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What's the trick ? What's the secret?

What's the trick ? What's the secret?

15 груд. 2021, 01:1315.12.21

What's the trick ? What's the secret?

How do you get 500 legendary tasks done every day?

15 груд. 2021, 06:1415.12.21

spend a truckload of money

15 груд. 2021, 15:5015.12.21
15 груд. 2021, 15:50(відредаговано)

It is particularly difficult just now as tasks is glitched.  I did 100 and got zero legendary, another hundred which showed 100 legendary and a thid one hundred when again zero legendary were credited.

I doubt those results are a true reflection of the three hundred task completions.

Anyway I stopped and will wait to burn any more until (if ever) the glitches introduced by the update are sorted out.

16 груд. 2021, 16:3716.12.21

You do have to spend a bit of cash money to get enough Tasks saved up to get 500 Legendary Tasks. The other part of that equation is vip level. After a certain level you can do 100 tasks at a time. A few of those usually do the trick. 

16 груд. 2021, 22:0316.12.21

Though the subject of the topic is important, the question was somewhat rhetoric.

Obviously if you have lots of tasks there is a greater chance to find enough legendary , but how  many are needed to get 500 per day everyday?

I seldom saw enough to get the previous ask.     

Maybe there is a trick,maybe the tasks are not so random, but 500 per day seems way out of possibilty and extreme .

It's not something that appears to be doable for free and the reward seems to be much less than it might cost even if it can be done.

19 груд. 2021, 08:5119.12.21
19 груд. 2021, 09:19(відредаговано)

My daily reward for loyalty to-day (day 8) contains 2,600 Premium Task Refreshers and 950 Clan Task Refreshers.   The reward for visiting the bank contained a further 550 Premium Task Refreshers.

19 груд. 2021, 17:4919.12.21
20 груд. 2021, 02:42(відредаговано)

My daily reward for loyalty to-day (day 8) contains 2,600 Premium Task Refreshers and 950 Clan Task Refreshers.   The reward for visiting the bank contained a further 550 Premium Task Refreshers.

I now see that they changed the daily gifts, taking out many of what might have been more useful,  and replacing them with  perhaps less than useful items, including task refreshers.

These are only useful if you can turn them into legendary tasks, and get 500 of them in one day,which is the question I thought I had asked, rather than the one you appeared to have answered.

Clearly you are getting  many more than I will, which raises the second point.

It is unfair to ask low level palace accounts to get the same number as higher level palace accounts, plus, we are still taking about 500 every day, and we are not getting 500 a day even if they all turned out to be legendary.

Which from experience is unlikely , unless something else is  yet to be discovered. 

After posting  the above  I went back to the game and  totalled all the clan refreshers given in the new loyalty rewards over the 30 days.

Yes I appreciate 500 refreshes is not the same as 500 tasks.

 However I am still not convinced there are enough to guarantee 500 legendary per day, success only gives 10 points, and that there is enough payback from the rewards, if all levels are completed, which is necessary under the new system.

If every refresh  gave one legendary  total needed would be 500 x 30 .

I already dont get one legendary  per refresh, and they are not giving me the equivalent 500 refreshes  per day. 

19 груд. 2021, 17:5419.12.21

You do have to spend a bit of cash money to get enough Tasks saved up to get 500 Legendary Tasks. The other part of that equation is vip level. After a certain level you can do 100 tasks at a time. A few of those usually do the trick. 

As I tried to say elsewhere, it's not really about how fast you can do them, but many tasks  in total does it take to get 500 legendary,  and do this every day?

22 груд. 2021, 16:0822.12.21

As I tried to say elsewhere, it's not really about how fast you can do them, but many tasks  in total does it take to get 500 legendary,  and do this every day?

