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Cannot move around on the screens without the screen ripping

Cannot move around on the screens without the screen ripping

22 січ. 2019, 14:3922.01.19

Cannot move around on the screens without the screen ripping

Does anyone else have this issue:  I try to move around the town screen or the map and when I grab to move instead of it grabbing the screen to move it grabs the whole screen and rips it.  This makes it very difficult to maneuver.

I have latest video drivers, updated system.  Playing in Microsoft Edge like always.  This only seems to be an issue the last week or so.
22 січ. 2019, 21:0122.01.19
Presently no. but I have seen it.
6 трав. 2020, 18:2506.05.20
I have the same problem. after one click & hold to navigate any subsequent click & holds move the screen rather than the map. i'm thinking it has something to do with either the game or systems thinking there are multiple displays attached as this is what happens when you want to move a screen to another monitor. the only workaround i have found is to lick a tile and close it then you can navigate for 1 click & hold. this is not satisfactory as it makes the game nearly unplayable, but it works for me.  maybe they will actually address this issue as many people are having it and posting about it under various thread name.
6 трав. 2020, 19:1806.05.20
Mostly I have that problem with the explorer browser.