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as reminder of tschoff

as reminder of tschoff

2 лип. 2018, 21:1802.07.18

as reminder of tschoff

i have a question. our clan member tschoff has unfortunately dies. we would like to keep his memory and keep him with us. would it be possible that he receives infinite protection? i ask because i know it from other games that in such a case the support helps. thank you. in memerioam tschoff, we never forget you

Clan: GermanBattleGround

World: Biffurford

thank you to everyone who keeps his memory and does not attack him.

Sealiah von Greiff
3 лип. 2018, 07:2403.07.18

Hello, FRANCESAMAIL! The Plarium team wishes to offer our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the departed Jarl.  

But, unfortunately, according to the game rules, it's impossible to give infinite protection. 

8 лип. 2018, 05:1308.07.18
8 лип. 2018, 05:14(відредаговано)

Erna Fiery said:

Hello, FRANCESAMAIL! The Plarium team wishes to offer our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the departed Jarl.  

But, unfortunately, according to the game rules, it's impossible to give infinite protection. 

Cant they allow something that enables no hitting option to that player. I mean make that town exception in doing military operation. This can be helpful when server goes down and players are out of options to log in and whole kingdom cannot do military stuff. This can be a good control regulation for many different opportunities and it can save you from a lot of troubles. Tho i understand that setting such regulations is difficult but in future it may have many applications for game developers to use.

My deepest condolences for your buddy FRANCESAMAIL. Hope your kingdom agrees to no attack pact you have. May he rest in peace.