Yes, but both the concepts are tied together. You WON'T get 500 legendary done without doing them quickly. You need both volume (number of Tasks available) and speed. It would do no good at all if you had 2mil Tasks to use but had to do them one by one. The fact that you are even getting this checkpoint pretty much tell's us you've been playing for a while. As such you should know that Plarium doesn't make anything easy. lol. Well, easier ;D

I suggest you (a) stock up on Tasks from the Bank/Subscriptions and (b) get your vip level up enough to do all 3 catagories 100 at a time. It truly takes less than 3 minutes to get 500 Legendary Tasks finished in this way.

22 груд. 2021, 18:3722.12.21
22 груд. 2021, 18:53(відредаговано)

Yes, but both the concepts are tied together. You WON'T get 500 legendary done without doing them quickly. You need both volume (number of Tasks available) and speed. It would do no good at all if you had 2mil Tasks to use but had to do them one by one. The fact that you are even getting this checkpoint pretty much tell's us you've been playing for a while. As such you should know that Plarium doesn't make anything easy. lol. Well, easier ;D

I suggest you (a) stock up on Tasks from the Bank/Subscriptions and (b) get your vip level up enough to do all 3 catagories 100 at a time. It truly takes less than 3 minutes to get 500 Legendary Tasks finished in this way.

I came back here to reply to your interesting response.

I see you point about them(speed & amount) being tied together,but this is irrelevant unless you get enough to do 500 per day.

Further to this, it doesnt matter how fast you can do them, or how many reserves there are, if they do not produce 500 legendary, which would seem they won't.

I do not get many legendary from the 'free'every 6 hour refreshes, and on a few occasions when a complete an 'x'(small number) legendary tasks has come up, mostly fail to do so, even after burning through a few reserves,which I did again recently because of the new change and posts in this thread.

Also it doesn't, shouldnt matter how long I have been playing and by the same token, I shouldnt be getting the 500 task, if I can't do it.

I could be wrong here, but from past experience, believed each player is getting the 500 legendary task quest, irrespective of any progress  made in the game.

Also likewise, if it (500) can only be done by fast completion from extensive stocks and this option is unavailable.

The new 'free' task refreshers do not furnish enough in 30 days to cover 30 days.

I am fully aware they do not make things easy , its getting worse, and in many cases impossible to achieve.

It shouldnt be necessary to buy enough refreshers to do the 500 legendary tasks, nor to buy enough VIP points to get it high enough to speed burn. I checked to see what level is needed and it starts at 31.(no where near it.)

A player might as well just go to the bank and buy rewards directly, at least they would be guaranteed, the 500 legendary isn't, and it only gives 10 points, and the  rewards from the daily quests are paultry. Like a lot of the game now, not much to do, and a lot of time spent doing what is open, for little to no reward.

23 груд. 2021, 10:1623.12.21
23 груд. 2021, 10:51(відредаговано)

In addition, the combination of daily quests is particularly nasty. There are 6 quests, one of which is the above-mentioned 500 legendary tasks, which is almost impossible to accomplish. Another is the fulfillment of 5 daily quests, since there are only 6 in total, you also have to complete the 500 legendary tasks for this.

This means that realistically only 4 quests can be solved and a maximum of 70 points can be achieved.  

Before the last update it was better, because the fulfillment of the weekly and monthly quests was added to the daily quests. Therefore it was much more exciting and a strategic decision as to when a weekly or monthly quest was fulfilled.  But, as I said, this was stopped with the last update.  

Another quest is to kill a certain number of certain invaders. There are 10 points for this, and 20 points for each of the remaining 3 quests. Since there are bonuses for reaching 20, 40, 60 and 70 points, this quest is only worthwhile if the other 3 quests are also completed, otherwise the 10 points earned will expire anyway.  

23 груд. 2021, 11:0823.12.21

I too was disappointed in the change and could not see how it was going to be achievable (I am palace level 27) but by the end of each day I had gained several thousand new tasks (I do not know from where but probably the daily free rewards as suggested above) and clicking 3-4,000 tasks (preferably 100 tasks per click, ie 30 - 40 clicks)  was enough to get the 500 legendary tasks. I am guessing Plarium made the change because the rewards from each task was hardly worth the bother once players get above level 30 (and everyone seems so keen to get above level 30). 

