Are strongholds a private property?
Plarium does not care about justice. Plarium cares about money-making.
Still, the status of the strongholds built with time, ressources and actual money by a large gathering of members raises a problem of justice.
What happens when a so-called chief leaves the game without a warning, letting his whole teammates down? What happens when the chief is just a dictator, and throws all his clanmates out when they just try to resist to his will?
What happens when two clans merge, but the clan that joins the other stronghold tries to keep its former SH under the control of a farm... and the owner of that farm leaves the game?
We all know the answer: the clanmates are all abused. They've lost what they've built and paid for. In Plarium's world, this is called a rule. In real life, this is called abuse, exploitation and theft.
Even in the Middle-Age, when a lord tended to be abusive, the ordinary subjects could revolt against him and often, in such cases, the lord didn't survive.
Plarium should definitely find a less violent way to settle disputes. That solution would be to authorize any member of a clan to organize a referendum about their chief. If a clear majority wants the chief to be removed, then he's replaced by the member of their choice. If the majority supports the chief, then referendums can't be organized once again for a while.
Plarium loves money. So it should really think about that - trials are expansive...