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Chest of Loki

Chest of Loki

24 жовт. 2018, 04:4124.10.18

Chest of Loki


Time is passing by, players are growing and the rewards from chest of loki are becoming "funny".

Could it be something like loyalty scheme? The bigger the player means the more time/money spent in game and chest of loki could reward accordingly? You have to admit that at some point say 10B player is getting 30k iron for example from it. At that player's lvl it's actually nothing and it looks ridiculous. I don't even know if even bigger players bother to open it :) It would be great idea if those rewards were more adequate don't you think? 

25 жовт. 2018, 14:3425.10.18

Who knows what those big players might see if they bother to open Loki's chest.  

In some competitions ( did it used to be all??) you do get 5 points for opening it ,that could be just enough to tip you over a check point. 

I have been playing long enough to know, that the contents do improve as you advance in the game.It might be interesting to know if the parity was maintained ,or changed.

Do you find the improvement insignificant? 

26 жовт. 2018, 08:3026.10.18
I'm nearly 20B and just opened the chest. Guess what it gave me....  21k of iron. Not sure what will I do with it :)
26 жовт. 2018, 15:1926.10.18
26 жовт. 2018, 15:42(відредаговано)

I think the answer must be no then.

Would hiding it from advanced players  solve the problem?

What would you need to make you want to keep opening it ?


Maybe Loki's chest is only a bit of fun and bait,and is only of importance early in the game for complete novices, and non spenders.

 Its not only Loki's chest  that declines in importance,or becomes redundant, eventually you don't need Hero 's experience equipment ,nor many of the other pieces like Guardsman, if you no longer need to attack invaders,as there is no use for the materials dropping,nor the insignificant amount of resources they contain.

Nor the boosts you get from competitions, or any resources, as all the building and research is done.

26 жовт. 2018, 17:4326.10.18

All I'm saying it could reward players accordingly to their lvl. Plarium keeps draining money from us introducing new updates (Valyries Citadel / AES) and try to make us spend more. In my opinion they should give us something too. Chest of loki could be an example of "loyalty reward". The bigger you are the more valued "customer" you are and Plarium could appreciate this by providing better rewards from it instead of pathetic 20k of iron or similar. 

Maybe on your lvl it's something but for me and many others it's nothing.Things will never change because of people like you who say "everything's fine, I don't need much, I'm good"

27 жовт. 2018, 01:0727.10.18

Often when things are not going according to plan, i.e.not making enough money, companies will often change things and say" we did surveys its what the population asked for" .. unfortunately it often isn't ,because they ask the questions in such a way that they get the answers that they wanted.

The company is surprised that the profits go down and they repeat the same exercise .

This game seems to be following the same trend. 

There used to be a marketing strategy  which said sell cheaply to a lot of customers  rather than expensively to a few.

Perhaps there is some of that going on , or off as well.

Seems I also made an error. 

It wasn't my intention to imply I was happy with the contents of Loki's chest,or that I am happy with the way the game is, because I am not.

Certainly posting about something can be useful,  but getting them to do something different is another matter.

4 листоп. 2018, 16:4104.11.18
Baban said:


Time is passing by, players are growing and the rewards from chest of loki are becoming "funny".

Could it be something like loyalty scheme? The bigger the player means the more time/money spent in game and chest of loki could reward accordingly? You have to admit that at some point say 10B player is getting 30k iron for example from it. At that player's lvl it's actually nothing and it looks ridiculous. I don't even know if even bigger players bother to open it :) It would be great idea if those rewards were more adequate don't you think? 

I 100% agree with you Baban in fact in some cases the chest gets worse at higher levels, When I first began playing this game the chest would gift me 8 hour 24 hour and 3 day shields which saved me gold I never receive piece shields anymore the gifts are a joke like 100 hero energy why not 500 or a 1000 hero energy or how about some shaman energy, The material you receive from the chest is also a joke it is never higher than simple the only useful thing for me is the warriors drafts as you never receive them in events and sometimes I get 2k to 3k of gold if I'm lucky .
4 листоп. 2018, 17:0004.11.18

Maybe, as I said before, its really only of interest to people who are just starting, and a bit of fun, and to grab your enthusiasm.

