kingdom's battles - matching opposing kingdoms
Why does it appear to be so difficult to match kingdoms in battles to create a competitive event?
Our current kb matched 2 kingdoms both with 20 previous KBs. One kd had lost 1 out of 20 and has an active clan with half their kds influence, the other has lost 15 out if 20 and the biggest clan has about 15% of the kd influence.
It's a total mismatch. Within 2 hours the EK have captured our POP and its game over. Another wasted event because Plarium either can't understand how events work or just want to persist in spoonfeeding big clans.
If people win all the time matching them with people who rarely win doesn't create a good game. You have a lot of measures (past results, clan performance ratings, active influence) yet can't seem to achieve anything other than saying 2 kds have similar influence therefore that will make a good match.