think the rewards are trivial.

Also  your distribution idea wouldn't work, as players would just move themselves, or do you envisage that ability being stopped? 

1 трав. 2023, 19:4601.05.23

Agree.... who would want to be stuck at the kiddie table for long? 1 to 15? Man, thats like.... what?, a day or two? lol

28 трав. 2023, 07:1728.05.23

No, what I propose is an excellent and brilliant idea for this company, Plarium Global Ltd. and players. First of all, there is no evidence that jarl players with towns level 1 to level 15 can compete with higher level jarl players. Also, the idea that lower level players earn less is Plarium Global Ltd.'s idea not mine. And I repeat to mix all these levels together is absolutely ridiculous. The idea of different level kingdoms bans bullies, predators on children and women, and it eliminates 95 percent of this company's problems.

28 трав. 2023, 11:2728.05.23

Plarium does not read this forum, MT.  Ideed apart from one or two of the Russian developers maintaining a dialogue with the two or three free spending clans Plarium has little or no contact with Vikings at all.  So brilliant or not do not hold your breathe for your idea to be implemented.

You make a fundamental mistake as to the competitive aspects of the game.  You are not in competition with players whose town and army is much bigger and more powerful than your own.  The existence of the Peace Treaty and the fact that you can spend 99.99% of the time shielded insulates you from those.  So you get to choose those with whom you compete.

As a member of a clan there is one situation where you (and your clan mates) must duck and dive to avoid interference from much larger players - that is in successfully running sieges.  Otherwise just ignore them.

20 черв. 2023, 13:4520.06.23

First of all, your talking to the player who helps implement changes for all of you. I forced Plarium Global Ltd. for years to make changes to this game. As a matter of fact, I would not waste my 'valuable' time posting for no apparent reason. You all should thank me for the idea of a 40th level town. My idea to Plarium months before they gave you that was to introduce 40th level to 100th level towns. Moreover, I remember exactly 'my' historical idea I sent them! And the reason why I gave that idea to this company was I play other Plarium online games that have 120th level centers!

20 черв. 2023, 17:2120.06.23

Hardly your idea to increase the available level of town, if they already did it on other games.

No Mr  egocentric.We should not thank you for  your unconfirmed efforts including Level 40.

Those that think like you may be grateful, but what about those that do not?

In some respects the top level of the palace available is not relevant,discounting the stupid new concept  intoductions  for the monied few,it is basically still the same game.

Farm, and kill if you can.

However,it is a detriment to any new player, who is faced with a 40 level gap instead of a 21 level gap. 

21 черв. 2023, 08:1121.06.23

I am not egocentric nor narcisstic , sir! As I have been called many foul names in my real life! So, calling me a foul name on a public social media is nothing new to me! You don't sway me with your swagger, sir! You want to romance the stone with novice players, and throw your 'swagger' down upon your unsuspecting victims in your bloody rampage on these blogs! But I am not going to tolerate your egotistical rampage on my blog posts when I am only trying to help novice play this expensive, long, and hard game!