I'm not saying that something bad happened, but I cannot understand what .
You say Casper the Ghost (telling name !) hit you, on 3 tiles.
If these 3 tiles where far apart Its possible by the time you looked the player had teleported away.If indeed this is what happened, as players can also attack tiles from a distance so you dont realise you are being targeted.
This is also conradictory beause you say you were hit,but theres no report, if there was no report,why did you look ?
Of course if the survivors returned home . you might wonder why, but if there is no report how do you know it was Casper who did it ?
By " there was no report" , do you mean you didnt get a warning that you were being attacked?
Pretty sure that you only get a warning if the towns being attacked.
You might have little reaction time but if you see tracks heading towards you on the map, withdraw your troops, you can also send a smaller number of troops so you do not get mauled.