Deleted25 січ. 2017, 21:1625.01.170Event tasksWhen you corrected the events not appearing my tasks got zeroed out! I know I had 950 points cuz I have mail that shows I completed the second group!
Echo25 січ. 2017, 22:0125.01.1725 січ. 2017, 22:01(відредаговано)14.06.14101my event on clan task messed up to I had over 2k points I got all the rewards and it started me over
Deleted25 січ. 2017, 22:2425.01.171My Personal Task Completion rest! 😠 I, literally, turned it over 400 task efreshers that I purchased with REAL MONEY last night. I was #1 and by a HUGE margin and now...nothing. Wth? What will be done about this????? I am MOT
Deleted27 січ. 2017, 22:4827.01.173Lust for Power- Clan Event The #2 ranked clan shows they don't exist. [Vesa] Vesashi - Skerteleiv kingdom