You maybe right that things don't improve  or even get worse as you progress, but as you progress anything is going to be off less consequence.

At the start you are likely to be attacking players of your own level, yielding from level  one tiles, then you find its not worth the time. 

Also we don't  know if they tweaked the contents since you started and no one gets shields now.

Since shamans is a newer introduction, it may not be just as simple as adding them to the list of things that can drop.

6 листоп. 2018, 19:1506.11.18

Come on XYZ, why are you defending Plarium? Do you work for them ?

We (players) spend huge amount of money on this game. Some spend more some spend less. We all grow and as you grow you spend more. Plarium earned a lot of money on us so they could reward their cusomers somehow. We deserve that. Chest of Loki could be great option of rewarding. I'm not asking for huge rewards but please be serious.... 20k iron or simple material or simple gem for say 10b+ player? Pathetic.

It's obvious the bigger player = the more money spent. Plarium instead of being greedy by every occasion introducing new updates that actually require more money could give something from themselves. That could encourage players to grow for better rewards.
6 листоп. 2018, 21:2806.11.18

I am not defending them, and I do not work for them. 

9 листоп. 2018, 16:1809.11.18
xyz said:

Maybe, as I said before, its really only of interest to people who are just starting, and a bit of fun, and to grab your enthusiasm.

You maybe right that things don't improve  or even get worse as you progress, but as you progress anything is going to be off less consequence.

At the start you are likely to be attacking players of your own level, yielding from level  one tiles, then you find its not worth the time. 

Also we don't  know if they tweaked the contents since you started and no one gets shields now.

Since shamans is a newer introduction, it may not be just as simple as adding them to the list of things that can drop.

Hi have recently created a new account which is only level 5 for hyper farming lumber and I keep getting piece shields from loki so I guess you only get the shields from loki when your town is still low level.
10 листоп. 2018, 02:3410.11.18
10 листоп. 2018, 02:37(відредаговано)

Baban said:

We (players) spend huge amount of money on this game. Some spend more some spend less. We all grow and as you grow you spend more. Plarium earned a lot of money on us so they could reward their cusomers somehow. We deserve that. Chest of Loki could be great option of rewarding. I'm not asking for huge rewards but please be serious.... 20k iron or simple material or simple gem for say 10b+ player? Pathetic.

It's obvious the bigger player = the more money spent. Plarium instead of being greedy by every occasion introducing new updates that actually require more money could give something from themselves. That could encourage players to grow for better rewards.

Well said and much agreed. The chest of Loki should reflect a player's VIP level, at least. Influence fluctuates and player level doesn't necessarily reflect their commitment to the game, but VIP level provides a pretty solid reference for how much time and/or money a person has put into the game. VIP level could be used to figure out how much that cheapskate, Loki, has gotta give to change the annoying chest icon in the corner back into a desirable feature that people are actually grateful for. As VIP goes up, they could give Millions of resources instead of just handfuls and materials/gems of higher grades to start with. They could also add in more than the occasional peace shield, guard payoff, larger boosts and better bonuses... All of these things would be good. 

However, I don't think you should knock them too harshly for adding more buildings. New features are just as important as improving the old ones. Given that the new buildings are created, most likely, to appease the players that are nearly done with their towns and would otherwise lose interest in the game causing Plarium to lose long time patrons, they did well to present these new features and even managed to do it without too many function issues-so far. Hopefully they recognize the increased demand they created with these additions and can focus on serving those players that are still growing and are now facing an even larger mountain to climb before we all decide it's impossible and quit playing. Most people don't want to spend money on or put time into a game that they have no chance of succeeding in... Being the money oriented developers they are, I expect Plarium is already working on some way to make their biggest spending group-those with most of their growth still ahead of them-happy again. I'm almost positive. -_-