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Asgard TowersAsgard Towers

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Asgard Towers

23 берез. 2023, 17:2623.03.23

Asgard Towers

Hello, I was just thinking about asgard and how it is difficult for most players who arnt in huge clans... I think if players could choose to defend towers with asgard sentinals, it would atleast give a way for smaller clans/players to get some kills during asgard.

can even make it so either anyone can help the sentinals guard tower at same time or once a clan joins in defending then no other clan can.

Just a thought =) 

6 квіт. 2023, 14:2706.04.23

In my opinion, to make Asgard a whole lot of fun for everyone, not just the big players in big clans is to run  "Mini" League-only games. That way, if your clan is in the League of Masters, you ONLY play against other clans in that same League. League of Odin plays Odin and so on and so forth. That would make it fair for ALL players.


  • It should eliminate the horrific lag of waiting 10-20 seconds for each march to "battle" simply by reducing the load on the server by having fewer players in the game
  • More engagement - smaller players and clans would actually participate more knowing there was a chance of scoring and an ability to actually hold a tower would encourage them to train, upgrade knowledge, etc. 
  • More Fighting in Towns - imagine knowing that every town in that Mini Asgard was a town a player could match with and battle. 
  • Bring the excitement back to the game. Far too many players I know personally don't even attempt Asgard. It is not worth it. The cost outways the rewards. And for the smaller player there is absolutely no reward to participate in Asgard at all.
  • Help the game progress as well as the players. The only way to become or remain strong is to gain the Asgard town skins. Currently, with how the game is set up, those town skins are not obtainable.

I am in a small/medium-sized clan. We all have maxed out our knowledge, regular gear, town etc... We all are around the 3-5T influence size and we all spend hundreds of dollars a month to play. But how this game is set up now, in order for us to continue to grow requires the town skins that are only available by playing Asgard. We cannot compete. So it is just a matter of time before we will be forced to leave the clan (where we all have given so much in resources, boosts, time, and effort to build), remain mediocre, or quit the game.

Just my two cents... Thanks

7 квіт. 2023, 13:3607.04.23

Is only what for great Clans and eliminate Plariums poor Lag and Bug Server. Smaler Clans cant take a level one Tower. All great Clans attack from Level 2 to level one. The game is becoming less and less fun.

75% to fill the new bigger attacks is also a flop 

Blocking that level 2 Towers is no longer attacked on level 1 Towers and again one  problem less.

Back to the old Attack filling