I have been hitting a lot of ghosts and invaders lately and they also provide tasks as an item.

23 груд. 2021, 12:2623.12.21
24 груд. 2021, 10:14(відредаговано)

I had run task list refreshers down prior to the change and had only a handful in each category.  Looking now I have eight and a half thousand, nine and a half thousand and twelve thousand;  that after completing one of the 500 legendary task daily quests which I think took the completion of five hundred lists (each of about 20 tasks).

Most of the refreshers come from daily rewards for loyalty - the second, fourth, eleventh for example.  The numbers go up (by varying amounts for each category) and reach 2,050 on day 19.  I am not sure if the daily loyalty reward is linked to Palace size or influence or whatever.

P.S.  It seems the daily loyalty rewards vary, with Palace size I imagine or perhaps influence or League.  Also the dice roll for task completions is very wide - yesterday I did another 500 Legendary quest (there was a Tasks event running) and it took 2000 lists to complete (compared to 500 on the previous occasion referred to above).

24 груд. 2021, 10:4224.12.21

the number of tasks seems to vary, one just now was 1,500 tasks (15 clicks of 100) and another was just 9 clicks - 900 tasks to get the 500 legendry items.

24 груд. 2021, 11:1624.12.21

This Quest discourages players with low VIP levels. You need to have VIP level up to 31 to do multiples of 100 on Personal, lvl 32 to be able to do Premium as well and lvl 33 to do all 3 categories of Task.

1 січ. 2022, 17:5301.01.22

Then in keeping with my points.

If it discourages players with low level VIP, and you need to at least VIP 31 preferably 33, then it shouldn't be listing and expecting players at low levels to do the 500 legendary/day task.

Particularly as its a 24hr task and only worth 10 points and as Oedi pointed out,it's not even worth doing as its a waste of points unless you can get  3 other tasks done.

1 січ. 2022, 21:3701.01.22

With single task completion achieving 5 takes long enough never mind 50 or 500.

I suggest the developers need to set up a new account each and try some of these things.

26 січ. 2023, 11:4426.01.23

i also want to know that trick

31 січ. 2023, 15:2531.01.23
31 січ. 2023, 15:37(відредаговано)

Just need high vip level to complete 100+ task refresher at once. You get like 4000 task refreshers a day from northern brotherhood or you can buy a big megaback that includes hundreds of thousands refreshers for ~10 $/€ if you have above lvl 21 palace and haven't bought anything in over a month. Clan events can also give you quite many depending on the size and activity of the clan is.

How it works is that if the first task you refresh to has a legendary, rest of the autocomplete ones will be legendary too, so you will need between 1000-6000 refreshers each day to complete it.

Do I think it is scummy design? Yes, but if you spend money you can get around it. It just ain't F2P game.

31 січ. 2023, 19:2031.01.23
1 лют. 2023, 10:43(відредаговано)

I don;t spend money and have always been able to complete the 500 legendary task.  Currently I have around 140k refreshers in each category.

I have not kept close track of where the refreshers come from but certainly some come from the daily loyalty award and some from the daily bonus given for visiting the Bank, of course quite a number are also available from hitting Ubers.

31 січ. 2023, 21:2031.01.23
31 січ. 2023, 21:21(відредаговано)

I sometimes   "buy" a heap from the clan store but my best method is to wait until near the end of the day (to claim the tasks offered during the day) and meantime hit several high level invaders  for their task rewards a few hours before attempting the daily task. It sounds odd but these seem to give many more of the legendary tasks needed to complete the 500 legendary daily task. I.e two or three clicks (2-3000 tasks) as opposed to 5-9000 (or more) "bought" tasks.