I suspect that plarium could introduce gifts without spoiling their market. The donor could purchase gift packs at the pack prices currently available to the donee. Some work would be needed to ensure that multiple gifts sent at the same time suffered the same price hike as would apply were the donee to buy the same number of packs. And there would be an issue as to whether the donee's prices should be affected. It would be irritating for someone wairing to buy at lower prices to find that their purchase prices had been re-set by a gift. But that could be met by allowing people to bar receiving gifts for a time.
I imagine plarium think that something of that kind would be insufficiently popular to justify the work required to introduce it.
I think that something similar to this has been suggested before,perhaps by yourself.
Though you think it might be workable it would still be open to abuse.
One of the obvious problems is the complete lack of openess about the pack system,and that not everyone sees the same offers.
Though no doubt I will l be aware that they exist,I am not expecting to see a Thanksgiving offer on this account, as I have not seen the special event offers for a long time, I bought the last one offered to me ages ago.